import asyncio import os import importlib.util import importlib.machinery import sys import types import typing import traceback from mitmproxy import addonmanager from mitmproxy import exceptions from mitmproxy import flow from mitmproxy import command from mitmproxy import eventsequence from mitmproxy import ctx import mitmproxy.types as mtypes def load_script(path: str) -> typing.Optional[types.ModuleType]: fullname = "__mitmproxy_script__.{}".format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] ) # the fullname is not unique among scripts, so if there already is an existing script with said # fullname, remove it. sys.modules.pop(fullname, None) oldpath = sys.path sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(path)) m = None try: loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(fullname, path) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(fullname, loader=loader) m = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) loader.exec_module(m) if not getattr(m, "name", None): = path # type: ignore except Exception as e: script_error_handler(path, e, msg=str(e)) finally: sys.path[:] = oldpath return m def script_error_handler(path, exc, msg="", tb=False): """ Handles all the user's script errors with an optional traceback """ exception = type(exc).__name__ if msg: exception = msg lineno = "" if hasattr(exc, "lineno"): lineno = str(exc.lineno) log_msg = "in script {}:{} {}".format(path, lineno, exception) if tb: etype, value, tback = sys.exc_info() tback = addonmanager.cut_traceback(tback, "invoke_addon") log_msg = log_msg + "\n" + "".join(traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tback)) ctx.log.error(log_msg) ReloadInterval = 1 class Script: """ An addon that manages a single script. """ def __init__(self, path: str, reload: bool) -> None: = "scriptmanager:" + path self.path = path self.fullpath = os.path.expanduser( path.strip("'\" ") ) self.ns = None if not os.path.isfile(self.fullpath): raise exceptions.OptionsError('No such script') self.reloadtask = None if reload: self.reloadtask = asyncio.ensure_future(self.watcher()) else: self.loadscript() def done(self): if self.reloadtask: self.reloadtask.cancel() @property def addons(self): return [self.ns] if self.ns else [] def loadscript(self):"Loading script %s" % self.path) if self.ns: ctx.master.addons.remove(self.ns) self.ns = None with addonmanager.safecall(): ns = load_script(self.fullpath) ctx.master.addons.register(ns) self.ns = ns if self.ns: # We're already running, so we have to explicitly register and # configure the addon ctx.master.addons.invoke_addon(self.ns, "running") try: ctx.master.addons.invoke_addon( self.ns, "configure", ctx.options.keys() ) except exceptions.OptionsError as e: script_error_handler(self.fullpath, e, msg=str(e)) async def watcher(self): last_mtime = 0 while True: try: mtime = os.stat(self.fullpath).st_mtime except FileNotFoundError:"Removing script %s" % self.path) scripts = list(ctx.options.scripts) scripts.remove(self.path) ctx.options.update(scripts=scripts) return if mtime > last_mtime: self.loadscript() last_mtime = mtime await asyncio.sleep(ReloadInterval) class ScriptLoader: """ An addon that manages loading scripts from options. """ def __init__(self): self.is_running = False self.addons = [] def load(self, loader): loader.add_option( "scripts", typing.Sequence[str], [], "Execute a script." ) def running(self): self.is_running = True @command.command("") def script_run(self, flows: typing.Sequence[flow.Flow], path: mtypes.Path) -> None: """ Run a script on the specified flows. The script is configured with the current options and all lifecycle events for each flow are simulated. Note that the load event is not invoked. """ if not os.path.isfile(path): ctx.log.error('No such script: %s' % path) return mod = load_script(path) if mod: with addonmanager.safecall(): ctx.master.addons.invoke_addon(mod, "running") ctx.master.addons.invoke_addon( mod, "configure", ctx.options.keys() ) for f in flows: for evt, arg in eventsequence.iterate(f): ctx.master.addons.invoke_addon(mod, evt, arg) def configure(self, updated): if "scripts" in updated: for s in ctx.options.scripts: if ctx.options.scripts.count(s) > 1: raise exceptions.OptionsError("Duplicate script") for a in self.addons[:]: if a.path not in ctx.options.scripts:"Un-loading script: %s" % a.path) ctx.master.addons.remove(a) self.addons.remove(a) # The machinations below are to ensure that: # - Scripts remain in the same order # - Scripts are not initialized un-necessarily. If only a # script's order in the script list has changed, it is just # moved. current = {} for a in self.addons: current[a.path] = a ordered = [] newscripts = [] for s in ctx.options.scripts: if s in current: ordered.append(current[s]) else: sc = Script(s, True) ordered.append(sc) newscripts.append(sc) self.addons = ordered for s in newscripts: ctx.master.addons.register(s) if self.is_running: # If we're already running, we configure and tell the addon # we're up and running. ctx.master.addons.invoke_addon(s, "running")