from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import os import netlib.utils from . import flow, filt, utils from .protocol import http class DumpError(Exception): pass class Options(object): attributes = [ "app", "app_host", "app_port", "anticache", "anticomp", "client_replay", "filtstr", "flow_detail", "keepserving", "kill", "no_server", "nopop", "refresh_server_playback", "replacements", "rfile", "rheaders", "setheaders", "server_replay", "scripts", "showhost", "stickycookie", "stickyauth", "stream_large_bodies", "verbosity", "wfile", "replay_ignore_content", "replay_ignore_params", ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) for i in self.attributes: if not hasattr(self, i): setattr(self, i, None) def str_response(resp): r = "%s %s"%(resp.code, resp.msg) if resp.is_replay: r = "[replay] " + r return r def str_request(f, showhost): if f.client_conn: c = else: c = "[replay]" r = "%s %s %s"%(c, f.request.method, f.request.pretty_url(showhost)) if f.request.stickycookie: r = "[stickycookie] " + r return r class DumpMaster(flow.FlowMaster): def __init__(self, server, options, outfile=sys.stdout): flow.FlowMaster.__init__(self, server, flow.State()) self.outfile = outfile self.o = options self.anticache = options.anticache self.anticomp = options.anticomp self.showhost = options.showhost self.replay_ignore_params = options.replay_ignore_params self.replay_ignore_content = options.replay_ignore_content self.refresh_server_playback = options.refresh_server_playback self.set_stream_large_bodies(options.stream_large_bodies) if options.filtstr: self.filt = filt.parse(options.filtstr) else: self.filt = None if options.stickycookie: self.set_stickycookie(options.stickycookie) if options.stickyauth: self.set_stickyauth(options.stickyauth) if options.wfile: path = os.path.expanduser(options.wfile) try: f = file(path, "wb") self.start_stream(f, self.filt) except IOError, v: raise DumpError(v.strerror) if options.replacements: for i in options.replacements: self.replacehooks.add(*i) if options.setheaders: for i in options.setheaders: self.setheaders.add(*i) if options.server_replay: self.start_server_playback( self._readflow(options.server_replay), options.kill, options.rheaders, not options.keepserving, options.nopop, options.replay_ignore_params, options.replay_ignore_content ) if options.client_replay: self.start_client_playback( self._readflow(options.client_replay), not options.keepserving ) scripts = options.scripts or [] for command in scripts: err = self.load_script(command) if err: raise DumpError(err) if options.rfile: path = os.path.expanduser(options.rfile) try: f = file(path, "rb") freader = flow.FlowReader(f) except IOError, v: raise DumpError(v.strerror) try: self.load_flows(freader) except flow.FlowReadError, v: self.add_event("Flow file corrupted. Stopped loading.", "error") if self.start_app(self.o.app_host, self.o.app_port) def _readflow(self, path): path = os.path.expanduser(path) try: f = file(path, "rb") flows = list(flow.FlowReader(f).stream()) except (IOError, flow.FlowReadError), v: raise DumpError(v.strerror) return flows def add_event(self, e, level="info"): needed = dict(error=1, info=1, debug=2).get(level, 1) if self.o.verbosity >= needed: print >> self.outfile, e self.outfile.flush() def indent(self, n, t): l = str(t).strip().split("\n") return "\n".join(" "*n + i for i in l) def _process_flow(self, f): self.state.delete_flow(f) if self.filt and not f.match(self.filt): return if f.response: if self.o.flow_detail > 0: if f.response.content == http.CONTENT_MISSING: sz = "(content missing)" else: sz = utils.pretty_size(len(f.response.content)) result = " << %s %s"%(str_response(f.response), sz) if self.o.flow_detail > 1: result = result + "\n\n" + self.indent(4, f.response.headers) if self.o.flow_detail > 2: if f.response.content == http.CONTENT_MISSING: cont = self.indent(4, "(content missing)") elif utils.isBin(f.response.content): d = netlib.utils.hexdump(f.response.content) d = "\n".join("%s\t%s %s"%i for i in d) cont = self.indent(4, d) elif f.response.content: cont = self.indent(4, f.response.content) else: cont = "" result = result + "\n\n" + cont elif f.error: result = " << %s"%f.error.msg if self.o.flow_detail == 1: print >> self.outfile, str_request(f, self.showhost) print >> self.outfile, result elif self.o.flow_detail == 2: print >> self.outfile, str_request(f, self.showhost) print >> self.outfile, self.indent(4, f.request.headers) print >> self.outfile print >> self.outfile, result print >> self.outfile, "\n" elif self.o.flow_detail >= 3: print >> self.outfile, str_request(f, self.showhost) print >> self.outfile, self.indent(4, f.request.headers) if f.request.content != http.CONTENT_MISSING and utils.isBin(f.request.content): d = netlib.utils.hexdump(f.request.content) d = "\n".join("%s\t%s %s"%i for i in d) print >> self.outfile, self.indent(4, d) elif f.request.content: print >> self.outfile, self.indent(4, f.request.content) print >> self.outfile print >> self.outfile, result print >> self.outfile, "\n" if self.o.flow_detail: self.outfile.flush() def handle_request(self, f): flow.FlowMaster.handle_request(self, f) if f: f.reply() return f def handle_response(self, f): flow.FlowMaster.handle_response(self, f) if f: f.reply() self._process_flow(f) return f def handle_error(self, f): flow.FlowMaster.handle_error(self, f) if f: self._process_flow(f) return f def shutdown(self): # pragma: no cover return flow.FlowMaster.shutdown(self) def run(self): # pragma: no cover if self.o.rfile and not self.o.keepserving: self.shutdown() return try: return except BaseException: self.shutdown() raise