""" This module provides more sophisticated flow tracking. These match requests with their responses, and provide filtering and interception facilities. """ import hashlib, Cookie, cookielib, copy, re, urlparse, os, threading import time, urllib import tnetstring, filt, script, utils, encoding, proxy from email.utils import parsedate_tz, formatdate, mktime_tz from netlib import odict, http, certutils import controller, version import app HDR_FORM_URLENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" CONTENT_MISSING = 0 ODict = odict.ODict ODictCaseless = odict.ODictCaseless class ReplaceHooks: def __init__(self): self.lst = [] def set(self, r): self.clear() for i in r: self.add(*i) def add(self, fpatt, rex, s): """ add a replacement hook. fpatt: a string specifying a filter pattern. rex: a regular expression. s: the replacement string returns true if hook was added, false if the pattern could not be parsed. """ cpatt = filt.parse(fpatt) if not cpatt: return False try: re.compile(rex) except re.error: return False self.lst.append((fpatt, rex, s, cpatt)) return True def get_specs(self): """ Retrieve the hook specifcations. Returns a list of (fpatt, rex, s) tuples. """ return [i[:3] for i in self.lst] def count(self): return len(self.lst) def run(self, f): for _, rex, s, cpatt in self.lst: if cpatt(f): if f.response: f.response.replace(rex, s) else: f.request.replace(rex, s) def clear(self): self.lst = [] class SetHeaders: def __init__(self): self.lst = [] def set(self, r): self.clear() for i in r: self.add(*i) def add(self, fpatt, header, value): """ Add a set header hook. fpatt: String specifying a filter pattern. header: Header name. value: Header value string Returns True if hook was added, False if the pattern could not be parsed. """ cpatt = filt.parse(fpatt) if not cpatt: return False self.lst.append((fpatt, header, value, cpatt)) return True def get_specs(self): """ Retrieve the hook specifcations. Returns a list of (fpatt, rex, s) tuples. """ return [i[:3] for i in self.lst] def count(self): return len(self.lst) def clear(self): self.lst = [] def run(self, f): for _, header, value, cpatt in self.lst: if cpatt(f): if f.response: del f.response.headers[header] else: del f.request.headers[header] for _, header, value, cpatt in self.lst: if cpatt(f): if f.response: f.response.headers.add(header, value) else: f.request.headers.add(header, value) class ScriptContext: def __init__(self, master): self._master = master def log(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs an event. How this is handled depends on the front-end. mitmdump will display events if the eventlog flag ("-e") was passed. mitmproxy sends output to the eventlog for display ("v" keyboard shortcut). """ self._master.add_event(*args, **kwargs) def duplicate_flow(self, f): """ Returns a duplicate of the specified flow. The flow is also injected into the current state, and is ready for editing, replay, etc. """ self._master.pause_scripts = True f = self._master.duplicate_flow(f) self._master.pause_scripts = False return f def replay_request(self, f): """ Replay the request on the current flow. The response will be added to the flow object. """ self._master.replay_request(f) class decoded(object): """ A context manager that decodes a request, response or error, and then re-encodes it with the same encoding after execution of the block. Example: with decoded(request): request.content = request.content.replace("foo", "bar") """ def __init__(self, o): self.o = o ce = o.headers.get_first("content-encoding") if ce in encoding.ENCODINGS: self.ce = ce else: self.ce = None def __enter__(self): if self.ce: self.o.decode() def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): if self.ce: self.o.encode(self.ce) class StateObject: def __eq__(self, other): try: return self._get_state() == other._get_state() except AttributeError: return False class HTTPMsg(StateObject): def get_decoded_content(self): """ Returns the decoded content based on the current Content-Encoding header. Doesn't change the message iteself or its headers. """ ce = self.headers.get_first("content-encoding") if not self.content or ce not in encoding.ENCODINGS: return self.content return encoding.decode(ce, self.content) def decode(self): """ Decodes content based on the current Content-Encoding header, then removes the header. If there is no Content-Encoding header, no action is taken. Returns True if decoding succeeded, False otherwise. """ ce = self.headers.get_first("content-encoding") if not self.content or ce not in encoding.ENCODINGS: return False data = encoding.decode( ce, self.content ) if data is None: return False self.content = data del self.headers["content-encoding"] return True def encode(self, e): """ Encodes content with the encoding e, where e is "gzip", "deflate" or "identity". """ # FIXME: Error if there's an existing encoding header? self.content = encoding.encode(e, self.content) self.headers["content-encoding"] = [e] def size(self, **kwargs): """ Size in bytes of a fully rendered message, including headers and HTTP lead-in. """ hl = len(self._assemble_head(**kwargs)) if self.content: return hl + len(self.content) else: return hl def get_content_type(self): return self.headers.get_first("content-type") def get_transmitted_size(self): # FIXME: this is inprecise in case chunking is used # (we should count the chunking headers) if not self.content: return 0 return len(self.content) class Request(HTTPMsg): """ An HTTP request. Exposes the following attributes: client_conn: ClientConnect object, or None if this is a replay. headers: ODictCaseless object content: Content of the request, None, or CONTENT_MISSING if there is content associated, but not present. CONTENT_MISSING evaluates to False to make checking for the presence of content natural. scheme: URL scheme (http/https) host: Host portion of the URL port: Destination port path: Path portion of the URL timestamp_start: Seconds since the epoch signifying request transmission started method: HTTP method timestamp_end: Seconds since the epoch signifying request transmission ended tcp_setup_timestamp: Seconds since the epoch signifying remote TCP connection setup completion time (or None, if request didn't results TCP setup) ssl_setup_timestamp: Seconds since the epoch signifying remote SSL encryption setup completion time (or None, if request didn't results SSL setup) """ def __init__(self, client_conn, httpversion, host, port, scheme, method, path, headers, content, timestamp_start=None, timestamp_end=None, tcp_setup_timestamp=None, ssl_setup_timestamp=None): assert isinstance(headers, ODictCaseless) self.client_conn = client_conn self.httpversion = httpversion self.host, self.port, self.scheme = host, port, scheme self.method, self.path, self.headers, self.content = method, path, headers, content self.timestamp_start = timestamp_start or utils.timestamp() self.timestamp_end = max(timestamp_end or utils.timestamp(), timestamp_start) self.close = False self.tcp_setup_timestamp = tcp_setup_timestamp self.ssl_setup_timestamp = ssl_setup_timestamp # Have this request's cookies been modified by sticky cookies or auth? self.stickycookie = False self.stickyauth = False def anticache(self): """ Modifies this request to remove headers that might produce a cached response. That is, we remove ETags and If-Modified-Since headers. """ delheaders = [ "if-modified-since", "if-none-match", ] for i in delheaders: del self.headers[i] def anticomp(self): """ Modifies this request to remove headers that will compress the resource's data. """ self.headers["accept-encoding"] = ["identity"] def constrain_encoding(self): """ Limits the permissible Accept-Encoding values, based on what we can decode appropriately. """ if self.headers["accept-encoding"]: self.headers["accept-encoding"] = [', '.join( e for e in encoding.ENCODINGS if e in self.headers["accept-encoding"][0] )] def _set_replay(self): self.client_conn = None def is_replay(self): """ Is this request a replay? """ if self.client_conn: return False else: return True def _load_state(self, state): if state["client_conn"]: if self.client_conn: self.client_conn._load_state(state["client_conn"]) else: self.client_conn = ClientConnect._from_state(state["client_conn"]) else: self.client_conn = None self.host = state["host"] self.port = state["port"] self.scheme = state["scheme"] self.method = state["method"] self.path = state["path"] self.headers = ODictCaseless._from_state(state["headers"]) self.content = state["content"] self.timestamp_start = state["timestamp_start"] self.timestamp_end = state["timestamp_end"] self.tcp_setup_timestamp = state["tcp_setup_timestamp"] self.ssl_setup_timestamp = state["ssl_setup_timestamp"] def _get_state(self): return dict( client_conn = self.client_conn._get_state() if self.client_conn else None, httpversion = self.httpversion, host = self.host, port = self.port, scheme = self.scheme, method = self.method, path = self.path, headers = self.headers._get_state(), content = self.content, timestamp_start = self.timestamp_start, timestamp_end = self.timestamp_end, tcp_setup_timestamp = self.tcp_setup_timestamp, ssl_setup_timestamp = self.ssl_setup_timestamp ) @classmethod def _from_state(klass, state): return klass( ClientConnect._from_state(state["client_conn"]), tuple(state["httpversion"]), str(state["host"]), state["port"], str(state["scheme"]), str(state["method"]), str(state["path"]), ODictCaseless._from_state(state["headers"]), state["content"], state["timestamp_start"], state["timestamp_end"], state["tcp_setup_timestamp"], state["ssl_setup_timestamp"] ) def __hash__(self): return id(self) def copy(self): c = copy.copy(self) c.headers = self.headers.copy() return c def get_form_urlencoded(self): """ Retrieves the URL-encoded form data, returning an ODict object. Returns an empty ODict if there is no data or the content-type indicates non-form data. """ if self.content and self.headers.in_any("content-type", HDR_FORM_URLENCODED, True): return ODict(utils.urldecode(self.content)) return ODict([]) def set_form_urlencoded(self, odict): """ Sets the body to the URL-encoded form data, and adds the appropriate content-type header. Note that this will destory the existing body if there is one. """ # FIXME: If there's an existing content-type header indicating a # url-encoded form, leave it alone. self.headers["Content-Type"] = [HDR_FORM_URLENCODED] self.content = utils.urlencode(odict.lst) def get_path_components(self): """ Returns the path components of the URL as a list of strings. Components are unquoted. """ _, _, path, _, _, _ = urlparse.urlparse(self.get_url()) return [urllib.unquote(i) for i in path.split("/") if i] def set_path_components(self, lst): """ Takes a list of strings, and sets the path component of the URL. Components are quoted. """ lst = [urllib.quote(i, safe="") for i in lst] path = "/" + "/".join(lst) scheme, netloc, _, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.get_url()) self.set_url(urlparse.urlunparse([scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment])) def get_query(self): """ Gets the request query string. Returns an ODict object. """ _, _, _, _, query, _ = urlparse.urlparse(self.get_url()) if query: return ODict(utils.urldecode(query)) return ODict([]) def set_query(self, odict): """ Takes an ODict object, and sets the request query string. """ scheme, netloc, path, params, _, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.get_url()) query = utils.urlencode(odict.lst) self.set_url(urlparse.urlunparse([scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment])) def get_url(self, hostheader=False): """ Returns a URL string, constructed from the Request's URL compnents. If hostheader is True, we use the value specified in the request Host header to construct the URL. """ if hostheader: host = self.headers.get_first("host") or self.host else: host = self.host host = host.encode("idna") return utils.unparse_url(self.scheme, host, self.port, self.path).encode('ascii') def set_url(self, url): """ Parses a URL specification, and updates the Request's information accordingly. Returns False if the URL was invalid, True if the request succeeded. """ parts = http.parse_url(url) if not parts: return False self.scheme, self.host, self.port, self.path = parts return True def get_cookies(self): cookie_headers = self.headers.get("cookie") if not cookie_headers: return None cookies = [] for header in cookie_headers: pairs = [pair.partition("=") for pair in header.split(';')] cookies.extend((pair[0],(pair[2],{})) for pair in pairs) return dict(cookies) def get_header_size(self): FMT = '%s %s HTTP/%s.%s\r\n%s\r\n' assembled_header = FMT % ( self.method, self.path, self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1], str(self.headers) ) return len(assembled_header) def _assemble_head(self, proxy=False): FMT = '%s %s HTTP/%s.%s\r\n%s\r\n' FMT_PROXY = '%s %s://%s:%s%s HTTP/%s.%s\r\n%s\r\n' headers = self.headers.copy() utils.del_all( headers, [ 'proxy-connection', 'keep-alive', 'connection', 'transfer-encoding' ] ) if not 'host' in headers: headers["host"] = [utils.hostport(self.scheme, self.host, self.port)] content = self.content if content: headers["Content-Length"] = [str(len(content))] else: content = "" if self.close: headers["connection"] = ["close"] if not proxy: return FMT % ( self.method, self.path, self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1], str(headers) ) else: return FMT_PROXY % ( self.method, self.scheme, self.host, self.port, self.path, self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1], str(headers) ) def _assemble(self, _proxy = False): """ Assembles the request for transmission to the server. We make some modifications to make sure interception works properly. Returns None if the request cannot be assembled. """ if self.content == CONTENT_MISSING: return None head = self._assemble_head(_proxy) if self.content: return head + self.content else: return head def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs): """ Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in both the headers and the body of the request. Encoded content will be decoded before replacement, and re-encoded afterwards. Returns the number of replacements made. """ with decoded(self): self.content, c = utils.safe_subn(pattern, repl, self.content, *args, **kwargs) self.path, pc = utils.safe_subn(pattern, repl, self.path, *args, **kwargs) c += pc c += self.headers.replace(pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs) return c class Response(HTTPMsg): """ An HTTP response. Exposes the following attributes: request: Request object. code: HTTP response code msg: HTTP response message headers: ODict object content: Content of the request, None, or CONTENT_MISSING if there is content associated, but not present. CONTENT_MISSING evaluates to False to make checking for the presence of content natural. timestamp_start: Seconds since the epoch signifying response transmission started timestamp_end: Seconds since the epoch signifying response transmission ended """ def __init__(self, request, httpversion, code, msg, headers, content, cert, timestamp_start=None, timestamp_end=None): assert isinstance(headers, ODictCaseless) self.request = request self.httpversion, self.code, self.msg = httpversion, code, msg self.headers, self.content = headers, content self.cert = cert self.timestamp_start = timestamp_start or utils.timestamp() self.timestamp_end = timestamp_end or utils.timestamp() self.replay = False def _refresh_cookie(self, c, delta): """ Takes a cookie string c and a time delta in seconds, and returns a refreshed cookie string. """ c = Cookie.SimpleCookie(str(c)) for i in c.values(): if "expires" in i: d = parsedate_tz(i["expires"]) if d: d = mktime_tz(d) + delta i["expires"] = formatdate(d) else: # This can happen when the expires tag is invalid. # reddit.com sends a an expires tag like this: "Thu, 31 Dec # 2037 23:59:59 GMT", which is valid RFC 1123, but not # strictly correct according tot he cookie spec. Browsers # appear to parse this tolerantly - maybe we should too. # For now, we just ignore this. del i["expires"] return c.output(header="").strip() def refresh(self, now=None): """ This fairly complex and heuristic function refreshes a server response for replay. - It adjusts date, expires and last-modified headers. - It adjusts cookie expiration. """ if not now: now = time.time() delta = now - self.timestamp_start refresh_headers = [ "date", "expires", "last-modified", ] for i in refresh_headers: if i in self.headers: d = parsedate_tz(self.headers[i][0]) if d: new = mktime_tz(d) + delta self.headers[i] = [formatdate(new)] c = [] for i in self.headers["set-cookie"]: c.append(self._refresh_cookie(i, delta)) if c: self.headers["set-cookie"] = c def _set_replay(self): self.replay = True def is_replay(self): """ Is this response a replay? """ return self.replay def _load_state(self, state): self.code = state["code"] self.msg = state["msg"] self.headers = ODictCaseless._from_state(state["headers"]) self.content = state["content"] self.timestamp_start = state["timestamp_start"] self.timestamp_end = state["timestamp_end"] self.cert = certutils.SSLCert.from_pem(state["cert"]) if state["cert"] else None def _get_state(self): return dict( httpversion = self.httpversion, code = self.code, msg = self.msg, headers = self.headers._get_state(), timestamp_start = self.timestamp_start, timestamp_end = self.timestamp_end, cert = self.cert.to_pem() if self.cert else None, content = self.content, ) @classmethod def _from_state(klass, request, state): return klass( request, state["httpversion"], state["code"], str(state["msg"]), ODictCaseless._from_state(state["headers"]), state["content"], certutils.SSLCert.from_pem(state["cert"]) if state["cert"] else None, state["timestamp_start"], state["timestamp_end"], ) def copy(self): c = copy.copy(self) c.headers = self.headers.copy() return c def _assemble_head(self): FMT = '%s\r\n%s\r\n' headers = self.headers.copy() utils.del_all( headers, ['proxy-connection', 'transfer-encoding'] ) if self.content: headers["Content-Length"] = [str(len(self.content))] proto = "HTTP/%s.%s %s %s"%(self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1], self.code, str(self.msg)) data = (proto, str(headers)) return FMT%data def _assemble(self): """ Assembles the response for transmission to the client. We make some modifications to make sure interception works properly. Returns None if the request cannot be assembled. """ if self.content == CONTENT_MISSING: return None head = self._assemble_head() if self.content: return head + self.content else: return head def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs): """ Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in both the headers and the body of the response. Encoded content will be decoded before replacement, and re-encoded afterwards. Returns the number of replacements made. """ with decoded(self): self.content, c = utils.safe_subn(pattern, repl, self.content, *args, **kwargs) c += self.headers.replace(pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs) return c def get_header_size(self): FMT = '%s\r\n%s\r\n' proto = "HTTP/%s.%s %s %s"%(self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1], self.code, str(self.msg)) assembled_header = FMT % (proto, str(self.headers)) return len(assembled_header) def get_cookies(self): cookie_headers = self.headers.get("set-cookie") if not cookie_headers: return None cookies = [] for header in cookie_headers: pairs = [pair.partition("=") for pair in header.split(';')] cookie_name = pairs[0][0] # the key of the first key/value pairs cookie_value = pairs[0][2] # the value of the first key/value pairs cookie_parameters = {key.strip().lower():value.strip() for key,sep,value in pairs[1:]} cookies.append((cookie_name, (cookie_value, cookie_parameters))) return dict(cookies) class ClientDisconnect: """ A client disconnection event. Exposes the following attributes: client_conn: ClientConnect object. """ def __init__(self, client_conn): self.client_conn = client_conn class ClientConnect(StateObject): """ A single client connection. Each connection can result in multiple HTTP Requests. Exposes the following attributes: address: (address, port) tuple, or None if the connection is replayed. requestcount: Number of requests created by this client connection. close: Is the client connection closed? error: Error string or None. """ def __init__(self, address): """ address is an (address, port) tuple, or None if this connection has been replayed from within mitmproxy. """ self.address = address self.close = False self.requestcount = 0 self.error = None def __str__(self): if self.address: return "%s:%d"%(self.address[0],self.address[1]) def _load_state(self, state): self.close = True self.error = state["error"] self.requestcount = state["requestcount"] def _get_state(self): return dict( address = list(self.address), requestcount = self.requestcount, error = self.error, ) @classmethod def _from_state(klass, state): if state: k = klass(state["address"]) k._load_state(state) return k else: return None def copy(self): return copy.copy(self) class Error(StateObject): """ An Error. This is distinct from an HTTP error response (say, a code 500), which is represented by a normal Response object. This class is responsible for indicating errors that fall outside of normal HTTP communications, like interrupted connections, timeouts, protocol errors. Exposes the following attributes: request: Request object msg: Message describing the error timestamp: Seconds since the epoch """ def __init__(self, request, msg, timestamp=None): self.request, self.msg = request, msg self.timestamp = timestamp or utils.timestamp() def _load_state(self, state): self.msg = state["msg"] self.timestamp = state["timestamp"] def copy(self): c = copy.copy(self) return c def _get_state(self): return dict( msg = self.msg, timestamp = self.timestamp, ) @classmethod def _from_state(klass, request, state): return klass( request, state["msg"], state["timestamp"], ) def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs): """ Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in both the headers and the body of the request. Returns the number of replacements made. FIXME: Is replace useful on an Error object?? """ self.msg, c = utils.safe_subn(pattern, repl, self.msg, *args, **kwargs) return c class ClientPlaybackState: def __init__(self, flows, exit): self.flows, self.exit = flows, exit self.current = None def count(self): return len(self.flows) def done(self): if len(self.flows) == 0 and not self.current: return True return False def clear(self, flow): """ A request has returned in some way - if this is the one we're servicing, go to the next flow. """ if flow is self.current: self.current = None def tick(self, master, testing=False): """ testing: Disables actual replay for testing. """ if self.flows and not self.current: n = self.flows.pop(0) n.request.reply = controller.DummyReply() n.request.client_conn = None self.current = master.handle_request(n.request) if not testing and not self.current.response: master.replay_request(self.current) # pragma: no cover elif self.current.response: master.handle_response(self.current.response) class ServerPlaybackState: def __init__(self, headers, flows, exit, nopop): """ headers: Case-insensitive list of request headers that should be included in request-response matching. """ self.headers, self.exit, self.nopop = headers, exit, nopop self.fmap = {} for i in flows: if i.response: l = self.fmap.setdefault(self._hash(i), []) l.append(i) def count(self): return sum(len(i) for i in self.fmap.values()) def _hash(self, flow): """ Calculates a loose hash of the flow request. """ r = flow.request key = [ str(r.host), str(r.port), str(r.scheme), str(r.method), str(r.path), str(r.content), ] if self.headers: hdrs = [] for i in self.headers: v = r.headers[i] # Slightly subtle: we need to convert everything to strings # to prevent a mismatch between unicode/non-unicode. v = [str(x) for x in v] hdrs.append((i, v)) key.append(repr(hdrs)) return hashlib.sha256(repr(key)).digest() def next_flow(self, request): """ Returns the next flow object, or None if no matching flow was found. """ l = self.fmap.get(self._hash(request)) if not l: return None if self.nopop: return l[0] else: return l.pop(0) class StickyCookieState: def __init__(self, flt): """ flt: Compiled filter. """ self.jar = {} self.flt = flt def ckey(self, m, f): """ Returns a (domain, port, path) tuple. """ return ( m["domain"] or f.request.host, f.request.port, m["path"] or "/" ) def domain_match(self, a, b): if cookielib.domain_match(a, b): return True elif cookielib.domain_match(a, b.strip(".")): return True return False def handle_response(self, f): for i in f.response.headers["set-cookie"]: # FIXME: We now know that Cookie.py screws up some cookies with # valid RFC 822/1123 datetime specifications for expiry. Sigh. c = Cookie.SimpleCookie(str(i)) m = c.values()[0] k = self.ckey(m, f) if self.domain_match(f.request.host, k[0]): self.jar[self.ckey(m, f)] = m def handle_request(self, f): l = [] if f.match(self.flt): for i in self.jar.keys(): match = [ self.domain_match(f.request.host, i[0]), f.request.port == i[1], f.request.path.startswith(i[2]) ] if all(match): l.append(self.jar[i].output(header="").strip()) if l: f.request.stickycookie = True f.request.headers["cookie"] = l class StickyAuthState: def __init__(self, flt): """ flt: Compiled filter. """ self.flt = flt self.hosts = {} def handle_request(self, f): if "authorization" in f.request.headers: self.hosts[f.request.host] = f.request.headers["authorization"] elif f.match(self.flt): if f.request.host in self.hosts: f.request.headers["authorization"] = self.hosts[f.request.host] class Flow: """ A Flow is a collection of objects representing a single HTTP transaction. The main attributes are: request: Request object response: Response object error: Error object Note that it's possible for a Flow to have both a response and an error object. This might happen, for instance, when a response was received from the server, but there was an error sending it back to the client. The following additional attributes are exposed: intercepting: Is this flow currently being intercepted? """ def __init__(self, request): self.request = request self.response, self.error = None, None self.intercepting = False self._backup = None def copy(self): rc = self.request.copy() f = Flow(rc) if self.response: f.response = self.response.copy() f.response.request = rc if self.error: f.error = self.error.copy() f.error.request = rc return f @classmethod def _from_state(klass, state): f = klass(None) f._load_state(state) return f def _get_state(self): d = dict( request = self.request._get_state() if self.request else None, response = self.response._get_state() if self.response else None, error = self.error._get_state() if self.error else None, version = version.IVERSION ) return d def _load_state(self, state): if self.request: self.request._load_state(state["request"]) else: self.request = Request._from_state(state["request"]) if state["response"]: if self.response: self.response._load_state(state["response"]) else: self.response = Response._from_state(self.request, state["response"]) else: self.response = None if state["error"]: if self.error: self.error._load_state(state["error"]) else: self.error = Error._from_state(self.request, state["error"]) else: self.error = None def modified(self): """ Has this Flow been modified? """ # FIXME: Save a serialization in backup, compare current with # backup to detect if flow has _really_ been modified. if self._backup: return True else: return False def backup(self, force=False): """ Save a backup of this Flow, which can be reverted to using a call to .revert(). """ if not self._backup: self._backup = self._get_state() def revert(self): """ Revert to the last backed up state. """ if self._backup: self._load_state(self._backup) self._backup = None def match(self, f): """ Match this flow against a compiled filter expression. Returns True if matched, False if not. If f is a string, it will be compiled as a filter expression. If the expression is invalid, ValueError is raised. """ if isinstance(f, basestring): f = filt.parse(f) if not f: raise ValueError("Invalid filter expression.") if f: return f(self) return True def kill(self, master): """ Kill this request. """ self.error = Error(self.request, "Connection killed") self.error.reply = controller.DummyReply() if self.request and not self.request.reply.acked: self.request.reply(proxy.KILL) elif self.response and not self.response.reply.acked: self.response.reply(proxy.KILL) master.handle_error(self.error) self.intercepting = False def intercept(self): """ Intercept this Flow. Processing will stop until accept_intercept is called. """ self.intercepting = True def accept_intercept(self): """ Continue with the flow - called after an intercept(). """ if self.request: if not self.request.reply.acked: self.request.reply() elif self.response and not self.response.reply.acked: self.response.reply() self.intercepting = False def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs): """ Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in all parts of the flow. Encoded content will be decoded before replacement, and re-encoded afterwards. Returns the number of replacements made. """ c = self.request.replace(pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs) if self.response: c += self.response.replace(pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs) if self.error: c += self.error.replace(pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs) return c class State(object): def __init__(self): self._flow_map = {} self._flow_list = [] self.view = [] # These are compiled filt expressions: self._limit = None self.intercept = None self._limit_txt = None @property def limit_txt(self): return self._limit_txt def flow_count(self): return len(self._flow_map) def index(self, f): return self._flow_list.index(f) def active_flow_count(self): c = 0 for i in self._flow_list: if not i.response and not i.error: c += 1 return c def add_request(self, req): """ Add a request to the state. Returns the matching flow. """ f = Flow(req) self._flow_list.append(f) self._flow_map[req] = f assert len(self._flow_list) == len(self._flow_map) if f.match(self._limit): self.view.append(f) return f def add_response(self, resp): """ Add a response to the state. Returns the matching flow. """ f = self._flow_map.get(resp.request) if not f: return False f.response = resp if f.match(self._limit) and not f in self.view: self.view.append(f) return f def add_error(self, err): """ Add an error response to the state. Returns the matching flow, or None if there isn't one. """ f = self._flow_map.get(err.request) if not f: return None f.error = err if f.match(self._limit) and not f in self.view: self.view.append(f) return f def load_flows(self, flows): self._flow_list.extend(flows) for i in flows: self._flow_map[i.request] = i self.recalculate_view() def set_limit(self, txt): if txt: f = filt.parse(txt) if not f: return "Invalid filter expression." self._limit = f self._limit_txt = txt else: self._limit = None self._limit_txt = None self.recalculate_view() def set_intercept(self, txt): if txt: f = filt.parse(txt) if not f: return "Invalid filter expression." self.intercept = f self.intercept_txt = txt else: self.intercept = None self.intercept_txt = None def recalculate_view(self): if self._limit: self.view = [i for i in self._flow_list if i.match(self._limit)] else: self.view = self._flow_list[:] def delete_flow(self, f): if f.request in self._flow_map: del self._flow_map[f.request] self._flow_list.remove(f) if f in self.view: self.view.remove(f) return True def clear(self): for i in self._flow_list[:]: self.delete_flow(i) def accept_all(self): for i in self._flow_list[:]: i.accept_intercept() def revert(self, f): f.revert() def killall(self, master): for i in self._flow_list: i.kill(master) class FlowMaster(controller.Master): def __init__(self, server, state): controller.Master.__init__(self, server) self.state = state self.server_playback = None self.client_playback = None self.kill_nonreplay = False self.scripts = [] self.pause_scripts = False self.stickycookie_state = False self.stickycookie_txt = None self.stickyauth_state = False self.stickyauth_txt = None self.anticache = False self.anticomp = False self.refresh_server_playback = False self.replacehooks = ReplaceHooks() self.setheaders = SetHeaders() self.stream = None app.mapp.config["PMASTER"] = self def start_app(self, host, port, external): if not external: self.server.apps.add( app.mapp, host, port ) else: print host threading.Thread(target=app.mapp.run,kwargs={ "use_reloader": False, "host": host, "port": port}).start() def add_event(self, e, level="info"): """ level: info, error """ pass def get_script(self, script_argv): """ Returns an (error, script) tuple. """ s = script.Script(script_argv, ScriptContext(self)) try: s.load() except script.ScriptError, v: return (v.args[0], None) return (None, s) def unload_script(self,script): script.unload() self.scripts.remove(script) def load_script(self, script_argv): """ Loads a script. Returns an error description if something went wrong. """ r = self.get_script(script_argv) if r[0]: return r[0] else: self.scripts.append(r[1]) def run_single_script_hook(self, script, name, *args, **kwargs): if script and not self.pause_scripts: ret = script.run(name, *args, **kwargs) if not ret[0] and ret[1]: e = "Script error:\n" + ret[1][1] self.add_event(e, "error") def run_script_hook(self, name, *args, **kwargs): for script in self.scripts: self.run_single_script_hook(script, name, *args, **kwargs) def set_stickycookie(self, txt): if txt: flt = filt.parse(txt) if not flt: return "Invalid filter expression." self.stickycookie_state = StickyCookieState(flt) self.stickycookie_txt = txt else: self.stickycookie_state = None self.stickycookie_txt = None def set_stickyauth(self, txt): if txt: flt = filt.parse(txt) if not flt: return "Invalid filter expression." self.stickyauth_state = StickyAuthState(flt) self.stickyauth_txt = txt else: self.stickyauth_state = None self.stickyauth_txt = None def start_client_playback(self, flows, exit): """ flows: List of flows. """ self.client_playback = ClientPlaybackState(flows, exit) def stop_client_playback(self): self.client_playback = None def start_server_playback(self, flows, kill, headers, exit, nopop): """ flows: List of flows. kill: Boolean, should we kill requests not part of the replay? """ self.server_playback = ServerPlaybackState(headers, flows, exit, nopop) self.kill_nonreplay = kill def stop_server_playback(self): if self.server_playback.exit: self.shutdown() self.server_playback = None def do_server_playback(self, flow): """ This method should be called by child classes in the handle_request handler. Returns True if playback has taken place, None if not. """ if self.server_playback: rflow = self.server_playback.next_flow(flow) if not rflow: return None response = Response._from_state(flow.request, rflow.response._get_state()) response._set_replay() flow.response = response if self.refresh_server_playback: response.refresh() flow.request.reply(response) if self.server_playback.count() == 0: self.stop_server_playback() return True return None def tick(self, q): if self.client_playback: e = [ self.client_playback.done(), self.client_playback.exit, self.state.active_flow_count() == 0 ] if all(e): self.shutdown() self.client_playback.tick(self) return controller.Master.tick(self, q) def duplicate_flow(self, f): return self.load_flow(f.copy()) def load_flow(self, f): """ Loads a flow, and returns a new flow object. """ if f.request: f.request.reply = controller.DummyReply() fr = self.handle_request(f.request) if f.response: f.response.reply = controller.DummyReply() self.handle_response(f.response) if f.error: f.error.reply = controller.DummyReply() self.handle_error(f.error) return fr def load_flows(self, fr): """ Load flows from a FlowReader object. """ for i in fr.stream(): self.load_flow(i) def process_new_request(self, f): if self.stickycookie_state: self.stickycookie_state.handle_request(f) if self.stickyauth_state: self.stickyauth_state.handle_request(f) if self.anticache: f.request.anticache() if self.anticomp: f.request.anticomp() if self.server_playback: pb = self.do_server_playback(f) if not pb: if self.kill_nonreplay: f.kill(self) else: f.request.reply() def process_new_response(self, f): if self.stickycookie_state: self.stickycookie_state.handle_response(f) def replay_request(self, f, block=False): """ Returns None if successful, or error message if not. """ if f.intercepting: return "Can't replay while intercepting..." if f.request.content == CONTENT_MISSING: return "Can't replay request with missing content..." if f.request: f.request._set_replay() if f.request.content: f.request.headers["Content-Length"] = [str(len(f.request.content))] f.response = None f.error = None self.process_new_request(f) rt = proxy.RequestReplayThread( self.server.config, f, self.masterq, ) rt.start() # pragma: no cover if block: rt.join() def handle_clientconnect(self, cc): self.run_script_hook("clientconnect", cc) cc.reply() def handle_clientdisconnect(self, r): self.run_script_hook("clientdisconnect", r) r.reply() def handle_error(self, r): f = self.state.add_error(r) if f: self.run_script_hook("error", f) if self.client_playback: self.client_playback.clear(f) r.reply() return f def handle_request(self, r): f = self.state.add_request(r) self.replacehooks.run(f) self.setheaders.run(f) self.run_script_hook("request", f) self.process_new_request(f) return f def handle_response(self, r): f = self.state.add_response(r) if f: self.replacehooks.run(f) self.setheaders.run(f) self.run_script_hook("response", f) if self.client_playback: self.client_playback.clear(f) self.process_new_response(f) if self.stream: self.stream.add(f) else: r.reply() return f def shutdown(self): for script in self.scripts: self.unload_script(script) controller.Master.shutdown(self) if self.stream: for i in self.state._flow_list: if not i.response: self.stream.add(i) self.stop_stream() def start_stream(self, fp, filt): self.stream = FilteredFlowWriter(fp, filt) def stop_stream(self): self.stream.fo.close() self.stream = None class FlowWriter: def __init__(self, fo): self.fo = fo def add(self, flow): d = flow._get_state() tnetstring.dump(d, self.fo) class FlowReadError(Exception): @property def strerror(self): return self.args[0] class FlowReader: def __init__(self, fo): self.fo = fo def stream(self): """ Yields Flow objects from the dump. """ off = 0 try: while 1: data = tnetstring.load(self.fo) if tuple(data["version"][:2]) != version.IVERSION[:2]: v = ".".join(str(i) for i in data["version"]) raise FlowReadError("Incompatible serialized data version: %s"%v) off = self.fo.tell() yield Flow._from_state(data) except ValueError, v: # Error is due to EOF if self.fo.tell() == off and self.fo.read() == '': return raise FlowReadError("Invalid data format.") class FilteredFlowWriter: def __init__(self, fo, filt): self.fo = fo self.filt = filt def add(self, f): if self.filt and not f.match(self.filt): return d = f._get_state() tnetstring.dump(d, self.fo)