# Copyright (C) 2012 Aldo Cortesi # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import copy, re import urwid import common from .. import utils, filt def _mkhelp(): text = [] keys = [ ("A", "insert row before cursor"), ("a", "add row after cursor"), ("d", "delete row"), ("e", "spawn external editor on current field"), ("q", "return to flow view"), ("esc", "return to flow view/exit field edit mode"), ("tab", "next field"), ("enter", "edit field"), ] text.extend(common.format_keyvals(keys, key="key", val="text", indent=4)) return text help_context = _mkhelp() footer = [ ('heading_key', "enter"), ":edit ", ('heading_key', "q"), ":back ", ] footer_editing = [ ('heading_key', "esc"), ":stop editing ", ] class SText(common.WWrap): def __init__(self, txt, focused, error): w = urwid.Text(txt, wrap="any") if focused: if error: w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, "focusfield_error") else: w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, "focusfield") elif error: w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, "field_error") common.WWrap.__init__(self, w) def get_text(self): return self.w.get_text()[0] def keypress(self, size, key): return key def selectable(self): return True class SEdit(common.WWrap): def __init__(self, txt): w = urwid.Edit(edit_text=txt, wrap="any", multiline=True) w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, "editfield") common.WWrap.__init__(self, w) def get_text(self): return self.w.get_text()[0] def selectable(self): return True class GridRow(common.WWrap): def __init__(self, focused, editing, editor, values): self.focused, self.editing, self.editor = focused, editing, editor errors = values[1] self.fields = [] for i, v in enumerate(values[0]): if focused == i and editing: self.editing = SEdit(v) self.fields.append(self.editing) else: self.fields.append( SText(v, True if focused == i else False, i in errors) ) fspecs = self.fields[:] fspecs[0] = ("fixed", self.editor.first_width + 2, fspecs[0]) w = urwid.Columns( fspecs, dividechars = 2 ) if focused is not None: w.set_focus_column(focused) common.WWrap.__init__(self, w) def get_value(self): vals = [] errors = set([]) for i, f in enumerate(self.fields): v = f.get_text() vals.append(v) if self.editor.is_error(i, v): errors.add(i) return [vals, errors] def keypress(self, s, k): if self.editing: w = self.w.column_widths(s)[self.focused] k = self.editing.keypress((w,), k) return k def selectable(self): return True class GridWalker(urwid.ListWalker): """ Stores rows as a list of (rows, errors) tuples, where rows is a list and errors is a set with an entry of each offset in rows that is an error. """ def __init__(self, lst, editor): self.lst = [(i, set([])) for i in lst] self.editor = editor self.focus = 0 self.focus_col = 0 self.editing = False def _modified(self): self.editor.show_empty_msg() return urwid.ListWalker._modified(self) def get_current_value(self): if self.lst: return self.lst[self.focus][0][self.focus_col] def set_current_value(self, val): row = list(self.lst[self.focus][0]) row[self.focus_col] = val self.lst[self.focus] = [tuple(row), set([])] def delete_focus(self): if self.lst: del self.lst[self.focus] self.focus = min(len(self.lst)-1, self.focus) self._modified() def _insert(self, pos): self.focus = pos self.lst.insert(self.focus, [[""]*self.editor.columns, set([])]) self.focus_col = 0 self.start_edit() def insert(self): return self._insert(self.focus) def add(self): return self._insert(min(self.focus + 1, len(self.lst))) def start_edit(self): if self.lst: self.editing = GridRow(self.focus_col, True, self.editor, self.lst[self.focus]) self.editor.master.statusbar.update(footer_editing) self._modified() def stop_edit(self): if self.editing: self.editor.master.statusbar.update(footer) self.lst[self.focus] = self.editing.get_value() self.editing = False self._modified() def left(self): self.focus_col = max(self.focus_col - 1, 0) self._modified() def right(self): self.focus_col = min(self.focus_col + 1, self.editor.columns-1) self._modified() def tab_next(self): self.stop_edit() if self.focus_col < self.editor.columns-1: self.focus_col += 1 elif self.focus != len(self.lst)-1: self.focus_col = 0 self.focus += 1 self._modified() def get_focus(self): if self.editing: return self.editing, self.focus elif self.lst: return GridRow(self.focus_col, False, self.editor, self.lst[self.focus]), self.focus else: return None, None def set_focus(self, focus): self.stop_edit() self.focus = focus def get_next(self, pos): if pos+1 >= len(self.lst): return None, None return GridRow(None, False, self.editor, self.lst[pos+1]), pos+1 def get_prev(self, pos): if pos-1 < 0: return None, None return GridRow(None, False, self.editor, self.lst[pos-1]), pos-1 class GridListBox(urwid.ListBox): def __init__(self, lw): urwid.ListBox.__init__(self, lw) FIRST_WIDTH_MAX = 40 FIRST_WIDTH_MIN = 20 class GridEditor(common.WWrap): def __init__(self, master, value, callback, *cb_args, **cb_kwargs): value = copy.deepcopy(value) self.master, self.value, self.callback = master, value, callback self.cb_args, self.cb_kwargs = cb_args, cb_kwargs first_width = 20 if value: for r in value: assert len(r) == self.columns first_width = max(len(r), first_width) self.first_width = min(first_width, FIRST_WIDTH_MAX) title = urwid.Text(self.title) title = urwid.Padding(title, align="left", width=("relative", 100)) title = urwid.AttrWrap(title, "heading") headings = [] for i, h in enumerate(self.headings): c = urwid.Text(h) if i == 0: headings.append(("fixed", first_width + 2, c)) else: headings.append(c) h = urwid.Columns( headings, dividechars = 2 ) h = urwid.AttrWrap(h, "heading") self.walker = GridWalker(self.value, self) self.lb = GridListBox(self.walker) self.w = urwid.Frame( self.lb, header = urwid.Pile([title, h]) ) self.master.statusbar.update("") self.show_empty_msg() def show_empty_msg(self): if self.walker.lst: self.w.set_footer(None) else: self.w.set_footer( urwid.Text( [ ("highlight", "No values. Press "), ("key", "a"), ("highlight", " to add some."), ] ) ) def keypress(self, size, key): if self.walker.editing: if key in ["esc"]: self.walker.stop_edit() elif key == "tab": pf, pfc = self.walker.focus, self.walker.focus_col self.walker.tab_next() if self.walker.focus == pf and self.walker.focus_col != pfc: self.walker.start_edit() else: self.w.keypress(size, key) return None key = common.shortcuts(key) if key in ["q", "esc"]: res = [] for i in self.walker.lst: if any([x.strip() for x in i[0]]): res.append(i[0]) self.callback(res, *self.cb_args, **self.cb_kwargs) self.master.pop_view() elif key in ["h", "left"]: self.walker.left() elif key in ["l", "right"]: self.walker.right() elif key == "tab": self.walker.tab_next() elif key == "a": self.walker.add() elif key == "A": self.walker.insert() elif key == "d": self.walker.delete_focus() elif key == "e": o = self.walker.get_current_value() if o is not None: n = self.master.spawn_editor(o) n = utils.clean_hanging_newline(n) self.walker.set_current_value(n) self.walker._modified() elif key in ["enter"]: self.walker.start_edit() else: return self.w.keypress(size, key) def is_error(self, col, val): return False class QueryEditor(GridEditor): title = "Editing query" columns = 2 headings = ("Key", "Value") class HeaderEditor(GridEditor): title = "Editing headers" columns = 2 headings = ("Key", "Value") class URLEncodedFormEditor(GridEditor): title = "Editing URL-encoded form" columns = 2 headings = ("Key", "Value") class ReplaceEditor(GridEditor): title = "Editing replacement patterns" columns = 3 headings = ("Filter", "Regex", "Replacement") def is_error(self, col, val): if col == 0: if not filt.parse(val): return True elif col == 1: try: re.compile(val) except re.error: return True return False