import contextlib import os import shlex import sys import threading import traceback import types from mitmproxy import exceptions from mitmproxy import ctx from mitmproxy import eventsequence import from watchdog.observers import polling def parse_command(command): """ Returns a (path, args) tuple. """ if not command or not command.strip(): raise ValueError("Empty script command.") # Windows: escape all backslashes in the path. if == "nt": # pragma: no cover backslashes = shlex.split(command, posix=False)[0].count("\\") command = command.replace("\\", "\\\\", backslashes) args = shlex.split(command) # pragma: no cover args[0] = os.path.expanduser(args[0]) if not os.path.exists(args[0]): raise ValueError( ("Script file not found: %s.\r\n" "If your script path contains spaces, " "make sure to wrap it in additional quotes, e.g. -s \"'./foo bar/' --args\".") % args[0]) elif os.path.isdir(args[0]): raise ValueError("Not a file: %s" % args[0]) return args[0], args[1:] def cut_traceback(tb, func_name): """ Cut off a traceback at the function with the given name. The func_name's frame is excluded. Args: tb: traceback object, as returned by sys.exc_info()[2] func_name: function name Returns: Reduced traceback. """ tb_orig = tb for _, _, fname, _ in traceback.extract_tb(tb): tb = tb.tb_next if fname == func_name: break if tb is None: # We could not find the method, take the full stack trace. # This may happen on some Python interpreters/flavors (e.g. PyInstaller). return tb_orig else: return tb @contextlib.contextmanager def scriptenv(path, args): oldargs = sys.argv sys.argv = [path] + args script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)) sys.path.append(script_dir) try: yield except SystemExit as v: ctx.log.error("Script exited with code %s" % v.code) except Exception: etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() tb = cut_traceback(tb, "scriptenv").tb_next ctx.log.error( "Script error: %s" % "".join( traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb) ) ) finally: sys.argv = oldargs sys.path.pop() def load_script(path, args): with open(path, "rb") as f: try: code = compile(, path, 'exec') except SyntaxError as e: ctx.log.error( "Script error: %s line %s: %s" % ( e.filename, e.lineno, e.msg ) ) return ns = {'__file__': os.path.abspath(path)} with scriptenv(path, args): exec(code, ns) return types.SimpleNamespace(**ns) class ReloadHandler( def __init__(self, callback): self.callback = callback def filter(self, event): if event.is_directory: return False if os.path.basename(event.src_path).startswith("."): return False return True def on_modified(self, event): if self.filter(event): self.callback() def on_created(self, event): if self.filter(event): self.callback() class Script: """ An addon that manages a single script. """ def __init__(self, command): = command self.command = command self.path, self.args = parse_command(command) self.ns = None = None self.dead = False self.last_options = None self.should_reload = threading.Event() for i in eventsequence.Events: if not hasattr(self, i): def mkprox(): evt = i def prox(*args, **kwargs):, *args, **kwargs) return prox setattr(self, i, mkprox()) def run(self, name, *args, **kwargs): # It's possible for ns to be un-initialised if we failed during # configure if self.ns is not None and not self.dead: func = getattr(self.ns, name, None) if func: with scriptenv(self.path, self.args): return func(*args, **kwargs) def reload(self): self.should_reload.set() def load_script(self): self.ns = load_script(self.path, self.args) ret ="start") if ret: self.ns = ret"start") def tick(self): if self.should_reload.is_set(): self.should_reload.clear()"Reloading script: %s" % self.ns = load_script(self.path, self.args) self.start() self.configure(self.last_options, self.last_options.keys()) else:"tick") def start(self): self.load_script() def configure(self, options, updated): self.last_options = options if not = polling.PollingObserver() # Bind the handler to the real underlying master object ReloadHandler(self.reload), os.path.dirname(self.path) or "." )"configure", options, updated) def done(self):"done") self.dead = True class ScriptLoader: """ An addon that manages loading scripts from options. """ def run_once(self, command, flows): try: sc = Script(command) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) sc.load_script() for f in flows: for evt, o in eventsequence.iterate(f):, o) sc.done() return sc def configure(self, options, updated): if "scripts" in updated: for s in options.scripts: if options.scripts.count(s) > 1: raise exceptions.OptionsError("Duplicate script: %s" % s) for a in ctx.master.addons.chain[:]: if isinstance(a, Script) and not in options.scripts:"Un-loading script: %s" % ctx.master.addons.remove(a) # The machinations below are to ensure that: # - Scripts remain in the same order # - Scripts are listed directly after the script addon. This is # needed to ensure that interactions with, for instance, flow # serialization remains correct. # - Scripts are not initialized un-necessarily. If only a # script's order in the script list has changed, it should simply # be moved. current = {} for a in ctx.master.addons.chain[:]: if isinstance(a, Script): current[] = a ctx.master.addons.chain.remove(a) ordered = [] newscripts = [] for s in options.scripts: if s in current: ordered.append(current[s]) else:"Loading script: %s" % s) try: sc = Script(s) except ValueError as e: raise exceptions.OptionsError(str(e)) ordered.append(sc) newscripts.append(sc) ochain = ctx.master.addons.chain pos = ochain.index(self) ctx.master.addons.chain = ochain[:pos + 1] + ordered + ochain[pos + 1:] for s in newscripts: ctx.master.addons.startup(s)