from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division) import struct from construct import ConstructError from netlib import tcp import netlib.http.http2 from ..contrib.tls._constructs import ClientHello from ..exceptions import ProtocolException from .layer import Layer class TlsLayer(Layer): def __init__(self, ctx, client_tls, server_tls): self.client_sni = None self.client_alpn_protocols = None super(TlsLayer, self).__init__(ctx) self._client_tls = client_tls self._server_tls = server_tls self._sni_from_server_change = None def __call__(self): """ The strategy for establishing SSL is as follows: First, we determine whether we need the server cert to establish ssl with the client. If so, we first connect to the server and then to the client. If not, we only connect to the client and do the server_ssl lazily on a Connect message. An additional complexity is that establish ssl with the server may require a SNI value from the client. In an ideal world, we'd do the following: 1. Start the SSL handshake with the client 2. Check if the client sends a SNI. 3. Pause the client handshake, establish SSL with the server. 4. Finish the client handshake with the certificate from the server. There's just one issue: We cannot get a callback from OpenSSL if the client doesn't send a SNI. :( Thus, we manually peek into the connection and parse the ClientHello message to obtain both SNI and ALPN values. Further notes: - OpenSSL 1.0.2 introduces a callback that would help here: - The original mitmproxy issue is """ client_tls_requires_server_cert = ( self._client_tls and self._server_tls and not self.config.no_upstream_cert ) self._parse_client_hello() if client_tls_requires_server_cert: self.ctx.connect() self._establish_tls_with_server() self._establish_tls_with_client() elif self._client_tls: self._establish_tls_with_client() layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self) layer() def _get_client_hello(self): # Read all records that contain the initial Client Hello message. client_hello = "" client_hello_size = 1 offset = 0 while len(client_hello) < client_hello_size: record_header = self.client_conn.rfile.peek(offset+5)[offset:] record_size = struct.unpack("!H", record_header[3:])[0] + 5 record_body = self.client_conn.rfile.peek(offset+record_size)[offset+5:] client_hello += record_body offset += record_size client_hello_size = struct.unpack("!I", '\x00' + client_hello[1:4])[0] + 4 return client_hello def _parse_client_hello(self): try: client_hello = ClientHello.parse(self._get_client_hello()[4:]) except ConstructError as e: self.log("Cannot parse Client Hello: %s" % repr(e), "error") return for extension in client_hello.extensions: if extension.type == 0x00: if len(extension.server_names) != 1 or extension.server_names[0].type != 0: self.log("Unknown Server Name Indication: %s" % extension.server_names, "error") self.client_sni = extension.server_names[0].name elif extension.type == 0x10: self.client_alpn_protocols = extension.alpn_protocols print("sni: %s" % self.client_sni) print("alpn: %s" % self.client_alpn_protocols) def connect(self): if not self.server_conn: self.ctx.connect() if self._server_tls and not self.server_conn.tls_established: self._establish_tls_with_server() def reconnect(self): self.ctx.reconnect() if self._server_tls and not self.server_conn.tls_established: self._establish_tls_with_server() def set_server(self, address, server_tls, sni, depth=1): self.ctx.set_server(address, server_tls, sni, depth) if server_tls is not None: self._sni_from_server_change = sni self._server_tls = server_tls @property def sni_for_server_connection(self): if self._sni_from_server_change is False: return None else: return self._sni_from_server_change or self.client_sni @property def alpn_for_client_connection(self): return self.server_conn.get_alpn_proto_negotiated() def __alpn_select_callback(self, conn_, options): """ Once the client signals the alternate protocols it supports, we reconnect upstream with the same list and pass the server's choice down to the client. """ # This gets triggered if we haven't established an upstream connection yet. default_alpn = netlib.http.http1.HTTP1Protocol.ALPN_PROTO_HTTP1 # alpn_preference = netlib.http.http2.HTTP2Protocol.ALPN_PROTO_H2 if self.alpn_for_client_connection in options: return bytes(self.alpn_for_client_connection) if default_alpn in options: return bytes(default_alpn) return options[0] def _establish_tls_with_client(self): self.log("Establish TLS with client", "debug") cert, key, chain_file = self._find_cert() try: self.client_conn.convert_to_ssl( cert, key, method=self.config.openssl_method_client, options=self.config.openssl_options_client, cipher_list=self.config.ciphers_client, dhparams=self.config.certstore.dhparams, chain_file=chain_file, alpn_select_callback=self.__alpn_select_callback, ) except tcp.NetLibError as e: raise ProtocolException(repr(e), e) def _establish_tls_with_server(self): self.log("Establish TLS with server", "debug") try: self.server_conn.establish_ssl( self.config.clientcerts, self.sni_for_server_connection, method=self.config.openssl_method_server, options=self.config.openssl_options_server, verify_options=self.config.openssl_verification_mode_server, ca_path=self.config.openssl_trusted_cadir_server, ca_pemfile=self.config.openssl_trusted_ca_server, cipher_list=self.config.ciphers_server, alpn_protos=self.client_alpn_protocols, ) tls_cert_err = self.server_conn.ssl_verification_error if tls_cert_err is not None: self.log( "TLS verification failed for upstream server at depth %s with error: %s" % (tls_cert_err['depth'], tls_cert_err['errno']), "error") self.log("Ignoring server verification error, continuing with connection", "error") except tcp.NetLibInvalidCertificateError as e: tls_cert_err = self.server_conn.ssl_verification_error self.log( "TLS verification failed for upstream server at depth %s with error: %s" % (tls_cert_err['depth'], tls_cert_err['errno']), "error") self.log("Aborting connection attempt", "error") raise ProtocolException(repr(e), e) except tcp.NetLibError as e: raise ProtocolException(repr(e), e) def _find_cert(self): host = sans = set() # Incorporate upstream certificate if self.server_conn and self.server_conn.tls_established and (not self.config.no_upstream_cert): upstream_cert = self.server_conn.cert sans.update(upstream_cert.altnames) if sans.add(host) host ="utf8").encode("idna") # Also add SNI values. if self.client_sni: sans.add(self.client_sni) if self._sni_from_server_change: sans.add(self._sni_from_server_change) sans.discard(host) return self.config.certstore.get_cert(host, list(sans))