import urwid import common from .. import filt class HelpView(urwid.ListBox): def __init__(self, master): self.master = master urwid.ListBox.__init__( self, self.helptext() ) def keypress(self, size, key): key = common.shortcuts(key) if key == "q": self.master.pop_view() return None return urwid.ListBox.keypress(self, size, key) def helptext(self): text = [] text.append(("head", "Global keys:\n")) keys = [ ("A", "accept all intercepted connections"), ("a", "accept this intercepted connection"), ("c", "client replay"), ("i", "set interception pattern"), ("j, k", "up, down"), ("l", "set limit filter pattern"), ("L", "load saved flows"), ("m", "change body display mode"), (None, common.highlight_key("raw", "r") + [("text", ": raw data")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("pretty", "p") + [("text", ": pretty-print XML, HTML and JSON")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("hex", "h") + [("text", ": hex dump")] ), ("o", "toggle options:"), (None, common.highlight_key("anticache", "a") + [("text", ": prevent cached responses")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("anticomp", "c") + [("text", ": prevent compressed responses")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("killextra", "k") + [("text", ": kill requests not part of server replay")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("norefresh", "n") + [("text", ": disable server replay response refresh")] ), ("q", "quit / return to connection list"), ("Q", "quit without confirm prompt"), ("r", "replay request"), ("R", "revert changes to request"), ("s", "set/unset script"), ("S", "server replay"), ("t", "set sticky cookie expression"), ("u", "set sticky auth expression"), ("w", "save all flows matching current limit"), ("W", "save this flow"), ("|", "run script on this flow"), ("space", "page down"), ("pg up/down", "page up/down"), ] text.extend(common.format_keyvals(keys, key="key", val="text", indent=4)) text.append(("head", "\n\nConnection list keys:\n")) keys = [ ("C", "clear connection list or eventlog"), ("d", "delete connection from view"), ("v", "toggle eventlog"), ("X", "kill and delete connection, even if it's mid-intercept"), ("tab", "tab between eventlog and connection list"), ("enter", "view connection"), ] text.extend(common.format_keyvals(keys, key="key", val="text", indent=4)) text.append(("head", "\n\nConnection view keys:\n")) keys = [ ("b", "save request/response body"), ("e", "edit request/response"), ("p", "previous flow"), ("v", "view body in external viewer"), ("z", "encode/decode a request/response"), ("tab", "toggle request/response view"), ("space", "next flow"), ] text.extend(common.format_keyvals(keys, key="key", val="text", indent=4)) text.append(("head", "\n\nFilter expressions:\n")) f = [] for i in filt.filt_unary: f.append( ("~%s"%i.code, ) for i in filt.filt_rex: f.append( ("~%s regex"%i.code, ) for i in filt.filt_int: f.append( ("~%s int"%i.code, ) f.sort() f.extend( [ ("!", "unary not"), ("&", "and"), ("|", "or"), ("(...)", "grouping"), ] ) text.extend(common.format_keyvals(f, key="key", val="text", indent=4)) text.extend( [ "\n", ("text", " Regexes are Python-style.\n"), ("text", " Regexes can be specified as quoted strings.\n"), ("text", " Header matching (~h, ~hq, ~hs) is against a string of the form \"name: value\".\n"), ("text", " Expressions with no operators are regex matches against URL.\n"), ("text", " Default binary operator is &.\n"), ("head", "\n Examples:\n"), ] ) examples = [ ("google\.com", "Url containing \""), ("~q ~b test", "Requests where body contains \"test\""), ("!(~q & ~t \"text/html\")", "Anything but requests with a text/html content type."), ] text.extend(common.format_keyvals(examples, key="key", val="text", indent=4)) return [urwid.Text(text)]