import socket from .. import version, protocol from libmproxy.proxy.primitives import Log from .primitives import ProxyServerError from .connection import ClientConnection, ServerConnection from .primitives import ProxyError, ConnectionTypeChange, AddressPriority from netlib import tcp class DummyServer: bound = False def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def start_slave(self, *args): pass def shutdown(self): pass class ProxyServer(tcp.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True bound = True def __init__(self, config, port, host='', server_version=version.NAMEVERSION): """ Raises ProxyServerError if there's a startup problem. """ self.config = config self.server_version = server_version try: tcp.TCPServer.__init__(self, (host, port)) except socket.error, v: raise ProxyServerError('Error starting proxy server: ' + v.strerror) = None def start_slave(self, klass, channel): slave = klass(channel, self) slave.start() def set_channel(self, channel): = channel def handle_client_connection(self, conn, client_address): h = ConnectionHandler(self.config, conn, client_address, self,, self.server_version) h.handle() h.finish() class ConnectionHandler: def __init__(self, config, client_connection, client_address, server, channel, server_version): self.config = config self.client_conn = ClientConnection(client_connection, client_address, server) self.server_conn = None, self.server_version = channel, server_version self.close = False self.conntype = None self.sni = None self.mode = "regular" if self.config.reverse_proxy: self.mode = "reverse" if self.config.transparent_proxy: self.mode = "transparent" def handle(self): self.log("clientconnect")"clientconnect", self) self.determine_conntype() try: try: # Can we already identify the target server and connect to it? server_address = None address_priority = None if self.config.forward_proxy: server_address = self.config.forward_proxy[1:] address_priority = AddressPriority.FORCE elif self.config.reverse_proxy: server_address = self.config.reverse_proxy[1:] address_priority = AddressPriority.FROM_SETTINGS elif self.config.transparent_proxy: server_address = self.config.transparent_proxy["resolver"].original_addr( self.client_conn.connection) if not server_address: raise ProxyError(502, "Transparent mode failure: could not resolve original destination.") address_priority = AddressPriority.FROM_CONNECTION self.log("transparent to %s:%s" % server_address) if server_address: self.set_server_address(server_address, address_priority) self._handle_ssl() while not self.close: try: protocol.handle_messages(self.conntype, self) except ConnectionTypeChange: self.log("Connection Type Changed: %s" % self.conntype) continue # FIXME: Do we want to persist errors? except (ProxyError, tcp.NetLibError), e: protocol.handle_error(self.conntype, self, e) except Exception, e: self.log(e.__class__) import traceback self.log(traceback.format_exc()) self.log(str(e)) self.del_server_connection() self.log("clientdisconnect")"clientdisconnect", self) def _handle_ssl(self): """ Helper function of .handle() Check if we can already identify SSL connections. If so, connect to the server and establish an SSL connection """ client_ssl = False server_ssl = False if self.config.transparent_proxy: client_ssl = server_ssl = (self.server_conn.address.port in self.config.transparent_proxy["sslports"]) elif self.config.reverse_proxy: client_ssl = server_ssl = (self.config.reverse_proxy[0] == "https") # TODO: Make protocol generic (as with transparent proxies) # TODO: Add SSL-terminating capatbility (SSL -> mitmproxy -> plain and vice versa) if client_ssl or server_ssl: self.establish_server_connection() self.establish_ssl(client=client_ssl, server=server_ssl) def del_server_connection(self): """ Deletes an existing server connection. """ if self.server_conn and self.server_conn.connection: self.server_conn.finish() self.log("serverdisconnect", ["%s:%s" % (, self.server_conn.address.port)])"serverdisconnect", self) self.server_conn = None self.sni = None def determine_conntype(self): #TODO: Add ruleset to select correct protocol depending on mode/target port etc. self.conntype = "http" def set_server_address(self, address, priority): """ Sets a new server address with the given priority. Does not re-establish either connection or SSL handshake. @type priority: libmproxy.proxy.primitives.AddressPriority """ address = tcp.Address.wrap(address) if self.server_conn: if self.server_conn.priority > priority: self.log("Attempt to change server address, " "but priority is too low (is: %s, got: %s)" % (self.server_conn.priority, priority)) return if self.server_conn.address == address: self.server_conn.priority = priority # Possibly increase priority return self.del_server_connection() self.log("Set new server address: %s:%s" % (, address.port)) self.server_conn = ServerConnection(address, priority) def establish_server_connection(self): """ Establishes a new server connection. If there is already an existing server connection, the function returns immediately. """ if self.server_conn.connection: return self.log("serverconnect", ["%s:%s" % self.server_conn.address()[:2]])"serverconnect", self) try: self.server_conn.connect() except tcp.NetLibError, v: raise ProxyError(502, v) def establish_ssl(self, client=False, server=False): """ Establishes SSL on the existing connection(s) to the server or the client, as specified by the parameters. If the target server is on the pass-through list, the conntype attribute will be changed and the SSL connection won't be wrapped. A protocol handler must raise a ConnTypeChanged exception if it detects that this is happening """ # TODO: Implement SSL pass-through handling and change conntype passthrough = [ # "", # "" #, transparent mode ] if in passthrough or self.sni in passthrough: self.conntype = "tcp" return # Logging if client or server: subs = [] if client: subs.append("with client") if server: subs.append("with server (sni: %s)" % self.sni) self.log("Establish SSL", subs) if server: if self.server_conn.ssl_established: raise ProxyError(502, "SSL to Server already established.") self.establish_server_connection() # make sure there is a server connection. self.server_conn.establish_ssl(self.config.clientcerts, self.sni) if client: if self.client_conn.ssl_established: raise ProxyError(502, "SSL to Client already established.") cert, key = self.find_cert() self.client_conn.convert_to_ssl( cert, key, handle_sni = self.handle_sni, cipher_list = self.config.ciphers ) def server_reconnect(self, no_ssl=False): address = self.server_conn.address had_ssl = self.server_conn.ssl_established priority = self.server_conn.priority sni = self.sni self.log("(server reconnect follows)") self.del_server_connection() self.set_server_address(address, priority) self.establish_server_connection() if had_ssl and not no_ssl: self.sni = sni self.establish_ssl(server=True) def finish(self): self.client_conn.finish() def log(self, msg, subs=()): msg = [ "%s:%s: %s" % (, self.client_conn.address.port, msg) ] for i in subs: msg.append(" -> " + i) msg = "\n".join(msg)"log", Log(msg)) def find_cert(self): host = sans = [] if not self.config.no_upstream_cert or not self.server_conn.ssl_established: upstream_cert = self.server_conn.cert if host ="utf8").encode("idna") sans = upstream_cert.altnames ret = self.config.certstore.get_cert(host, sans) if not ret: raise ProxyError(502, "Unable to generate dummy cert.") return ret def handle_sni(self, connection): """ This callback gets called during the SSL handshake with the client. The client has just sent the Sever Name Indication (SNI). We now connect upstream to figure out which certificate needs to be served. """ try: sn = connection.get_servername() if sn and sn != self.sni: self.sni = sn.decode("utf8").encode("idna") self.log("SNI received: %s" % self.sni) self.server_reconnect() # reconnect to upstream server with SNI # Now, change client context to reflect changed certificate: new_context = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_METHOD) cert, key = self.find_cert() new_context.use_privatekey_file(key) new_context.use_certificate(cert.X509) connection.set_context(new_context) # An unhandled exception in this method will core dump PyOpenSSL, so # make dang sure it doesn't happen. except Exception, e: # pragma: no cover pass