import os import pathlib import typing from mitmproxy import command from mitmproxy import ctx class CommandHistory: VACUUM_SIZE = 1024 def __init__(self) -> None: self.history: typing.List[str] = [] self.filtered_history: typing.List[str] = [""] self.current_index: int = 0 def load(self, loader): loader.add_option( "command_history", bool, True, """Persist command history between mitmproxy invocations.""" ) @property def history_file(self) -> pathlib.Path: return pathlib.Path(os.path.expanduser(ctx.options.confdir)) / "command_history" def running(self): # FIXME: We have a weird bug where the contract for configure is not followed and it is never called with # confdir or command_history as updated. self.configure("command_history") # pragma: no cover def configure(self, updated): if "command_history" in updated or "confdir" in updated: if ctx.options.command_history and self.history_file.is_file(): self.history = self.history_file.read_text().splitlines() self.set_filter('') def done(self): if ctx.options.command_history and len(self.history) >= self.VACUUM_SIZE: # vacuum history so that it doesn't grow indefinitely. history_str = "\n".join(self.history[-self.VACUUM_SIZE // 2:]) + "\n" self.history_file.write_text(history_str) @command.command("commands.history.add") def add_command(self, command: str) -> None: if not command.strip(): return self.history.append(command) if ctx.options.command_history: with"a") as f: f.write(f"{command}\n") f.close() self.set_filter('') @command.command("commands.history.get") def get_history(self) -> typing.Sequence[str]: """Get the entire command history.""" return self.history.copy() @command.command("commands.history.clear") def clear_history(self): if self.history_file.exists(): self.history_file.unlink() self.history = [] self.set_filter('') # Functionality to provide a filtered list that can be iterated through. @command.command("commands.history.filter") def set_filter(self, prefix: str) -> None: self.filtered_history = [ cmd for cmd in self.history if cmd.startswith(prefix) ] self.filtered_history.append(prefix) self.current_index = len(self.filtered_history) - 1 @command.command("") def get_next(self) -> str: self.current_index = min(self.current_index + 1, len(self.filtered_history) - 1) return self.filtered_history[self.current_index] @command.command("commands.history.prev") def get_prev(self) -> str: self.current_index = max(0, self.current_index - 1) return self.filtered_history[self.current_index]