import sys, os, string, socket, time import shutil, tempfile, threading import SocketServer from OpenSSL import SSL from netlib import odict, tcp, http, wsgi, certutils, http_status, http_auth import utils, flow, version, platform, controller, protocol KILL = 0 class ProxyError(Exception): def __init__(self, code, msg, headers=None): self.code, self.msg, self.headers = code, msg, headers def __str__(self): return "ProxyError(%s, %s)"%(self.code, self.msg) class Log: def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class ProxyConfig: def __init__(self, certfile = None, cacert = None, clientcerts = None, no_upstream_cert=False, body_size_limit = None, reverse_proxy=None, forward_proxy=None, transparent_proxy=None, authenticator=None): self.certfile = certfile self.cacert = cacert self.clientcerts = clientcerts self.no_upstream_cert = no_upstream_cert self.body_size_limit = body_size_limit self.reverse_proxy = reverse_proxy self.forward_proxy = forward_proxy self.transparent_proxy = transparent_proxy self.authenticator = authenticator self.certstore = certutils.CertStore() class ServerConnection(tcp.TCPClient): def __init__(self, config, host, port, sni): tcp.TCPClient.__init__(self, host, port) self.config = config self.sni = sni self.tcp_setup_timestamp = None self.ssl_setup_timestamp = None def connect(self): tcp.TCPClient.connect(self) self.tcp_setup_timestamp = time.time() def establish_ssl(self): clientcert = None if self.config.clientcerts: path = os.path.join(self.config.clientcerts,"idna")) + ".pem" if os.path.exists(path): clientcert = path try: self.convert_to_ssl(cert=clientcert, sni=self.sni) self.ssl_setup_timestamp = time.time() except tcp.NetLibError, v: raise ProxyError(400, str(v)) def send(self, request): print "deprecated" d = request._assemble() if not d: raise ProxyError(502, "Cannot transmit an incomplete request.") self.wfile.write(d) self.wfile.flush() def terminate(self): if self.connection: try: self.wfile.flush() except tcp.NetLibDisconnect: # pragma: no cover pass self.connection.close() class RequestReplayThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, config, flow, masterq): self.config, self.flow, = config, flow, controller.Channel(masterq) threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): try: r = self.flow.request server = ServerConnection(self.config, r.scheme,, r.port, server.connect() server.send(r) tsstart = utils.timestamp() httpversion, code, msg, headers, content = http.read_response( server.rfile, r.method, self.config.body_size_limit ) response = flow.Response( self.flow.request, httpversion, code, msg, headers, content, server.cert, server.rfile.first_byte_timestamp ) except (ProxyError, http.HttpError, tcp.NetLibError), v: err = flow.Error(self.flow.request, str(v)) class HandleSNI: def __init__(self, handler, cert, key): self.handler = handler self.cert, self.key = cert, key def __call__(self, connection): try: sn = connection.get_servername() if sn: self.handler.sni = sn.decode("utf8").encode("idna") self.handler.establish_server_connection() self.handler.handle_ssl() new_context = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_METHOD) new_context.use_privatekey_file(self.key) new_context.use_certificate(self.cert.x509) connection.set_context(new_context) # FIXME: How does that work? # An unhandled exception in this method will core dump PyOpenSSL, so # make dang sure it doesn't happen. except Exception, e: # pragma: no cover pass class ConnectionHandler: def __init__(self, config, client_connection, client_address, server, channel, server_version): self.config = config self.client_address, self.client_conn = client_address, tcp.BaseHandler(client_connection) self.server_address, self.server_conn = None, None, self.server_version = channel, server_version self.conntype = None self.sni = None self.mode = "regular" if self.config.reverse_proxy: self.mode = "reverse" if self.config.transparent_proxy: self.mode = "transparent" def del_server_connection(self): if self.server_conn: self.server_conn.terminate() self.server_conn = None def handle(self): cc = flow.ClientConnect(self.client_address) self.log(cc, "connect") # Can we already identify the target server and connect to it? if self.config.forward_proxy: self.server_address = self.config.forward_proxy else: if self.config.reverse_proxy: self.server_address = self.config.reverse_proxy elif self.config.transparent_proxy: self.server_address = self.config.transparent_proxy["resolver"].original_addr(self.connection) if not self.server_address: raise ProxyError(502, "Transparent mode failure: could not resolve original destination.") self.log(cc, "transparent to %s:%s"%self.server_address) if self.server_address: self.establish_server_connection() self.handle_ssl() self.determine_conntype(self.mode) while not cc.close: protocol.handle_messages(self.conntype, self) cc.close = True self.del_server_connection() cd = flow.ClientDisconnect(cc) self.log( cc, "disconnect", [ "handled %s requests"%cc.requestcount] ) def determine_conntype(self, mode): #TODO: Add ruleset to select correct protocol depending on mode/target port etc. self.conntype = "http" def establish_server_connection(self): """ Establishes a new server connection to self.server_address. If there is already an existing server connection, it will be killed. """ self.del_server_connection() self.server_conn = ServerConnection(self.config, *self.server_address, self.sni) def handle_ssl(self): if self.config.transparent_proxy: client_ssl, server_ssl = (self.server_address[1] in self.config.transparent_proxy["sslports"]) elif self.config.reverse_proxy: client_ssl, server_ssl = self.config.reverse_proxy[0] == "https" # FIXME: Make protocol generic (as with transparent proxies) # FIXME: Add SSL-terminating capatbility (SSL -> mitmproxy -> plain and vice versa) else: client_ssl, server_ssl = True # In regular mode, this function will only be called on HTTP CONNECT # TODO: Implement SSL pass-through handling and change conntype if server_ssl and not self.server_conn.ssl_established: self.server_conn.establish_ssl() if client_ssl and not self.client_conn.ssl_established: dummycert = self.find_cert(self.client_conn, *self.server_address) sni = HandleSNI( self, dummycert, self.config.certfile or self.config.cacert ) def log(self, msg, subs=()): msg = [ "%s:%s: "%self.client_address + msg ] for i in subs: msg.append(" -> "+i) msg = "\n".join(msg) l = Log(msg) def find_cert(self, cc, host, port, sni=None): if self.config.certfile: with open(self.config.certfile, "rb") as f: return certutils.SSLCert.from_pem( else: sans = [] if not self.config.no_upstream_cert: conn = self.get_server_connection(cc, "https", host, port, sni) sans = conn.cert.altnames if host ="utf8").encode("idna") ret = self.config.certstore.get_cert(host, sans, self.config.cacert) if not ret: raise ProxyError(502, "Unable to generate dummy cert.") return ret class ProxyServerError(Exception): pass class ProxyServer(tcp.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True bound = True def __init__(self, config, port, address='', server_version=version.NAMEVERSION): """ Raises ProxyServerError if there's a startup problem. """ self.config, self.port, self.address = config, port, address self.server_version = server_version try: tcp.TCPServer.__init__(self, (address, port)) except socket.error, v: raise ProxyServerError('Error starting proxy server: ' + v.strerror) = None self.apps = AppRegistry() def start_slave(self, klass, channel): slave = klass(channel, self) slave.start() def set_channel(self, channel): = channel def handle_client_connection(self, conn, client_address): h = ConnectionHandler(self.config, conn, client_address, self,, self.server_version) h.handle() h.finish() class AppRegistry: def __init__(self): self.apps = {} def add(self, app, domain, port): """ Add a WSGI app to the registry, to be served for requests to the specified domain, on the specified port. """ self.apps[(domain, port)] = wsgi.WSGIAdaptor(app, domain, port, version.NAMEVERSION) def get(self, request): """ Returns an WSGIAdaptor instance if request matches an app, or None. """ if (, request.port) in self.apps: return self.apps[(, request.port)] if "host" in request.headers: host = request.headers["host"][0] return self.apps.get((host, request.port), None) class DummyServer: bound = False def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def start_slave(self, *args): pass def shutdown(self): pass # Command-line utils def certificate_option_group(parser): group = parser.add_argument_group("SSL") group.add_argument( "--cert", action="store", type = str, dest="cert", default=None, help = "User-created SSL certificate file." ) group.add_argument( "--client-certs", action="store", type = str, dest = "clientcerts", default=None, help = "Client certificate directory." ) TRANSPARENT_SSL_PORTS = [443, 8443] def process_proxy_options(parser, options): if options.cert: options.cert = os.path.expanduser(options.cert) if not os.path.exists(options.cert): return parser.error("Manually created certificate does not exist: %s"%options.cert) cacert = os.path.join(options.confdir, "mitmproxy-ca.pem") cacert = os.path.expanduser(cacert) if not os.path.exists(cacert): certutils.dummy_ca(cacert) body_size_limit = utils.parse_size(options.body_size_limit) if options.reverse_proxy and options.transparent_proxy: return parser.error("Can't set both reverse proxy and transparent proxy.") if options.transparent_proxy: if not platform.resolver: return parser.error("Transparent mode not supported on this platform.") trans = dict( resolver = platform.resolver(), sslports = TRANSPARENT_SSL_PORTS ) else: trans = None if options.reverse_proxy: rp = utils.parse_proxy_spec(options.reverse_proxy) if not rp: return parser.error("Invalid reverse proxy specification: %s"%options.reverse_proxy) else: rp = None if options.forward_proxy: fp = utils.parse_proxy_spec(options.forward_proxy) if not fp: return parser.error("Invalid forward proxy specification: %s"%options.forward_proxy) else: fp = None if options.clientcerts: options.clientcerts = os.path.expanduser(options.clientcerts) if not os.path.exists(options.clientcerts) or not os.path.isdir(options.clientcerts): return parser.error("Client certificate directory does not exist or is not a directory: %s"%options.clientcerts) if (options.auth_nonanonymous or options.auth_singleuser or options.auth_htpasswd): if options.auth_singleuser: if len(options.auth_singleuser.split(':')) != 2: return parser.error("Invalid single-user specification. Please use the format username:password") username, password = options.auth_singleuser.split(':') password_manager = http_auth.PassManSingleUser(username, password) elif options.auth_nonanonymous: password_manager = http_auth.PassManNonAnon() elif options.auth_htpasswd: try: password_manager = http_auth.PassManHtpasswd(options.auth_htpasswd) except ValueError, v: return parser.error(v.message) authenticator = http_auth.BasicProxyAuth(password_manager, "mitmproxy") else: authenticator = http_auth.NullProxyAuth(None) return ProxyConfig( certfile = options.cert, cacert = cacert, clientcerts = options.clientcerts, body_size_limit = body_size_limit, no_upstream_cert = options.no_upstream_cert, reverse_proxy = rp, forward_proxy = fp, transparent_proxy = trans, authenticator = authenticator )