#!/usr/bin/env python """ This example shows how to graft a WSGI app onto mitmproxy. In this instance, we're using the Bottle framework (http://bottlepy.org/) to expose a single simplest-possible page. """ import bottle import os from libmproxy import proxy, flow @bottle.route('/') def index(): return 'Hi!' class MyMaster(flow.FlowMaster): def run(self): try: flow.FlowMaster.run(self) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shutdown() def handle_request(self, f): f = flow.FlowMaster.handle_request(self, f) if f: f.reply() return f def handle_response(self, f): f = flow.FlowMaster.handle_response(self, f) if f: f.reply() print f return f config = proxy.ProxyConfig( cacert = os.path.expanduser("~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca.pem") ) state = flow.State() server = proxy.ProxyServer(config, 8080) # Register the app using the magic domain "proxapp" on port 80. Requests to # this domain and port combination will now be routed to the WSGI app instance. server.apps.add(bottle.app(), "proxapp", 80) m = MyMaster(server, state) m.run()