import urllib, pprint import tornado.web, tornado.template, tornado.ioloop, tornado.httpserver import rparse, utils class APILog(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write( dict( d = self.application.get_log() ) ) class APILogClear(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def post(self): self.application.clear_log() self.write("OK") class APIShutdown(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def post(self): tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop() self.write("OK") class _Page(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def render(self, name, **kwargs): tornado.web.RequestHandler.render(self, name + ".html", **kwargs) class Index(_Page): name = "index" section = "main" def get(self): self.render(, section=self.section, spec="") class Preview(_Page): name = "preview" section = "main" SANITY = 1024*1024 def get(self): spec = self.get_argument("spec", None) args = dict( spec = spec, section = self.section, syntaxerror = None, error = None ) try: r = rparse.parse(self.application.settings, spec) except rparse.ParseException, v: args["syntaxerror"] = str(v) args["marked"] = v.marked() return self.render(, **args) if r.length() > self.SANITY: error = "Refusing to preview a response of %s bytes. This is for your own good."%r.length() args["error"] = error else: d = utils.DummyRequest() r.serve(d) args["output"] = d.getvalue() self.render(, **args) class Help(_Page): name = "help" section = "help" def get(self): self.render(, section=self.section) class Log(_Page): name = "log" section = "log" def get(self): self.render(, section=self.section, log=self.application.log) class OneLog(_Page): name = "onelog" section = "log" def get(self, lid): l = pprint.pformat(self.application.log_by_id(int(lid))) self.render(, section=self.section, alog=l, lid=lid) class ClearLog(_Page): def post(self): self.application.clear_logs() self.redirect("/log") class Pathod(object): def __init__(self, spec, application, request, **settings): self.application, self.request, self.settings = application, request, settings try: self.response = rparse.parse(self.settings, spec) except rparse.ParseException, v: self.response = rparse.InternalResponse( 800, "Error parsing response spec: %s\n"%v.msg + v.marked() ) def _execute(self, transforms, *args, **kwargs): d = self.response.serve(self.request) d["request"] = dict( path = self.request.path, method = self.request.method, headers = self.request.headers, host =, protocol = self.request.protocol, remote_address = self.request.connection.address, full_url = self.request.full_url(), query = self.request.query, version = self.request.version, uri = self.request.uri, ) self.application.add_log(d) class RequestPathod(Pathod): anchor = "/p/" def __init__(self, application, request, **settings): spec = urllib.unquote(request.uri)[len(self.anchor):] Pathod.__init__(self, spec, application, request, **settings) class PathodApp(tornado.web.Application): LOGBUF = 500 def __init__(self, **settings): self.appsettings = settings tornado.web.Application.__init__( self, [ (r"/", Index), (r"/log", Log), (r"/log/clear", ClearLog), (r"/log/([0-9]+)", OneLog), (r"/help", Help), (r"/preview", Preview), (r"/api/shutdown", APIShutdown), (r"/api/log", APILog), (r"/api/log/clear", APILogClear), (r"/p/.*", RequestPathod, settings), ], static_path ="static"), template_path ="templates"), debug=True ) self.log = [] self.logid = 0 def add_anchor(self, pattern, spec): """ Anchors are added to the beginning of the handlers. """ # We assume we have only one host... l = self.handlers[0][1] class FixedPathod(Pathod): def __init__(self, application, request, **settings): Pathod.__init__(self, spec, application, request, **settings) FixedPathod.spec = spec FixedPathod.pattern = pattern l.insert(0, tornado.web.URLSpec(pattern, FixedPathod, self.appsettings)) def get_anchors(self): """ Anchors are added to the beginning of the handlers. """ l = self.handlers[0][1] a = [] for i in l: if i.handler_class.__name__ == "FixedPathod": a.append( ( i.handler_class.pattern, i.handler_class.spec ) ) return a def remove_anchor(self, pattern, spec): """ Anchors are added to the beginning of the handlers. """ l = self.handlers[0][1] for i, h in enumerate(l): if h.handler_class.__name__ == "FixedPathod": if (h.handler_class.pattern, h.handler_class.spec) == (pattern, spec): del l[i] return def add_log(self, d): d["id"] = self.logid self.log.insert(0, d) if len(self.log) > self.LOGBUF: self.log.pop() self.logid += 1 def log_by_id(self, id): for i in self.log: if i["id"] == id: return i def clear_log(self): self.log = [] def get_log(self): return self.log def make_app(staticdir=None, anchors=()): """ staticdir: A directory for static assets referenced in response patterns. anchors: A sequence of strings of the form "pattern=pagespec" """ settings = dict( staticdir=staticdir ) application = PathodApp(**settings) for i in anchors: rex, spec = utils.parse_anchor_spec(i, settings) application.add_anchor(rex, spec) return application def make_server(application, port, address, ssl_options): """ Returns a (server, port) tuple. The returned port will match the passed port, unless the passed port was 0. In that case, an arbitrary empty port will be bound to, and this new port will be returned. """ http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer( application, ssl_options=ssl_options ) http_server.listen(port, address) port = port for i in http_server._sockets.values(): sn = i.getsockname() if sn[0] == address: port = sn[1] return http_server, port # begin nocover def run(server): tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() server.stop() tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().close()