import typing from mitmproxy import flow from mitmproxy import exceptions from mitmproxy.http import HTTPFlow, HTTPResponse, HTTPRequest from mitmproxy.certs import Cert from mitmproxy.connections import ClientConnection, ServerConnection from import http_pb2 def _move_attrs(s_obj, d_obj, attrs): for attr in attrs: if not isinstance(d_obj, dict): if hasattr(s_obj, attr) and getattr(s_obj, attr) is not None: setattr(d_obj, attr, getattr(s_obj, attr)) else: if hasattr(s_obj, attr) and getattr(s_obj, attr) is not None: # ugly fix to set None in empty str or bytes fields if getattr(s_obj, attr) == "" or getattr(s_obj, attr) == b"": d_obj[attr] = None else: d_obj[attr] = getattr(s_obj, attr) def _dump_http_response(res: HTTPResponse) -> http_pb2.HTTPResponse: pres = http_pb2.HTTPResponse() _move_attrs(res, pres, ['http_version', 'status_code', 'reason', 'content', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_end', 'is_replay']) if res.headers: for h in res.headers.fields: header = pres.headers.add() = h[0] header.value = h[1] return pres def _dump_http_request(req: HTTPRequest) -> http_pb2.HTTPRequest: preq = http_pb2.HTTPRequest() _move_attrs(req, preq, ['first_line_format', 'method', 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'http_version', 'content', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_end', 'is_replay']) if req.headers: for h in req.headers.fields: header = preq.headers.add() = h[0] header.value = h[1] return preq def _dump_http_client_conn(cc: ClientConnection) -> http_pb2.ClientConnection: pcc = http_pb2.ClientConnection() _move_attrs(cc, pcc, ['id', 'tls_established', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_tls_setup', 'timestamp_end', 'sni', 'cipher_name', 'alpn_proto_negotiated', 'tls_version']) for cert in ['clientcert', 'mitmcert']: if hasattr(cc, cert) and getattr(cc, cert) is not None: setattr(pcc, cert, getattr(cc, cert).to_pem()) if cc.tls_extensions: for extension in cc.tls_extensions: ext = pcc.tls_extensions.add() = extension[0] ext.bytes = extension[1] if cc.address: = cc.address[0] pcc.address.port = cc.address[1] return pcc def _dump_http_server_conn(sc: ServerConnection) -> http_pb2.ServerConnection: psc = http_pb2.ServerConnection() _move_attrs(sc, psc, ['id', 'tls_established', 'sni', 'alpn_proto_negotiated', 'tls_version', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_tcp_setup', 'timestamp_tls_setup', 'timestamp_end']) for addr in ['address', 'ip_address', 'source_address']: if hasattr(sc, addr) and getattr(sc, addr) is not None: getattr(psc, addr).host = getattr(sc, addr)[0] getattr(psc, addr).port = getattr(sc, addr)[1] if sc.cert: psc.cert = sc.cert.to_pem() if sc.via: psc.via.MergeFrom(_dump_http_server_conn(sc.via)) return psc def _dump_http_error(e: flow.Error) -> http_pb2.HTTPError: pe = http_pb2.HTTPError() for attr in ['msg', 'timestamp']: if hasattr(e, attr) and getattr(e, attr) is not None: setattr(pe, attr, getattr(e, attr)) return pe def dump_http(f: flow.Flow) -> http_pb2.HTTPFlow: pf = http_pb2.HTTPFlow() for p in ['request', 'response', 'client_conn', 'server_conn', 'error']: if hasattr(f, p) and getattr(f, p): getattr(pf, p).MergeFrom(eval(f"_dump_http_{p}")(getattr(f, p))) _move_attrs(f, pf, ['intercepted', 'marked', 'mode', 'id']) return pf def dumps(f: flow.Flow) -> bytes: if f.type != "http": raise exceptions.TypeError("Flow types different than HTTP not supported yet!") else: p = dump_http(f) return p.SerializeToString() def _load_http_request(o: http_pb2.HTTPRequest) -> HTTPRequest: d: dict = {} _move_attrs(o, d, ['first_line_format', 'method', 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'http_version', 'content', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_end', 'is_replay']) if d['content'] is None: d['content'] = b"" d["headers"] = [] for header in o.headers: d["headers"].append((bytes(, "utf-8"), bytes(header.value, "utf-8"))) return HTTPRequest(**d) def _load_http_response(o: http_pb2.HTTPResponse) -> HTTPResponse: d: dict = {} _move_attrs(o, d, ['http_version', 'status_code', 'reason', 'content', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_end', 'is_replay']) if d['content'] is None: d['content'] = b"" d["headers"] = [] for header in o.headers: d["headers"].append((bytes(, "utf-8"), bytes(header.value, "utf-8"))) return HTTPResponse(**d) def _load_http_client_conn(o: http_pb2.ClientConnection) -> ClientConnection: d: dict = {} _move_attrs(o, d, ['id', 'tls_established', 'sni', 'cipher_name', 'alpn_proto_negotiated', 'tls_version', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_tcp_setup', 'timestamp_tls_setup', 'timestamp_end']) for cert in ['clientcert', 'mitmcert']: if hasattr(o, cert) and getattr(o, cert): d[cert] = Cert.from_pem(getattr(o, cert)) if o.tls_extensions: d['tls_extensions'] = [] for extension in o.tls_extensions: d['tls_extensions'].append((, extension.bytes)) if o.address: d['address'] = (, o.address.port) cc = ClientConnection(None, tuple(), None) for k, v in d.items(): setattr(cc, k, v) return cc def _load_http_server_conn(o: http_pb2.ServerConnection) -> ServerConnection: d: dict = {} _move_attrs(o, d, ['id', 'tls_established', 'sni', 'alpn_proto_negotiated', 'tls_version', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_tcp_setup', 'timestamp_tls_setup', 'timestamp_end']) for addr in ['address', 'ip_address', 'source_address']: if hasattr(o, addr): d[addr] = (getattr(o, addr).host, getattr(o, addr).port) if o.cert: c = Cert.from_pem(o.cert) d['cert'] = c if o.HasField('via'): d['via'] = _load_http_server_conn(o.via) sc = ServerConnection(tuple()) for k, v in d.items(): setattr(sc, k, v) return sc def _load_http_error(o: http_pb2.HTTPError) -> typing.Optional[flow.Error]: d = {} for m in ['msg', 'timestamp']: if hasattr(o, m) and getattr(o, m): d[m] = getattr(o, m) return None if not d else flow.Error(**d) def load_http(hf: http_pb2.HTTPFlow) -> HTTPFlow: parts = {} for p in ['request', 'response', 'client_conn', 'server_conn', 'error']: if hf.HasField(p): parts[p] = eval(f"_load_http_{p}")(getattr(hf, p)) else: parts[p] = None _move_attrs(hf, parts, ['intercepted', 'marked', 'mode', 'id']) f = HTTPFlow(ClientConnection(None, tuple(), None), ServerConnection(tuple())) for k, v in parts.items(): setattr(f, k, v) return f def loads(b: bytes, typ="http") -> typing.Union[HTTPFlow]: if typ != 'http': raise exceptions.TypeError("Flow types different than HTTP not supported yet!") else: p = http_pb2.HTTPFlow() p.ParseFromString(b) return load_http(p)