""" The following operators are understood: ~q Request ~s Response Headers: Patterns are matched against "name: value" strings. Field names are all-lowercase. ~a Asset content-type in response. Asset content types are: text/javascript application/x-javascript application/javascript text/css image/* application/x-shockwave-flash ~h rex Header line in either request or response ~hq rex Header in request ~hs rex Header in response ~b rex Expression in the body of either request or response ~bq rex Expression in the body of request ~bq rex Expression in the body of response ~t rex Shortcut for content-type header. ~d rex Request domain ~m rex Method ~u rex URL ~c CODE Response code. rex Equivalent to ~u rex """ import re import sys import functools from mitmproxy import http from mitmproxy import websocket from mitmproxy import tcp from mitmproxy import flow from mitmproxy.utils import strutils import pyparsing as pp from typing import Callable def only(*types): def decorator(fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def filter_types(self, flow): if isinstance(flow, types): return fn(self, flow) return False return filter_types return decorator class _Token: def dump(self, indent=0, fp=sys.stdout): print("{spacing}{name}{expr}".format( spacing="\t" * indent, name=self.__class__.__name__, expr=getattr(self, "expr", "") ), file=fp) class _Action(_Token): @classmethod def make(klass, s, loc, toks): return klass(*toks[1:]) class FErr(_Action): code = "e" help = "Match error" def __call__(self, f): return True if f.error else False class FMarked(_Action): code = "marked" help = "Match marked flows" def __call__(self, f): return f.marked class FHTTP(_Action): code = "http" help = "Match HTTP flows" @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): return True class FWebSocket(_Action): code = "websocket" help = "Match WebSocket flows" @only(websocket.WebSocketFlow) def __call__(self, f): return True class FTCP(_Action): code = "tcp" help = "Match TCP flows" @only(tcp.TCPFlow) def __call__(self, f): return True class FReq(_Action): code = "q" help = "Match request with no response" @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if not f.response: return True class FResp(_Action): code = "s" help = "Match response" @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): return bool(f.response) class _Rex(_Action): flags = 0 is_binary = True def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr if self.is_binary: expr = strutils.escaped_str_to_bytes(expr) try: self.re = re.compile(expr, self.flags) except: raise ValueError("Cannot compile expression.") def _check_content_type(rex, message): return any( name.lower() == b"content-type" and rex.search(value) for name, value in message.headers.fields ) class FAsset(_Action): code = "a" help = "Match asset in response: CSS, Javascript, Flash, images." ASSET_TYPES = [ b"text/javascript", b"application/x-javascript", b"application/javascript", b"text/css", b"image/.*", b"application/x-shockwave-flash" ] ASSET_TYPES = [re.compile(x) for x in ASSET_TYPES] @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if f.response: for i in self.ASSET_TYPES: if _check_content_type(i, f.response): return True return False class FContentType(_Rex): code = "t" help = "Content-type header" @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if _check_content_type(self.re, f.request): return True elif f.response and _check_content_type(self.re, f.response): return True return False class FContentTypeRequest(_Rex): code = "tq" help = "Request Content-Type header" @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): return _check_content_type(self.re, f.request) class FContentTypeResponse(_Rex): code = "ts" help = "Response Content-Type header" @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if f.response: return _check_content_type(self.re, f.response) return False class FHead(_Rex): code = "h" help = "Header" flags = re.MULTILINE @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if f.request and self.re.search(bytes(f.request.headers)): return True if f.response and self.re.search(bytes(f.response.headers)): return True return False class FHeadRequest(_Rex): code = "hq" help = "Request header" flags = re.MULTILINE @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if f.request and self.re.search(bytes(f.request.headers)): return True class FHeadResponse(_Rex): code = "hs" help = "Response header" flags = re.MULTILINE @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if f.response and self.re.search(bytes(f.response.headers)): return True class FBod(_Rex): code = "b" help = "Body" flags = re.DOTALL @only(http.HTTPFlow, websocket.WebSocketFlow, tcp.TCPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if isinstance(f, http.HTTPFlow): if f.request and f.request.raw_content: if self.re.search(f.request.get_content(strict=False)): return True if f.response and f.response.raw_content: if self.re.search(f.response.get_content(strict=False)): return True elif isinstance(f, websocket.WebSocketFlow) or isinstance(f, tcp.TCPFlow): for msg in f.messages: if self.re.search(msg.content): return True return False class FBodRequest(_Rex): code = "bq" help = "Request body" flags = re.DOTALL @only(http.HTTPFlow, websocket.WebSocketFlow, tcp.TCPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if isinstance(f, http.HTTPFlow): if f.request and f.request.raw_content: if self.re.search(f.request.get_content(strict=False)): return True elif isinstance(f, websocket.WebSocketFlow) or isinstance(f, tcp.TCPFlow): for msg in f.messages: if msg.from_client and self.re.search(msg.content): return True class FBodResponse(_Rex): code = "bs" help = "Response body" flags = re.DOTALL @only(http.HTTPFlow, websocket.WebSocketFlow, tcp.TCPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if isinstance(f, http.HTTPFlow): if f.response and f.response.raw_content: if self.re.search(f.response.get_content(strict=False)): return True elif isinstance(f, websocket.WebSocketFlow) or isinstance(f, tcp.TCPFlow): for msg in f.messages: if not msg.from_client and self.re.search(msg.content): return True class FMethod(_Rex): code = "m" help = "Method" flags = re.IGNORECASE @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): return bool(self.re.search(f.request.data.method)) class FDomain(_Rex): code = "d" help = "Domain" flags = re.IGNORECASE @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): return bool(self.re.search(f.request.data.host)) class FUrl(_Rex): code = "u" help = "URL" is_binary = False # FUrl is special, because it can be "naked". @classmethod def make(klass, s, loc, toks): if len(toks) > 1: toks = toks[1:] return klass(*toks) @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): return self.re.search(f.request.url) class FSrc(_Rex): code = "src" help = "Match source address" is_binary = False def __call__(self, f): return f.client_conn.address and self.re.search(repr(f.client_conn.address)) class FDst(_Rex): code = "dst" help = "Match destination address" is_binary = False def __call__(self, f): return f.server_conn.address and self.re.search(repr(f.server_conn.address)) class _Int(_Action): def __init__(self, num): self.num = int(num) class FCode(_Int): code = "c" help = "HTTP response code" @only(http.HTTPFlow) def __call__(self, f): if f.response and f.response.status_code == self.num: return True class FAnd(_Token): def __init__(self, lst): self.lst = lst def dump(self, indent=0, fp=sys.stdout): super().dump(indent, fp) for i in self.lst: i.dump(indent + 1, fp) def __call__(self, f): return all(i(f) for i in self.lst) class FOr(_Token): def __init__(self, lst): self.lst = lst def dump(self, indent=0, fp=sys.stdout): super().dump(indent, fp) for i in self.lst: i.dump(indent + 1, fp) def __call__(self, f): return any(i(f) for i in self.lst) class FNot(_Token): def __init__(self, itm): self.itm = itm[0] def dump(self, indent=0, fp=sys.stdout): super().dump(indent, fp) self.itm.dump(indent + 1, fp) def __call__(self, f): return not self.itm(f) filter_unary = [ FAsset, FErr, FHTTP, FMarked, FReq, FResp, FTCP, ] filter_rex = [ FBod, FBodRequest, FBodResponse, FContentType, FContentTypeRequest, FContentTypeResponse, FDomain, FDst, FHead, FHeadRequest, FHeadResponse, FMethod, FSrc, FUrl, ] filter_int = [ FCode ] def _make(): # Order is important - multi-char expressions need to come before narrow # ones. parts = [] for klass in filter_unary: f = pp.Literal("~%s" % klass.code) + pp.WordEnd() f.setParseAction(klass.make) parts.append(f) simplerex = "".join(c for c in pp.printables if c not in "()~'\"") rex = pp.Word(simplerex) |\ pp.QuotedString("\"", escChar='\\') |\ pp.QuotedString("'", escChar='\\') for klass in filter_rex: f = pp.Literal("~%s" % klass.code) + pp.WordEnd() + rex.copy() f.setParseAction(klass.make) parts.append(f) for klass in filter_int: f = pp.Literal("~%s" % klass.code) + pp.WordEnd() + pp.Word(pp.nums) f.setParseAction(klass.make) parts.append(f) # A naked rex is a URL rex: f = rex.copy() f.setParseAction(FUrl.make) parts.append(f) atom = pp.MatchFirst(parts) expr = pp.operatorPrecedence(atom, [(pp.Literal("!").suppress(), 1, pp.opAssoc.RIGHT, lambda x: FNot(*x)), (pp.Literal("&").suppress(), 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, lambda x: FAnd(*x)), (pp.Literal("|").suppress(), 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, lambda x: FOr(*x)), ]) expr = pp.OneOrMore(expr) return expr.setParseAction(lambda x: FAnd(x) if len(x) != 1 else x) bnf = _make() TFilter = Callable[[flow.Flow], bool] def parse(s: str) -> TFilter: try: flt = bnf.parseString(s, parseAll=True)[0] flt.pattern = s return flt except pp.ParseException: return None except ValueError: return None def match(flt, flow): """ Matches a flow against a compiled filter expression. Returns True if matched, False if not. If flt is a string, it will be compiled as a filter expression. If the expression is invalid, ValueError is raised. """ if isinstance(flt, str): flt = parse(flt) if not flt: raise ValueError("Invalid filter expression.") if flt: return flt(flow) return True help = [] for i in filter_unary: help.append( ("~%s" % i.code, i.help) ) for i in filter_rex: help.append( ("~%s regex" % i.code, i.help) ) for i in filter_int: help.append( ("~%s int" % i.code, i.help) ) help.sort() help.extend( [ ("!", "unary not"), ("&", "and"), ("|", "or"), ("(...)", "grouping"), ] )