import re, cStringIO import urwid from PIL import Image from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS import lxml.html, lxml.etree import common from .. import utils, encoding, flow from ..contrib import jsbeautifier VIEW_CUTOFF = 1024*50 VIEW_AUTO = 0 VIEW_JSON = 1 VIEW_XML = 2 VIEW_URLENCODED = 3 VIEW_MULTIPART = 4 VIEW_JAVASCRIPT = 5 VIEW_IMAGE = 6 VIEW_RAW = 7 VIEW_HEX = 8 VIEW_HTML = 9 VIEW_NAMES = { VIEW_AUTO: "Auto", VIEW_JSON: "JSON", VIEW_XML: "XML", VIEW_URLENCODED: "URL-encoded", VIEW_MULTIPART: "Multipart Form", VIEW_JAVASCRIPT: "JavaScript", VIEW_IMAGE: "Image", VIEW_RAW: "Raw", VIEW_HEX: "Hex", VIEW_HTML: "HTML", } VIEW_PROMPT = ( ("auto detect", "a"), ("hex", "e"), ("html", "h"), ("image", "i"), ("javascript", "j"), ("json", "s"), ("raw", "r"), ("multipart", "m"), ("urlencoded", "u"), ("xml", "x"), ) VIEW_SHORTCUTS = { "a": VIEW_AUTO, "x": VIEW_XML, "h": VIEW_HTML, "i": VIEW_IMAGE, "j": VIEW_JAVASCRIPT, "s": VIEW_JSON, "u": VIEW_URLENCODED, "m": VIEW_MULTIPART, "r": VIEW_RAW, "e": VIEW_HEX, } CONTENT_TYPES_MAP = { "text/html": VIEW_HTML, "application/json": VIEW_JSON, "text/xml": VIEW_XML, "multipart/form-data": VIEW_MULTIPART, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": VIEW_URLENCODED, "application/x-javascript": VIEW_JAVASCRIPT, "application/javascript": VIEW_JAVASCRIPT, "text/javascript": VIEW_JAVASCRIPT, "image/png": VIEW_IMAGE, "image/jpeg": VIEW_IMAGE, "image/gif": VIEW_IMAGE, "image/": VIEW_IMAGE, "image/x-icon": VIEW_IMAGE, } def trailer(clen, txt, limit): rem = clen - limit if rem > 0: txt.append(urwid.Text("")) txt.append( urwid.Text( [ ("highlight", "... %s of data not shown. Press "%utils.pretty_size(rem)), ("key", "f"), ("highlight", " to load all data.") ] ) ) def _view_text(content, total, limit): """ Generates a body for a chunk of text. """ txt = [] for i in utils.cleanBin(content).splitlines(): txt.append( urwid.Text(("text", i), wrap="any") ) trailer(total, txt, limit) return txt def view_raw(hdrs, content, limit): txt = _view_text(content[:limit], len(content), limit) return "Raw", txt def view_hex(hdrs, content, limit): txt = [] for offset, hexa, s in utils.hexdump(content[:limit]): txt.append(urwid.Text([ ("offset", offset), " ", ("text", hexa), " ", ("text", s), ])) trailer(len(content), txt, limit) return "Hex", txt def view_xml(hdrs, content, limit): parser = lxml.etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, resolve_entities=False, strip_cdata=False, recover=False) try: document = lxml.etree.fromstring(content, parser) except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: return None docinfo = document.getroottree().docinfo prev = [] p = document.getroottree().getroot().getprevious() while p is not None: prev.insert( 0, lxml.etree.tostring(p) ) p = p.getprevious() doctype=docinfo.doctype if prev: doctype += "\n".join(prev).strip() doctype = doctype.strip() s = lxml.etree.tostring( document, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, doctype=doctype or None, encoding = docinfo.encoding ) txt = [] for i in s[:limit].strip().split("\n"): txt.append( urwid.Text(("text", i)), ) trailer(len(content), txt, limit) return "XML-like data", txt def view_html(hdrs, content, limit): if utils.isXML(content): parser = lxml.etree.HTMLParser(strip_cdata=True, remove_blank_text=True) d = lxml.html.fromstring(content, parser=parser) docinfo = d.getroottree().docinfo s = lxml.etree.tostring(d, pretty_print=True, doctype=docinfo.doctype) return "HTML", _view_text(s[:limit], len(s), limit) def view_json(hdrs, content, limit): lines = utils.pretty_json(content) if lines: txt = [] sofar = 0 for i in lines: sofar += len(i) txt.append( urwid.Text(("text", i)), ) if sofar > limit: break trailer(sum(len(i) for i in lines), txt, limit) return "JSON", txt def view_multipart(hdrs, content, limit): v = hdrs.get("content-type") if v: v = utils.parse_content_type(v[0]) if not v: return boundary = v[2].get("boundary") if not boundary: return rx = re.compile(r'\bname="([^"]+)"') keys = [] vals = [] for i in content.split("--" + boundary): parts = i.splitlines() if len(parts) > 1 and parts[0][0:2] != "--": match =[1]) if match: keys.append( + ":") vals.append(utils.cleanBin( "\n".join(parts[3+parts[2:].index(""):]) )) r = [ urwid.Text(("highlight", "Form data:\n")), ] r.extend(common.format_keyvals( zip(keys, vals), key = "header", val = "text" )) return "Multipart form", r def view_urlencoded(hdrs, content, limit): lines = utils.urldecode(content) if lines: body = common.format_keyvals( [(k+":", v) for (k, v) in lines], key = "header", val = "text" ) return "URLEncoded form", body def view_javascript(hdrs, content, limit): opts = jsbeautifier.default_options() opts.indent_size = 2 res = jsbeautifier.beautify(content[:limit], opts) return "JavaScript", _view_text(res, len(content), limit) def view_image(hdrs, content, limit): try: img = except IOError: return None parts = [ ("Format", str(img.format_description)), ("Size", "%s x %s px"%img.size), ("Mode", str(img.mode)), ] for i in sorted( if i != "exif": parts.append( (str(i), str([i])) ) if hasattr(img, "_getexif"): ex = img._getexif() if ex: for i in sorted(ex.keys()): tag = TAGS.get(i, i) parts.append( (str(tag), str(ex[i])) ) clean = [] for i in parts: clean.append([utils.cleanBin(i[0]), utils.cleanBin(i[1])]) fmt = common.format_keyvals( clean, key = "header", val = "text" ) return "%s image"%img.format, fmt PRETTY_FUNCTION_MAP = { VIEW_XML: view_xml, VIEW_HTML: view_html, VIEW_JSON: view_json, VIEW_URLENCODED: view_urlencoded, VIEW_MULTIPART: view_multipart, VIEW_JAVASCRIPT: view_javascript, VIEW_IMAGE: view_image, VIEW_HEX: view_hex, VIEW_RAW: view_raw, } def get_view_func(viewmode, hdrs, content): """ Returns a function object. """ if viewmode == VIEW_AUTO: ctype = hdrs.get("content-type") if ctype: ctype = ctype[0] ct = utils.parse_content_type(ctype) if ctype else None if ct: viewmode = CONTENT_TYPES_MAP.get("%s/%s"%(ct[0], ct[1])) if not viewmode and utils.isXML(content): viewmode = VIEW_XML return PRETTY_FUNCTION_MAP.get(viewmode, view_raw) def get_content_view(viewmode, hdrItems, content, limit): """ Returns a (msg, body) tuple. """ msg = [] hdrs = flow.ODictCaseless([list(i) for i in hdrItems]) enc = hdrs.get("content-encoding") if enc and enc[0] != "identity": decoded = encoding.decode(enc[0], content) if decoded: content = decoded msg.append("[decoded %s]"%enc[0]) func = get_view_func(viewmode, hdrs, content) try: ret = func(hdrs, content, limit) # Third-party viewers can fail in unexpected ways... except: ret = None if not ret: viewmode = VIEW_RAW ret = view_raw(hdrs, content, limit) msg.append("Couldn't parse: falling back to Raw") else: msg.append(ret[0]) return " ".join(msg), ret[1]