import io import re import textwrap from typing import Iterable from mitmproxy.contentviews import base from mitmproxy.utils import sliding_window """ A custom XML/HTML prettifier. Compared to other prettifiers, its main features are: - Implemented in pure Python. - Modifies whitespace only. - Works with any input. - Lazy evaluation. The implementation is split into two main parts: tokenization and formatting of tokens. """ # - this is close enough for what we do. REGEX_TAG = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9._:\-]+(?!=)") # HTML_VOID_ELEMENTS = { "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr" } NO_INDENT_TAGS = {"xml", "doctype", "html"} INDENT = 2 class Token: def __init__(self, data): = data def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format( type(self).__name__, ) class Text(Token): @property def text(self): return class Tag(Token): @property def tag(self): t = if t is not None: return return "" @property def is_comment(self) -> bool: return"") elif self.is_cdata: return"]]>") else: # This fails for attributes that contain an unescaped ">" return">") def tokenize(data: str) -> Iterable[Token]: token: Token = Text("") i = 0 def readuntil(char, start, include=1): nonlocal i end = data.find(char, start) if end == -1: end = len(data) ret = data[i:end + include] i = end + include return ret while i < len(data): if isinstance(token, Text): = readuntil("<", i, 0) if token.text: yield token token = Tag("") elif isinstance(token, Tag): += readuntil(">", i, 1) if token.done: yield token token = Text("") if yield token def indent_text(data: str, prefix: str) -> str: # Add spacing to first line so that we dedent in cases like this: #
  • This is # example text # over multiple lines #
  • dedented = textwrap.dedent(" " * 32 + data).strip() return textwrap.indent(dedented, prefix[:32]) def is_inline_text(a: Token, b: Token, c: Token) -> bool: if isinstance(a, Tag) and isinstance(b, Text) and isinstance(c, Tag): if a.is_opening and "\n" not in and c.is_closing and a.tag == c.tag: return True return False def is_inline(prev2: Token, prev1: Token, t: Token, next1: Token, next2: Token) -> bool: if isinstance(t, Text): return is_inline_text(prev1, t, next1) elif isinstance(t, Tag): if is_inline_text(prev2, prev1, t) or is_inline_text(t, next1, next2): return True if isinstance(next1, Tag) and t.is_opening and next1.is_closing and t.tag == next1.tag: return True #
    (start tag) if isinstance(prev1, Tag) and prev1.is_opening and t.is_closing and prev1.tag == t.tag: return True #
    (end tag) return False class ElementStack: """ Keep track of how deeply nested our document is. """ def __init__(self): self.open_tags = [] self.indent = "" def push_tag(self, tag: str): if len(self.open_tags) > 16: return self.open_tags.append(tag) if tag not in NO_INDENT_TAGS: self.indent += " " * INDENT def pop_tag(self, tag: str): if tag in self.open_tags: remove_indent = 0 while True: t = self.open_tags.pop() if t not in NO_INDENT_TAGS: remove_indent += INDENT if t == tag: break self.indent = self.indent[:-remove_indent] else: pass # this closing tag has no start tag. let's keep indentation as-is. def format_xml(tokens: Iterable[Token]) -> str: out = io.StringIO() context = ElementStack() for prev2, prev1, token, next1, next2 in sliding_window.window(tokens, 2, 2): if isinstance(token, Tag): if token.is_opening: out.write(indent_text(, context.indent)) if not is_inline(prev2, prev1, token, next1, next2): out.write("\n") context.push_tag(token.tag) elif token.is_closing: context.pop_tag(token.tag) if is_inline(prev2, prev1, token, next1, next2): out.write( else: out.write(indent_text(, context.indent)) out.write("\n") else: # self-closing out.write(indent_text(, context.indent)) out.write("\n") elif isinstance(token, Text): if is_inline(prev2, prev1, token, next1, next2): out.write(token.text) else: out.write(indent_text(, context.indent)) out.write("\n") else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError() return out.getvalue() class ViewXmlHtml(base.View): name = "XML/HTML" content_types = ["text/xml", "text/html"] def __call__(self, data, **metadata): # TODO: # We should really have the message text as str here, # not the message content as bytes. # data = data.decode("utf8", "xmlcharrefreplace") tokens = tokenize(data) # TODO: # Performance: Don't render the whole document right away. # Let's wait with this until we have a sequence-like interface, # this thing is reasonably fast right now anyway. pretty = base.format_text(format_xml(tokens)) if "html" in data.lower(): t = "HTML" else: t = "XML" return t, pretty