from __future__ import absolute_import import Cookie import copy import threading import time import urllib import urlparse from email.utils import parsedate_tz, formatdate, mktime_tz import netlib from netlib import http, tcp, odict, utils from netlib.http import cookies, http1, http2 from netlib.http.semantics import CONTENT_MISSING from .tcp import TCPHandler from .primitives import KILL, ProtocolHandler, Flow, Error from ..proxy.connection import ServerConnection from .. import encoding, utils, controller, stateobject, proxy from .http_wrappers import decoded, HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse class KillSignal(Exception): pass def send_connect_request(conn, host, port, update_state=True): upstream_request = HTTPRequest( "authority", "CONNECT", None, host, port, None, (1, 1), odict.ODictCaseless(), "" ) # we currently only support HTTP/1 CONNECT requests protocol = http1.HTTP1Protocol(conn) conn.send(protocol.assemble(upstream_request)) resp = HTTPResponse.from_protocol(protocol, upstream_request.method) if resp.status_code != 200: raise proxy.ProxyError(resp.status_code, "Cannot establish SSL " + "connection with upstream proxy: \r\n" + repr(resp)) if update_state: conn.state.append(("http", { "state": "connect", "host": host, "port": port} )) return resp class HTTPFlow(Flow): """ A HTTPFlow is a collection of objects representing a single HTTP transaction. The main attributes are: request: HTTPRequest object response: HTTPResponse object error: Error object server_conn: ServerConnection object client_conn: ClientConnection object Note that it's possible for a Flow to have both a response and an error object. This might happen, for instance, when a response was received from the server, but there was an error sending it back to the client. The following additional attributes are exposed: intercepted: Is this flow currently being intercepted? live: Does this flow have a live client connection? """ def __init__(self, client_conn, server_conn, live=None): super(HTTPFlow, self).__init__("http", client_conn, server_conn, live) self.request = None """@type: HTTPRequest""" self.response = None """@type: HTTPResponse""" _stateobject_attributes = Flow._stateobject_attributes.copy() _stateobject_attributes.update( request=HTTPRequest, response=HTTPResponse ) @classmethod def from_state(cls, state): f = cls(None, None) f.load_state(state) return f def __repr__(self): s = " clientconnect (transparent mode destination known) # > serverconnect # > read n% of large request # > server detects timeout, disconnects # > read (100-n)% of large request # > send large request upstream self.c.server_reconnect() else: raise # call the appropriate script hook - this is an opportunity for an # inline script to set = True flow ="responseheaders", flow) if flow is None or flow == KILL: raise KillSignal() else: # now get the rest of the request body, if body still needs to be # read but not streaming this response if flow.response.content = CONTENT_MISSING else: if isinstance(flow.server_conn.protocol, http1.HTTP1Protocol): # streaming is only supported with HTTP/1 at the moment flow.response.content = flow.server_conn.protocol.read_http_body( flow.response.headers, self.c.config.body_size_limit, flow.request.method, flow.response.code, False ) flow.response.timestamp_end = utils.timestamp() def handle_flow(self): flow = HTTPFlow(self.c.client_conn, self.c.server_conn, try: try: if not flow.client_conn.protocol: # instantiate new protocol if connection does not have one yet # the first request might be a CONNECT - which is currently only supported with HTTP/1 flow.client_conn.protocol = http1.HTTP1Protocol(self.c.client_conn) req = HTTPRequest.from_protocol( flow.client_conn.protocol, body_size_limit=self.c.config.body_size_limit ) except tcp.NetLibError: # don't throw an error for disconnects that happen # before/between requests. return False self.c.log( "request", "debug", [repr(req)] ) ret = self.process_request(flow, req) if ret: # instantiate new protocol if connection does not have one yet # TODO: select correct protocol flow.client_conn.protocol = http2.HTTP2Protocol(self.c.client_conn, is_server=True) if ret is not None: return ret print("still here: %s" % flow.client_conn.protocol.__class__) # Be careful NOT to assign the request to the flow before # process_request completes. This is because the call can raise an # exception. If the request object is already attached, this results # in an Error object that has an attached request that has not been # sent through to the Master. flow.request = req request_reply ="request", flow) if request_reply is None or request_reply == KILL: raise KillSignal() # The inline script may have changed self.process_server_address(flow) if isinstance(request_reply, HTTPResponse): flow.response = request_reply else: self.get_response_from_server(flow) # no further manipulation of self.c.server_conn beyond this point # we can safely set it as the final attribute value here. flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn self.c.log( "response", "debug", [repr(flow.response)] ) response_reply ="response", flow) if response_reply is None or response_reply == KILL: raise KillSignal() self.send_response_to_client(flow) if self.check_close_connection(flow): return False # We sent a CONNECT request to an upstream proxy. if flow.request.form_in == "authority" and flow.response.code == 200: # TODO: Possibly add headers (memory consumption/usefulness # tradeoff) Make sure to add state info before the actual # processing of the CONNECT request happens. During an SSL # upgrade, we may receive an SNI indication from the client, # which resets the upstream connection. If this is the case, we # must already re-issue the CONNECT request at this point. self.c.server_conn.state.append( ( "http", { "state": "connect", "host":, "port": flow.request.port } ) ) if not self.process_connect_request( (, flow.request.port)): return False # If the user has changed the target server on this connection, # restore the original target server return True # Next flow please. except ( http.HttpAuthenticationError, http.HttpError, proxy.ProxyError, tcp.NetLibError, ) as e: self.handle_error(e, flow) except KillSignal: self.c.log("Connection killed", "info") finally: = None # Connection is not live anymore. return False def handle_server_reconnect(self, state): if state["state"] == "connect": send_connect_request( self.c.server_conn, state["host"], state["port"], update_state=False ) else: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError("Unknown State: %s" % state["state"]) def handle_error(self, error, flow=None): message = repr(error) message_debug = None if isinstance(error, tcp.NetLibError): message = None message_debug = "TCP connection closed unexpectedly." elif "tlsv1 alert unknown ca" in message: message = "TLSv1 Alert Unknown CA: The client does not trust the proxy's certificate." elif "handshake error" in message: message_debug = message message = "SSL handshake error: The client may not trust the proxy's certificate." if message: self.c.log(message, level="info") if message_debug: self.c.log(message_debug, level="debug") if flow: # TODO: no flows without request or with both request and response # at the moment. if flow.request and not flow.response: flow.error = Error(message or message_debug)"error", flow) try: code = getattr(error, "code", 502) headers = getattr(error, "headers", None) html_message = message or "" if message_debug: html_message += "
" % message_debug self.send_error(code, html_message, headers) except: pass def send_error(self, code, message, headers): # TODO: implement this again raise NotImplementedError("todo - adapt for HTTP/2 - make use of make_error_reponse from pathod") # response = http.status_codes.RESPONSES.get(code, "Unknown") # html_content = """ # # # %d %s # # %s # # """ % (code, response, message) # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("HTTP/1.1 %s %s\r\n" % (code, response)) # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write( # "Server: %s\r\n" % self.c.config.server_version # ) # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("Content-type: text/html\r\n") # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write( # "Content-Length: %d\r\n" % len(html_content) # ) # if headers: # for key, value in headers.items(): # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("%s: %s\r\n" % (key, value)) # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("Connection: close\r\n") # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("\r\n") # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write(html_content) # self.c.client_conn.wfile.flush() def process_request(self, flow, request): """ @returns: True, if the request should not be sent upstream False, if the connection should be aborted None, if the request should be sent upstream (a status code != None should be returned directly by handle_flow) """ if not self.skip_authentication: self.authenticate(request) # Determine .scheme, .host and .port attributes # For absolute-form requests, they are directly given in the request. # For authority-form requests, we only need to determine the request scheme. # For relative-form requests, we need to determine host and port as # well. if not request.scheme: request.scheme = "https" if flow.server_conn and flow.server_conn.ssl_established else "http" if not # Host/Port Complication: In upstream mode, use the server we CONNECTed to, # not the upstream proxy. if flow.server_conn: for s in flow.server_conn.state: if s[0] == "http" and s[1]["state"] == "connect":, request.port = s[1]["host"], s[1]["port"] if not and flow.server_conn:, request.port =, flow.server_conn.address.port # Now we can process the request. if request.form_in == "authority": if self.c.client_conn.ssl_established: raise http.HttpError( 400, "Must not CONNECT on already encrypted connection" ) if self.c.config.mode == "regular": self.c.set_server_address((, request.port)) # Update server_conn attribute on the flow flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn # since we currently only support HTTP/1 CONNECT requests # the response must be HTTP/1 as well self.c.client_conn.send( ('HTTP/%s.%s 200 ' % (request.httpversion[0], request.httpversion[1])) + 'Connection established\r\n' + 'Content-Length: 0\r\n' + ('Proxy-agent: %s\r\n' % self.c.config.server_version) + '\r\n' ) return self.process_connect_request(self.c.server_conn.address) elif self.c.config.mode == "upstream": return None else: # CONNECT should never occur if we don't expect absolute-form # requests pass elif request.form_in == self.expected_form_in: request.form_out = self.expected_form_out if request.form_in == "absolute": if request.scheme != "http": raise http.HttpError( 400, "Invalid request scheme: %s" % request.scheme ) if self.c.config.mode == "regular": # Update info so that an inline script sees the correct # value at flow.server_conn self.c.set_server_address((, request.port)) flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn elif request.form_in == "relative": if self.c.config.mode == "spoof": # Host header h = request.pretty_host(hostheader=True) if h is None: raise http.HttpError( 400, "Invalid request: No host information" ) p = netlib.utils.parse_url("http://" + h) request.scheme = p[0] = p[1] request.port = p[2] self.c.set_server_address((, request.port)) flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn if self.c.config.mode == "sslspoof": # SNI is processed in if not (flow.server_conn and flow.server_conn.ssl_established): raise http.HttpError( 400, "Invalid request: No host information" ) return None raise http.HttpError( 400, "Invalid HTTP request form (expected: %s, got: %s)" % ( self.expected_form_in, request.form_in ) ) def process_server_address(self, flow): # Depending on the proxy mode, server handling is entirely different # We provide a mostly unified API to the user, which needs to be # unfiddled here # ( See also: ) address = tcp.Address((, flow.request.port)) ssl = (flow.request.scheme == "https") if self.c.config.mode == "upstream": # The connection to the upstream proxy may have a state we may need # to take into account. connected_to = None for s in flow.server_conn.state: if s[0] == "http" and s[1]["state"] == "connect": connected_to = tcp.Address((s[1]["host"], s[1]["port"])) # We need to reconnect if the current flow either requires a # (possibly impossible) change to the connection state, e.g. the # host has changed but we already CONNECTed somewhere else. needs_server_change = ( ssl != self.c.server_conn.ssl_established or # HTTP proxying is "stateless", CONNECT isn't. (connected_to and address != connected_to) ) if needs_server_change: # force create new connection to the proxy server to reset # state, force=True) if ssl: send_connect_request( self.c.server_conn,, address.port ) self.c.establish_ssl(server=True) else: # If we're not in upstream mode, we just want to update the host # and possibly establish TLS. This is a no op if the addresses # match., ssl=ssl) flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn def send_response_to_client(self, flow): if not # no streaming: # we already received the full response from the server and can # send it to the client straight away. self.c.client_conn.send(self.c.client_conn.protocol.assemble(flow.response)) else: raise NotImplementedError("HTTP streaming is currently not supported.") # TODO: implement it according to new protocols and messages # streaming: # First send the headers and then transfer the response # incrementally: # h = flow.response._assemble_head(preserve_transfer_encoding=True) # self.c.client_conn.send(h) # # protocol = http1.HTTP1Protocol(rfile=self.c.server_conn.rfile) # chunks = protocol.read_http_body_chunked( # flow.response.headers, # self.c.config.body_size_limit, # flow.request.method, # flow.response.code, # False, # 4096 # ) # if callable( # chunks = # for chunk in chunks: # for part in chunk: # self.c.client_conn.wfile.write(part) # self.c.client_conn.wfile.flush() # flow.response.timestamp_end = utils.timestamp() def check_close_connection(self, flow): """ Checks if the connection should be closed depending on the HTTP semantics. Returns True, if so. """ # TODO: add logic for HTTP/2 close_connection = ( http1.HTTP1Protocol.connection_close( flow.request.httpversion, flow.request.headers ) or http1.HTTP1Protocol.connection_close( flow.response.httpversion, flow.response.headers ) or http1.HTTP1Protocol.expected_http_body_size( flow.response.headers, False, flow.request.method, flow.response.code) == -1 ) if close_connection: if flow.request.form_in == "authority" and flow.response.code == 200: # Workaround for # Some # proxies (e.g. Charles) send a CONNECT response with HTTP/1.0 # and no Content-Length header pass else: return True return False def process_connect_request(self, address): """ Process a CONNECT request. Returns True if the CONNECT request has been processed successfully. Returns False, if the connection should be closed immediately. """ address = tcp.Address.wrap(address) if self.c.config.check_ignore(address): self.c.log("Ignore host: %s:%s" % address(), "info") TCPHandler(self.c, log=False).handle_messages() return False else: self.expected_form_in = "relative" self.expected_form_out = "relative" self.skip_authentication = True # In practice, nobody issues a CONNECT request to send unencrypted # HTTP requests afterwards. If we don't delegate to TCP mode, we # should always negotiate a SSL connection. # # FIXME: Turns out the previous statement isn't entirely true. # Chrome on Windows CONNECTs to :80 if an explicit proxy is # configured and a websocket connection should be established. We # don't support websocket at the moment, so it fails anyway, but we # should come up with a better solution to this if we start to # support WebSockets. should_establish_ssl = ( address.port in self.c.config.ssl_ports or not self.c.config.check_tcp(address) ) if should_establish_ssl: self.c.log( "Received CONNECT request to SSL port. " "Upgrading to SSL...", "debug" ) server_ssl = not self.c.config.no_upstream_cert if server_ssl: self.c.establish_server_connection() self.c.establish_ssl(server=server_ssl, client=True) self.c.log("Upgrade to SSL completed.", "debug") if self.c.config.check_tcp(address): self.c.log( "Generic TCP mode for host: %s:%s" % address(), "info" ) TCPHandler(self.c).handle_messages() return False return True def authenticate(self, request): if self.c.config.authenticator: if self.c.config.authenticator.authenticate(request.headers): self.c.config.authenticator.clean(request.headers) else: raise http.HttpAuthenticationError( self.c.config.authenticator.auth_challenge_headers()) return request.headers class RequestReplayThread(threading.Thread): name = "RequestReplayThread" def __init__(self, config, flow, masterq, should_exit): """ masterqueue can be a queue or None, if no scripthooks should be processed. """ self.config, self.flow = config, flow if masterq: = controller.Channel(masterq, should_exit) else: = None super(RequestReplayThread, self).__init__() def run(self): r = self.flow.request form_out_backup = r.form_out try: self.flow.response = None # If we have a channel, run script hooks. if request_reply ="request", self.flow) if request_reply is None or request_reply == KILL: raise KillSignal() elif isinstance(request_reply, HTTPResponse): self.flow.response = request_reply if not self.flow.response: # In all modes, we directly connect to the server displayed if self.config.mode == "upstream": server_address = self.config.mode.get_upstream_server( self.flow.client_conn )[2:] server = ServerConnection(server_address) server.connect() if r.scheme == "https": send_connect_request(server,, r.port) server.establish_ssl( self.config.clientcerts, sni=self.flow.server_conn.sni ) r.form_out = "relative" else: r.form_out = "absolute" else: server_address = (, r.port) server = ServerConnection(server_address) server.connect() if r.scheme == "https": server.establish_ssl( self.config.clientcerts, sni=self.flow.server_conn.sni ) r.form_out = "relative" server.send(self.flow.server_conn.protocol.assemble(r)) self.flow.server_conn = server self.flow.response = HTTPResponse.from_protocol( self.flow.server_conn.protocol, r.method, body_size_limit=self.config.body_size_limit, ) if response_reply ="response", self.flow) if response_reply is None or response_reply == KILL: raise KillSignal() except (proxy.ProxyError, http.HttpError, tcp.NetLibError) as v: self.flow.error = Error(repr(v)) if"error", self.flow) except KillSignal: # KillSignal should only be raised if there's a channel in the # first place."log", proxy.Log("Connection killed", "info")) finally: r.form_out = form_out_backup