from mitmproxy import exceptions from mitmproxy import ctx from mitmproxy import io from mitmproxy import flow from mitmproxy import command import mitmproxy.types import typing class ClientPlayback: def __init__(self): self.flows = [] # type: typing.List[flow.Flow] self.current_thread = None self.configured = False def load(self, loader): loader.add_option( "client_replay", typing.Sequence[str], [], "Replay client requests from a saved file." ) def count(self) -> int: if self.current_thread: current = 1 else: current = 0 return current + len(self.flows) @command.command("replay.client.stop") def stop_replay(self) -> None: """ Stop client replay. """ self.flows = [] ctx.log.alert("Client replay stopped.") ctx.master.addons.trigger("update", []) @command.command("replay.client") def start_replay(self, flows: typing.Sequence[flow.Flow]) -> None: """ Replay requests from flows. """ for f in flows: if raise exceptions.CommandError("Can't replay live flow.") self.flows = list(flows) ctx.log.alert("Replaying %s flows." % len(self.flows)) ctx.master.addons.trigger("update", []) @command.command("replay.client.file") def load_file(self, path: mitmproxy.types.Path) -> None: try: flows = io.read_flows_from_paths([path]) except exceptions.FlowReadException as e: raise exceptions.CommandError(str(e)) ctx.log.alert("Replaying %s flows." % len(self.flows)) self.flows = flows ctx.master.addons.trigger("update", []) def configure(self, updated): if not self.configured and ctx.options.client_replay: self.configured = True"Client Replay: {}".format(ctx.options.client_replay)) try: flows = io.read_flows_from_paths(ctx.options.client_replay) except exceptions.FlowReadException as e: raise exceptions.OptionsError(str(e)) self.start_replay(flows) def tick(self): current_is_done = self.current_thread and not self.current_thread.is_alive() can_start_new = not self.current_thread or current_is_done will_start_new = can_start_new and self.flows if current_is_done: self.current_thread = None ctx.master.addons.trigger("update", []) if will_start_new: f = self.flows.pop(0) self.current_thread = ctx.master.replay_request(f) ctx.master.addons.trigger("update", [f]) if current_is_done and not will_start_new: ctx.master.addons.trigger("processing_complete")