import itertools import sys import click import shutil import typing # noqa from mitmproxy import contentviews from mitmproxy import ctx from mitmproxy import exceptions from mitmproxy import flowfilter from mitmproxy.utils import human from mitmproxy.utils import strutils def indent(n: int, text: str) -> str: l = str(text).strip().splitlines() pad = " " * n return "\n".join(pad + i for i in l) def colorful(line, styles): yield u" " # we can already indent here for (style, text) in line: yield, **styles.get(style, {})) class Dumper: def __init__(self, outfile=sys.stdout, errfile=sys.stderr): self.filter: flowfilter.TFilter = None self.outfp: = outfile self.errfp: = errfile def load(self, loader): loader.add_option( "flow_detail", int, 1, """ The display detail level for flows in mitmdump: 0 (almost quiet) to 3 (very verbose). 0: shortened request URL, response status code, WebSocket and TCP message notifications. 1: full request URL with response status code 2: 1 + HTTP headers 3: 2 + full response content, content of WebSocket and TCP messages. """ ) loader.add_option( "dumper_default_contentview", str, "auto", "The default content view mode.", choices = [ for i in contentviews.views] ) loader.add_option( "dumper_filter", typing.Optional[str], None, "Limit which flows are dumped." ) def configure(self, updated): if "dumper_filter" in updated: if ctx.options.dumper_filter: self.filter = flowfilter.parse(ctx.options.dumper_filter) if not self.filter: raise exceptions.OptionsError( "Invalid filter expression: %s" % ctx.options.dumper_filter ) else: self.filter = None def echo(self, text, ident=None, **style): if ident: text = indent(ident, text) click.secho(text, file=self.outfp, **style) if self.outfp: self.outfp.flush() def echo_error(self, text, **style): click.secho(text, file=self.errfp, **style) if self.errfp: self.errfp.flush() def _echo_headers(self, headers): for k, v in headers.fields: k = strutils.bytes_to_escaped_str(k) v = strutils.bytes_to_escaped_str(v) out = "{}: {}".format(, fg="blue"), ) self.echo(out, ident=4) def _echo_message(self, message, flow): _, lines, error = contentviews.get_message_content_view( ctx.options.dumper_default_contentview, message, flow ) if error: ctx.log.debug(error) if ctx.options.flow_detail == 3: lines_to_echo = itertools.islice(lines, 70) else: lines_to_echo = lines styles = dict( highlight=dict(bold=True), offset=dict(fg="blue"), header=dict(fg="green", bold=True), text=dict(fg="green") ) content = u"\r\n".join( u"".join(colorful(line, styles)) for line in lines_to_echo ) if content: self.echo("") self.echo(content) if next(lines, None): self.echo("(cut off)", ident=4, dim=True) if ctx.options.flow_detail >= 2: self.echo("") def _echo_request_line(self, flow): if flow.client_conn: client = strutils.escape_control_characters( human.format_address(flow.client_conn.address) ) ) elif flow.request.is_replay: client ="[replay]", fg="yellow", bold=True) else: client = "" pushed = ' PUSH_PROMISE' if 'h2-pushed-stream' in flow.metadata else '' method = flow.request.method + pushed method_color = dict( GET="green", DELETE="red" ).get(method.upper(), "magenta") method = strutils.escape_control_characters(method), fg=method_color, bold=True ) if ctx.options.showhost: url = flow.request.pretty_url else: url = flow.request.url terminalWidthLimit = max(shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] - 25, 50) if ctx.options.flow_detail < 1 and len(url) > terminalWidthLimit: url = url[:terminalWidthLimit] + "…" url =, bold=True) http_version = "" if flow.request.http_version not in ("HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/1.0"): # We hide "normal" HTTP 1. http_version = " " + flow.request.http_version line = "{client}: {method} {url}{http_version}".format( client=client, method=method, url=url, http_version=http_version ) self.echo(line) def _echo_response_line(self, flow): if flow.response.is_replay: replay ="[replay] ", fg="yellow", bold=True) else: replay = "" code = flow.response.status_code code_color = None if 200 <= code < 300: code_color = "green" elif 300 <= code < 400: code_color = "magenta" elif 400 <= code < 600: code_color = "red" code = str(code), fg=code_color, bold=True, blink=(code == 418) ) reason = strutils.escape_control_characters(flow.response.reason), fg=code_color, bold=True ) if flow.response.raw_content is None: size = "(content missing)" else: size = human.pretty_size(len(flow.response.raw_content)) size =, bold=True) arrows =" <<", bold=True) if ctx.options.flow_detail == 1: # This aligns the HTTP response code with the HTTP request method: # GET # << 304 Not Modified 0b arrows = " " * (len(human.format_address(flow.client_conn.address)) - 2) + arrows line = "{replay}{arrows} {code} {reason} {size}".format( replay=replay, arrows=arrows, code=code, reason=reason, size=size ) self.echo(line) def echo_flow(self, f): if f.request: self._echo_request_line(f) if ctx.options.flow_detail >= 2: self._echo_headers(f.request.headers) if ctx.options.flow_detail >= 3: self._echo_message(f.request, f) if f.response: self._echo_response_line(f) if ctx.options.flow_detail >= 2: self._echo_headers(f.response.headers) if ctx.options.flow_detail >= 3: self._echo_message(f.response, f) if f.error: msg = strutils.escape_control_characters(f.error.msg) self.echo(" << {}".format(msg), bold=True, fg="red") def match(self, f): if ctx.options.flow_detail == 0: return False if not self.filter: return True elif flowfilter.match(self.filter, f): return True return False def response(self, f): if self.match(f): self.echo_flow(f) def error(self, f): if self.match(f): self.echo_flow(f) def websocket_error(self, f): self.echo_error( "Error in WebSocket connection to {}: {}".format( human.format_address(f.server_conn.address), f.error ), fg="red" ) def websocket_message(self, f): if self.match(f): message = f.messages[-1] self.echo(f.message_info(message)) if ctx.options.flow_detail >= 3: message = message.from_state(message.get_state()) message.content = message.content.encode() if isinstance(message.content, str) else message.content self._echo_message(message, f) def websocket_end(self, f): if self.match(f): self.echo("WebSocket connection closed by {}: {} {}, {}".format( f.close_sender, f.close_code, f.close_message, f.close_reason)) def tcp_error(self, f): self.echo_error( "Error in TCP connection to {}: {}".format( human.format_address(f.server_conn.address), f.error ), fg="red" ) def tcp_message(self, f): if self.match(f): message = f.messages[-1] direction = "->" if message.from_client else "<-" self.echo("{client} {direction} tcp {direction} {server}".format( client=human.format_address(f.client_conn.address), server=human.format_address(f.server_conn.address), direction=direction, )) if ctx.options.flow_detail >= 3: self._echo_message(message, f)