from __future__ import absolute_import class StateObject(object): def _get_state(self): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover def _load_state(self, state): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover # Usually, this function roughly equals to the following code: # f = cls() # f._load_state(state) # return f def __eq__(self, other): try: return self._get_state() == other._get_state() except AttributeError: # we may compare with something that's not a StateObject return False class SimpleStateObject(StateObject): """ A StateObject with opionated conventions that tries to keep everything DRY. Simply put, you agree on a list of attributes and their type. Attributes can either be primitive types(str, tuple, bool, ...) or StateObject instances themselves. SimpleStateObject uses this information for the default _get_state(), _from_state(s) and _load_state(s) methods. Overriding _get_state or _load_state to add custom adjustments is always possible. """ _stateobject_attributes = None # none by default to raise an exception if definition was forgotten """ An attribute-name -> class-or-type dict containing all attributes that should be serialized If the attribute is a class, this class must be a subclass of StateObject. """ def _get_state(self): return {attr: self._get_state_attr(attr, cls) for attr, cls in self._stateobject_attributes.iteritems()} def _get_state_attr(self, attr, cls): """ helper for _get_state. returns the value of the given attribute """ val = getattr(self, attr) if hasattr(val, "_get_state"): return val._get_state() else: return val def _load_state(self, state): for attr, cls in self._stateobject_attributes.iteritems(): self._load_state_attr(attr, cls, state) def _load_state_attr(self, attr, cls, state): """ helper for _load_state. loads the given attribute from the state. """ if state.get(attr, None) is None: setattr(self, attr, None) return curr = getattr(self, attr) if hasattr(curr, "_load_state"): curr._load_state(state[attr]) elif hasattr(cls, "_from_state"): setattr(self, attr, cls._from_state(state[attr])) else: setattr(self, attr, cls(state[attr]))