from .. import stateobject, utils, version from ..proxy import ServerConnection, ClientConnection import copy class BackreferenceMixin(object): """ If an attribute from the _backrefattr tuple is set, this mixin sets a reference back on the attribute object. Example: e = Error() f = Flow() f.error = e assert f is e.flow """ _backrefattr = tuple() def __setattr__(self, key, value): super(BackreferenceMixin, self).__setattr__(key, value) if key in self._backrefattr and value is not None: setattr(value, self._backrefname, self) class Error(stateobject.SimpleStateObject): """ An Error. This is distinct from an HTTP error response (say, a code 500), which is represented by a normal Response object. This class is responsible for indicating errors that fall outside of normal HTTP communications, like interrupted connections, timeouts, protocol errors. Exposes the following attributes: flow: Flow object msg: Message describing the error timestamp: Seconds since the epoch """ def __init__(self, msg, timestamp=None): """ @type msg: str @type timestamp: float """ self.flow = None # will usually be set by the flow backref mixin self.msg = msg self.timestamp = timestamp or utils.timestamp() _stateobject_attributes = dict( msg=str, timestamp=float ) @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): f = cls(None) # the default implementation assumes an empty constructor. Override accordingly. f._load_state(state) return f def copy(self): c = copy.copy(self) return c class Flow(stateobject.SimpleStateObject, BackreferenceMixin): def __init__(self, conntype, client_conn, server_conn): self.conntype = conntype self.client_conn = client_conn """@type: ClientConnection""" self.server_conn = server_conn """@type: ServerConnection""" self.error = None """@type: Error""" self._backup = None _backrefattr = ("error",) _backrefname = "flow" _stateobject_attributes = dict( error=Error, client_conn=ClientConnection, server_conn=ServerConnection, conntype=str ) def _get_state(self): d = super(Flow, self)._get_state() d.update(version=version.IVERSION) return d def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def copy(self): f = copy.copy(self) f.client_conn = self.client_conn.copy() f.server_conn = self.server_conn.copy() if self.error: f.error = self.error.copy() return f def modified(self): """ Has this Flow been modified? """ if self._backup: return self._backup != self._get_state() else: return False def backup(self, force=False): """ Save a backup of this Flow, which can be reverted to using a call to .revert(). """ if not self._backup: self._backup = self._get_state() def revert(self): """ Revert to the last backed up state. """ if self._backup: self._load_state(self._backup) self._backup = None