import io import csv import typing import os.path from mitmproxy import command from mitmproxy import exceptions from mitmproxy import flow from mitmproxy import ctx from mitmproxy import certs from mitmproxy.utils import strutils import mitmproxy.types import pyperclip def headername(spec: str): if not (spec.startswith("header[") and spec.endswith("]")): raise exceptions.CommandError("Invalid header spec: %s" % spec) return spec[len("header["):-1].strip() def is_addr(v): return isinstance(v, tuple) and len(v) > 1 def extract(cut: str, f: flow.Flow) -> typing.Union[str, bytes]: path = cut.split(".") current: typing.Any = f for i, spec in enumerate(path): if spec.startswith("_"): raise exceptions.CommandError("Can't access internal attribute %s" % spec) part = getattr(current, spec, None) if i == len(path) - 1: if spec == "port" and is_addr(current): return str(current[1]) if spec == "host" and is_addr(current): return str(current[0]) elif spec.startswith("header["): if not current: return "" return current.headers.get(headername(spec), "") elif isinstance(part, bytes): return part elif isinstance(part, bool): return "true" if part else "false" elif isinstance(part, certs.Cert): return part.to_pem().decode("ascii") current = part return str(current or "") class Cut: @command.command("cut") def cut( self, flows: typing.Sequence[flow.Flow], cuts: mitmproxy.types.CutSpec, ) -> mitmproxy.types.Data: """ Cut data from a set of flows. Cut specifications are attribute paths from the base of the flow object, with a few conveniences - "port" and "host" retrieve parts of an address tuple, ".header[key]" retrieves a header value. Return values converted to strings or bytes: SSL certificates are converted to PEM format, bools are "true" or "false", "bytes" are preserved, and all other values are converted to strings. """ ret: typing.List[typing.List[typing.Union[str, bytes]]] = [] for f in flows: ret.append([extract(c, f) for c in cuts]) return ret # type: ignore @command.command("") def save( self, flows: typing.Sequence[flow.Flow], cuts: mitmproxy.types.CutSpec, path: mitmproxy.types.Path ) -> None: """ Save cuts to file. If there are multiple flows or cuts, the format is UTF-8 encoded CSV. If there is exactly one row and one column, the data is written to file as-is, with raw bytes preserved. If the path is prefixed with a "+", values are appended if there is an existing file. """ append = False if path.startswith("+"): append = True epath = os.path.expanduser(path[1:]) path = mitmproxy.types.Path(epath) try: if len(cuts) == 1 and len(flows) == 1: with open(path, "ab" if append else "wb") as fp: if fp.tell() > 0: # We're appending to a file that already exists and has content fp.write(b"\n") v = extract(cuts[0], flows[0]) if isinstance(v, bytes): fp.write(v) else: fp.write(v.encode("utf8")) ctx.log.alert("Saved single cut.") else: with open(path, "a" if append else "w", newline='', encoding="utf8") as fp: writer = csv.writer(fp) for f in flows: vals = [extract(c, f) for c in cuts] writer.writerow( [strutils.always_str(x) or "" for x in vals] # type: ignore ) ctx.log.alert("Saved %s cuts over %d flows as CSV." % (len(cuts), len(flows))) except IOError as e: ctx.log.error(str(e)) @command.command("cut.clip") def clip( self, flows: typing.Sequence[flow.Flow], cuts: mitmproxy.types.CutSpec, ) -> None: """ Send cuts to the clipboard. If there are multiple flows or cuts, the format is UTF-8 encoded CSV. If there is exactly one row and one column, the data is written to file as-is, with raw bytes preserved. """ v: typing.Union[str, bytes] fp = io.StringIO(newline="") if len(cuts) == 1 and len(flows) == 1: v = extract(cuts[0], flows[0]) fp.write(strutils.always_str(v)) # type: ignore ctx.log.alert("Clipped single cut.") else: writer = csv.writer(fp) for f in flows: vals = [extract(c, f) for c in cuts] writer.writerow( [strutils.always_str(v) for v in vals] ) ctx.log.alert("Clipped %s cuts as CSV." % len(cuts)) try: pyperclip.copy(fp.getvalue()) except pyperclip.PyperclipException as e: ctx.log.error(str(e))