""" The View: - Keeps track of a store of flows - Maintains a filtered, ordered view onto that list of flows - Exposes a number of signals so the view can be monitored - Tracks focus within the view - Exposes a settings store for flows that automatically expires if the flow is removed from the store. """ import collections import typing import blinker import sortedcontainers import mitmproxy.flow from mitmproxy import flowfilter from mitmproxy import exceptions from mitmproxy import command from mitmproxy import connections from mitmproxy import ctx from mitmproxy import io from mitmproxy import http from mitmproxy import tcp from mitmproxy.utils import human # The underlying sorted list implementation expects the sort key to be stable # for the lifetime of the object. However, if we sort by size, for instance, # the sort order changes as the flow progresses through its lifecycle. We # address this through two means: # # - Let order keys cache the sort value by flow ID. # # - Add a facility to refresh items in the list by removing and re-adding them # when they are updated. class _OrderKey: def __init__(self, view): self.view = view def generate(self, f: mitmproxy.flow.Flow) -> typing.Any: # pragma: no cover pass def refresh(self, f): k = self._key() old = self.view.settings[f][k] new = self.generate(f) if old != new: self.view._view.remove(f) self.view.settings[f][k] = new self.view._view.add(f) self.view.sig_view_refresh.send(self.view) def _key(self): return "_order_%s" % id(self) def __call__(self, f): if f.id in self.view._store: k = self._key() s = self.view.settings[f] if k in s: return s[k] val = self.generate(f) s[k] = val return val else: return self.generate(f) class OrderRequestStart(_OrderKey): def generate(self, f: mitmproxy.flow.Flow) -> float: return f.timestamp_start class OrderRequestMethod(_OrderKey): def generate(self, f: mitmproxy.flow.Flow) -> str: if isinstance(f, http.HTTPFlow): return f.request.method elif isinstance(f, tcp.TCPFlow): return "TCP" else: raise NotImplementedError() class OrderRequestURL(_OrderKey): def generate(self, f: mitmproxy.flow.Flow) -> str: if isinstance(f, http.HTTPFlow): return f.request.url elif isinstance(f, tcp.TCPFlow): return human.format_address(f.server_conn.address) else: raise NotImplementedError() class OrderKeySize(_OrderKey): def generate(self, f: mitmproxy.flow.Flow) -> int: if isinstance(f, http.HTTPFlow): size = 0 if f.request.raw_content: size += len(f.request.raw_content) if f.response and f.response.raw_content: size += len(f.response.raw_content) return size elif isinstance(f, tcp.TCPFlow): size = 0 for message in f.messages: size += len(message.content) return size else: raise NotImplementedError() matchall = flowfilter.parse("~http | ~tcp") orders = [ ("t", "time"), ("m", "method"), ("u", "url"), ("z", "size"), ] class View(collections.abc.Sequence): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._store = collections.OrderedDict() self.filter = matchall # Should we show only marked flows? self.show_marked = False self.default_order = OrderRequestStart(self) self.orders = dict( time = OrderRequestStart(self), method = OrderRequestMethod(self), url = OrderRequestURL(self), size = OrderKeySize(self), ) self.order_key = self.default_order self.order_reversed = False self.focus_follow = False self._view = sortedcontainers.SortedListWithKey( key = self.order_key ) # The sig_view* signals broadcast events that affect the view. That is, # an update to a flow in the store but not in the view does not trigger # a signal. All signals are called after the view has been updated. self.sig_view_update = blinker.Signal() self.sig_view_add = blinker.Signal() self.sig_view_remove = blinker.Signal() # Signals that the view should be refreshed completely self.sig_view_refresh = blinker.Signal() # The sig_store* signals broadcast events that affect the underlying # store. If a flow is removed from just the view, sig_view_remove is # triggered. If it is removed from the store while it is also in the # view, both sig_store_remove and sig_view_remove are triggered. self.sig_store_remove = blinker.Signal() # Signals that the store should be refreshed completely self.sig_store_refresh = blinker.Signal() self.focus = Focus(self) self.settings = Settings(self) def load(self, loader): loader.add_option( "view_filter", typing.Optional[str], None, "Limit the view to matching flows." ) loader.add_option( "view_order", str, "time", "Flow sort order.", choices=list(map(lambda c: c[1], orders)), ) loader.add_option( "view_order_reversed", bool, False, "Reverse the sorting order." ) loader.add_option( "console_focus_follow", bool, False, "Focus follows new flows." ) def store_count(self): return len(self._store) def _rev(self, idx: int) -> int: """ Reverses an index, if needed """ if self.order_reversed: if idx < 0: idx = -idx - 1 else: idx = len(self._view) - idx - 1 if idx < 0: raise IndexError return idx def __len__(self): return len(self._view) def __getitem__(self, offset) -> typing.Any: return self._view[self._rev(offset)] # Reflect some methods to the efficient underlying implementation def _bisect(self, f: mitmproxy.flow.Flow) -> int: v = self._view.bisect_right(f) return self._rev(v - 1) + 1 def index(self, f: mitmproxy.flow.Flow, start: int = 0, stop: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> int: return self._rev(self._view.index(f, start, stop)) def __contains__(self, f: typing.Any) -> bool: return self._view.__contains__(f) def _order_key_name(self): return "_order_%s" % id(self.order_key) def _base_add(self, f): self.settings[f][self._order_key_name()] = self.order_key(f) self._view.add(f) def _refilter(self): self._view.clear() for i in self._store.values(): if self.show_marked and not i.marked: continue if self.filter(i): self._base_add(i) self.sig_view_refresh.send(self) """ View API """ # Focus @command.command("view.focus.go") def go(self, offset: int) -> None: """ Go to a specified offset. Positive offests are from the beginning of the view, negative from the end of the view, so that 0 is the first flow, -1 is the last flow. """ if len(self) == 0: return if offset < 0: offset = len(self) + offset if offset < 0: offset = 0 if offset > len(self) - 1: offset = len(self) - 1 self.focus.flow = self[offset] @command.command("view.focus.next") def focus_next(self) -> None: """ Set focus to the next flow. """ if self.focus.index is not None: idx = self.focus.index + 1 if self.inbounds(idx): self.focus.flow = self[idx] else: pass @command.command("view.focus.prev") def focus_prev(self) -> None: """ Set focus to the previous flow. """ if self.focus.index is not None: idx = self.focus.index - 1 if self.inbounds(idx): self.focus.flow = self[idx] else: pass # Order @command.command("view.order.options") def order_options(self) -> typing.Sequence[str]: """ Choices supported by the view_order option. """ return list(sorted(self.orders.keys())) @command.command("view.order.reverse") def set_reversed(self, boolean: bool) -> None: self.order_reversed = boolean self.sig_view_refresh.send(self) @command.command("view.order.set") def set_order(self, order_key: str) -> None: """ Sets the current view order. """ if order_key not in self.orders: raise exceptions.CommandError( "Unknown flow order: %s" % order_key ) order_key = self.orders[order_key] self.order_key = order_key newview = sortedcontainers.SortedListWithKey(key=order_key) newview.update(self._view) self._view = newview @command.command("view.order") def get_order(self) -> str: """ Returns the current view order. """ order = "" for k in self.orders.keys(): if self.order_key == self.orders[k]: order = k return order # Filter @command.command("view.filter.set") def set_filter_cmd(self, filter_expr: str) -> None: """ Sets the current view filter. """ filt = None if filter_expr: filt = flowfilter.parse(filter_expr) if not filt: raise exceptions.CommandError( "Invalid interception filter: %s" % filter_expr ) self.set_filter(filt) def set_filter(self, flt: typing.Optional[flowfilter.TFilter]): self.filter = flt or matchall self._refilter() # View Updates @command.command("view.clear") def clear(self) -> None: """ Clears both the store and view. """ self._store.clear() self._view.clear() self.sig_view_refresh.send(self) self.sig_store_refresh.send(self) @command.command("view.clear_unmarked") def clear_not_marked(self) -> None: """ Clears only the unmarked flows. """ for flow in self._store.copy().values(): if not flow.marked: self._store.pop(flow.id) self._refilter() self.sig_store_refresh.send(self) # View Settings @command.command("view.settings.getval") def getvalue(self, flow: mitmproxy.flow.Flow, key: str, default: str) -> str: """ Get a value from the settings store for the specified flow. """ return self.settings[flow].get(key, default) @command.command("view.settings.setval.toggle") def setvalue_toggle( self, flows: typing.Sequence[mitmproxy.flow.Flow], key: str ) -> None: """ Toggle a boolean value in the settings store, setting the value to the string "true" or "false". """ updated = [] for f in flows: current = self.settings[f].get("key", "false") self.settings[f][key] = "false" if current == "true" else "true" updated.append(f) ctx.master.addons.trigger("update", updated) @command.command("view.settings.setval") def setvalue( self, flows: typing.Sequence[mitmproxy.flow.Flow], key: str, value: str ) -> None: """ Set a value in the settings store for the specified flows. """ updated = [] for f in flows: self.settings[f][key] = value updated.append(f) ctx.master.addons.trigger("update", updated) # Flows @command.command("view.flows.duplicate") def duplicate(self, flows: typing.Sequence[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]) -> None: """ Duplicates the specified flows, and sets the focus to the first duplicate. """ dups = [f.copy() for f in flows] if dups: self.add(dups) self.focus.flow = dups[0] ctx.log.alert("Duplicated %s flows" % len(dups)) @command.command("view.flows.remove") def remove(self, flows: typing.Sequence[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]) -> None: """ Removes the flow from the underlying store and the view. """ for f in flows: if f.id in self._store: if f.killable: f.kill() if f in self._view: # We manually pass the index here because multiple flows may have the same # sorting key, and we cannot reconstruct the index from that. idx = self._view.index(f) self._view.remove(f) self.sig_view_remove.send(self, flow=f, index=idx) del self._store[f.id] self.sig_store_remove.send(self, flow=f) if len(flows) > 1: ctx.log.alert("Removed %s flows" % len(flows)) @command.command("view.flows.resolve") def resolve(self, flow_spec: str) -> typing.Sequence[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]: """ Resolve a flow list specification to an actual list of flows. """ if flow_spec == "@all": return [i for i in self._store.values()] if flow_spec == "@focus": return [self.focus.flow] if self.focus.flow else [] elif flow_spec == "@shown": return [i for i in self] elif flow_spec == "@hidden": return [i for i in self._store.values() if i not in self._view] elif flow_spec == "@marked": return [i for i in self._store.values() if i.marked] elif flow_spec == "@unmarked": return [i for i in self._store.values() if not i.marked] else: filt = flowfilter.parse(flow_spec) if not filt: raise exceptions.CommandError("Invalid flow filter: %s" % flow_spec) return [i for i in self._store.values() if filt(i)] @command.command("view.flows.create") def create(self, method: str, url: str) -> None: try: req = http.HTTPRequest.make(method.upper(), url) except ValueError as e: raise exceptions.CommandError("Invalid URL: %s" % e) c = connections.ClientConnection.make_dummy(("", 0)) s = connections.ServerConnection.make_dummy((req.host, req.port)) f = http.HTTPFlow(c, s) f.request = req f.request.headers["Host"] = req.host self.add([f]) @command.command("view.flows.load") def load_file(self, path: mitmproxy.types.Path) -> None: """ Load flows into the view, without processing them with addons. """ try: with open(path, "rb") as f: for i in io.FlowReader(f).stream(): # Do this to get a new ID, so we can load the same file N times and # get new flows each time. It would be more efficient to just have a # .newid() method or something. self.add([i.copy()]) except IOError as e: ctx.log.error(e.strerror) except exceptions.FlowReadException as e: ctx.log.error(str(e)) def add(self, flows: typing.Sequence[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]) -> None: """ Adds a flow to the state. If the flow already exists, it is ignored. """ for f in flows: if f.id not in self._store: self._store[f.id] = f if self.filter(f): self._base_add(f) if self.focus_follow: self.focus.flow = f self.sig_view_add.send(self, flow=f) def get_by_id(self, flow_id: str) -> typing.Optional[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]: """ Get flow with the given id from the store. Returns None if the flow is not found. """ return self._store.get(flow_id) # View Properties @command.command("view.properties.length") def get_length(self) -> int: """ Returns view length. """ return len(self) @command.command("view.properties.marked") def get_marked(self) -> bool: """ Returns true if view is in marked mode. """ return self.show_marked @command.command("view.properties.marked.toggle") def toggle_marked(self) -> None: """ Toggle whether to show marked views only. """ self.show_marked = not self.show_marked self._refilter() @command.command("view.properties.inbounds") def inbounds(self, index: int) -> bool: """ Is this 0 <= index < len(self)? """ return 0 <= index < len(self) # Event handlers def configure(self, updated): if "view_filter" in updated: filt = None if ctx.options.view_filter: filt = flowfilter.parse(ctx.options.view_filter) if not filt: raise exceptions.OptionsError( "Invalid interception filter: %s" % ctx.options.view_filter ) self.set_filter(filt) if "view_order" in updated: if ctx.options.view_order not in self.orders: raise exceptions.OptionsError( "Unknown flow order: %s" % ctx.options.view_order ) self.set_order(ctx.options.view_order) if "view_order_reversed" in updated: self.set_reversed(ctx.options.view_order_reversed) if "console_focus_follow" in updated: self.focus_follow = ctx.options.console_focus_follow def request(self, f): self.add([f]) def error(self, f): self.update([f]) def response(self, f): self.update([f]) def intercept(self, f): self.update([f]) def resume(self, f): self.update([f]) def kill(self, f): self.update([f]) def tcp_start(self, f): self.add([f]) def tcp_message(self, f): self.update([f]) def tcp_error(self, f): self.update([f]) def tcp_end(self, f): self.update([f]) def update(self, flows: typing.Sequence[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]) -> None: """ Updates a list of flows. If flow is not in the state, it's ignored. """ for f in flows: if f.id in self._store: if self.filter(f): if f not in self._view: self._base_add(f) if self.focus_follow: self.focus.flow = f self.sig_view_add.send(self, flow=f) else: # This is a tad complicated. The sortedcontainers # implementation assumes that the order key is stable. If # it changes mid-way Very Bad Things happen. We detect when # this happens, and re-fresh the item. self.order_key.refresh(f) self.sig_view_update.send(self, flow=f) else: try: idx = self._view.index(f) except ValueError: pass # The value was not in the view else: self._view.remove(f) self.sig_view_remove.send(self, flow=f, index=idx) class Focus: """ Tracks a focus element within a View. """ def __init__(self, v: View) -> None: self.view = v self._flow: typing.Optional[mitmproxy.flow.Flow] = None self.sig_change = blinker.Signal() if len(self.view): self.flow = self.view[0] v.sig_view_add.connect(self._sig_view_add) v.sig_view_remove.connect(self._sig_view_remove) v.sig_view_refresh.connect(self._sig_view_refresh) @property def flow(self) -> typing.Optional[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]: return self._flow @flow.setter def flow(self, f: typing.Optional[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]): if f is not None and f not in self.view: raise ValueError("Attempt to set focus to flow not in view") self._flow = f self.sig_change.send(self) @property def index(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: if self.flow: return self.view.index(self.flow) return None @index.setter def index(self, idx): if idx < 0 or idx > len(self.view) - 1: raise ValueError("Index out of view bounds") self.flow = self.view[idx] def _nearest(self, f, v): return min(v._bisect(f), len(v) - 1) def _sig_view_remove(self, view, flow, index): if len(view) == 0: self.flow = None elif flow is self.flow: self.index = min(index, len(self.view) - 1) def _sig_view_refresh(self, view): if len(view) == 0: self.flow = None elif self.flow is None: self.flow = view[0] elif self.flow not in view: self.flow = view[self._nearest(self.flow, view)] def _sig_view_add(self, view, flow): # We only have to act if we don't have a focus element if not self.flow: self.flow = flow class Settings(collections.abc.Mapping): def __init__(self, view: View) -> None: self.view = view self._values: typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Dict] = {} view.sig_store_remove.connect(self._sig_store_remove) view.sig_store_refresh.connect(self._sig_store_refresh) def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator: return iter(self._values) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._values) def __getitem__(self, f: mitmproxy.flow.Flow) -> dict: if f.id not in self.view._store: raise KeyError return self._values.setdefault(f.id, {}) def _sig_store_remove(self, view, flow): if flow.id in self._values: del self._values[flow.id] def _sig_store_refresh(self, view): for fid in list(self._values.keys()): if fid not in view._store: del self._values[fid]