""" This module provides a @concurrent decorator primitive to offload computations from mitmproxy's main master thread. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import threading class ReplyProxy(object): def __init__(self, original_reply, script_thread): self.original_reply = original_reply self.script_thread = script_thread self._ignore_call = True self.lock = threading.Lock() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): with self.lock: if self._ignore_call: self.script_thread.start() self._ignore_call = False return self.original_reply(*args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, k): return getattr(self.original_reply, k) def _handle_concurrent_reply(fn, o, *args, **kwargs): # Make first call to o.reply a no op and start the script thread. # We must not start the script thread before, as this may lead to a nasty race condition # where the script thread replies a different response before the normal reply, which then gets swallowed. def run(): fn(*args, **kwargs) # If the script did not call .reply(), we have to do it now. reply_proxy() script_thread = ScriptThread(target=run) reply_proxy = ReplyProxy(o.reply, script_thread) o.reply = reply_proxy class ScriptThread(threading.Thread): name = "ScriptThread" def concurrent(fn): if fn.func_name in ( "request", "response", "error", "clientconnect", "serverconnect", "clientdisconnect", "next_layer"): def _concurrent(ctx, obj): _handle_concurrent_reply(fn, obj, ctx, obj) return _concurrent raise NotImplementedError( "Concurrent decorator not supported for '%s' method." % fn.func_name)