import urllib, threading, re, logging from netlib import tcp, http, odict, wsgi import version, app, rparse class PathodError(Exception): pass class PathodHandler(tcp.BaseHandler): def handle(self): if self.server.ssloptions: self.convert_to_ssl( self.server.ssloptions["certfile"], self.server.ssloptions["keyfile"], ) line = self.rfile.readline() if line == "\r\n" or line == "\n": # Possible leftover from previous message line = self.rfile.readline() if line == "": return None method, path, httpversion = http.parse_init_http(line) headers = odict.ODictCaseless(http.read_headers(self.rfile)) content = http.read_http_body_request( self.rfile, self.wfile, headers, httpversion, None ) crafted = None for i in self.server.anchors: if i[0].match(path): crafted = i[1] if not crafted and path.startswith(self.server.prefix): spec = urllib.unquote(path)[len(self.server.prefix):] try: crafted = rparse.parse_response(self.server.request_settings, spec) except rparse.ParseException, v: crafted = rparse.InternalResponse( 800, "Error parsing response spec: %s\n"%v.msg + v.marked() ) if crafted: ret = crafted.serve(self.wfile) if ret["disconnect"]: self.finish() ret["request"] = dict( path = path, method = method, headers = headers.lst, #remote_address = self.request.connection.address, #full_url = self.request.full_url(), #query = self.request.query, httpversion = httpversion, #uri = self.request.uri, ) self.server.add_log(ret) else: cc = wsgi.ClientConn(self.client_address) req = wsgi.Request(cc, "http", method, path, headers, content) sn = self.connection.getsockname() app = wsgi.WSGIAdaptor(, sn[0], self.server.port, version.NAMEVERSION ) app.serve(req, self.wfile) class Pathod(tcp.TCPServer): LOGBUF = 500 def __init__(self, addr, ssloptions=None, prefix="/p/", staticdir=None, anchors=None): """ addr: (address, port) tuple. If port is 0, a free port will be automatically chosen. ssloptions: a dictionary containing certfile and keyfile specifications. prefix: string specifying the prefix at which to anchor response generation. staticdir: path to a directory of static resources, or None. anchors: A list of (regex, spec) tuples, or None. """ tcp.TCPServer.__init__(self, addr) self.ssloptions = ssloptions self.staticdir = staticdir self.prefix = prefix =["pathod"] = self self.log = [] self.logid = 0 self.anchors = [] if anchors: for i in anchors: try: arex = re.compile(i[0]) except re.error: raise PathodError("Invalid regex in anchor: %s"%i[0]) try: aresp = rparse.parse_response(self.request_settings, i[1]) except rparse.ParseException, v: raise PathodError("Invalid page spec in anchor: '%s', %s"%(i[1], str(v))) self.anchors.append((arex, aresp)) @property def request_settings(self): return dict( staticdir = self.staticdir ) def handle_connection(self, request, client_address): PathodHandler(request, client_address, self) def add_log(self, d): lock = threading.Lock() with lock: d["id"] = self.logid self.log.insert(0, d) if len(self.log) > self.LOGBUF: self.log.pop() self.logid += 1 return d["id"] def clear_log(self): lock = threading.Lock() with lock: self.log = [] def log_by_id(self, id): for i in self.log: if i["id"] == id: return i def get_log(self): return self.log