""" __ __ _____ _____ _____ \ \ / // ____/ ____| / ____| \ V /| (___| (___ | (___ ___ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ > < \___ \\___ \ \___ \ / __/ _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| / . \ ____) |___) | ____) | (_| (_| | | | | | | | __/ | /_/ \_\_____/_____/ |_____/ \___\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_| This script automatically scans all visited webpages for XSS and SQLi vulnerabilities. Usage: mitmproxy -s xss_scanner.py This script scans for vulnerabilities by injecting a fuzzing payload (see PAYLOAD below) into 4 different places and examining the HTML to look for XSS and SQLi injection vulnerabilities. The XSS scanning functionality works by looking to see whether it is possible to inject HTML based off of of where the payload appears in the page and what characters are escaped. In addition, it also looks for any script tags that load javascript from unclaimed domains. The SQLi scanning functionality works by using regular expressions to look for errors from a number of different common databases. Since it is only looking for errors, it will not find blind SQLi vulnerabilities. The 4 places it injects the payload into are: 1. URLs (e.g. https://example.com/ -> https://example.com/PAYLOAD/) 2. Queries (e.g. https://example.com/index.html?a=b -> https://example.com/index.html?a=PAYLOAD) 3. Referers (e.g. The referer changes from https://example.com to PAYLOAD) 4. User Agents (e.g. The UA changes from Chrome to PAYLOAD) Reports from this script show up in the event log (viewable by pressing e) and formatted like: ===== XSS Found ==== XSS URL: http://daviddworken.com/vulnerableUA.php Injection Point: User Agent Suggested Exploit: Line: 1029zxcs'd"aoso[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\eq=3847asd """ from html.parser import HTMLParser from typing import Dict, Union, Tuple, Optional, List, NamedTuple from socket import gaierror, gethostbyname from urllib.parse import urlparse import re import requests from mitmproxy import http from mitmproxy import ctx # The actual payload is put between a frontWall and a backWall to make it easy # to locate the payload with regular expressions FRONT_WALL = b"1029zxc" BACK_WALL = b"3847asd" PAYLOAD = b"""s'd"aoso[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\eq=""" FULL_PAYLOAD = FRONT_WALL + PAYLOAD + BACK_WALL # A XSSData is a named tuple with the following fields: # - url -> str # - injection_point -> str # - exploit -> str # - line -> str XSSData = NamedTuple('XSSData', [('url', str), ('injection_point', str), ('exploit', str), ('line', str)]) # A SQLiData is named tuple with the following fields: # - url -> str # - injection_point -> str # - regex -> str # - dbms -> str SQLiData = NamedTuple('SQLiData', [('url', str), ('injection_point', str), ('regex', str), ('dbms', str)]) VulnData = Tuple[Optional[XSSData], Optional[SQLiData]] Cookies = Dict[str, str] def get_cookies(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> Cookies: """ Return a dict going from cookie names to cookie values - Note that it includes both the cookies sent in the original request and the cookies sent by the server """ return {name: value for name, value in flow.request.cookies.fields} def find_unclaimed_URLs(body: str, requestUrl: bytes) -> None: """ Look for unclaimed URLs in script tags and log them if found""" def getValue(attrs: List[Tuple[str, str]], attrName: str) -> Optional[str]: for name, value in attrs: if attrName == name: return value return None class ScriptURLExtractor(HTMLParser): script_URLs = [] # type: List[str] def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if (tag == "script" or tag == "iframe") and "src" in [name for name, value in attrs]: self.script_URLs.append(getValue(attrs, "src")) if tag == "link" and getValue(attrs, "rel") == "stylesheet" and "href" in [name for name, value in attrs]: self.script_URLs.append(getValue(attrs, "href")) parser = ScriptURLExtractor() parser.feed(body) for url in parser.script_URLs: url_parser = urlparse(url) domain = url_parser.netloc try: gethostbyname(domain) except gaierror: ctx.log.error("XSS found in %s due to unclaimed URL \"%s\"." % (requestUrl, url)) def test_end_of_URL_injection(original_body: str, request_URL: str, cookies: Cookies) -> VulnData: """ Test the given URL for XSS via injection onto the end of the URL and log the XSS if found """ parsed_URL = urlparse(request_URL) path = parsed_URL.path if path != "" and path[-1] != "/": # ensure the path ends in a / path += "/" path += FULL_PAYLOAD.decode('utf-8') # the path must be a string while the payload is bytes url = parsed_URL._replace(path=path).geturl() body = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies).text.lower() xss_info = get_XSS_data(body, url, "End of URL") sqli_info = get_SQLi_data(body, original_body, url, "End of URL") return xss_info, sqli_info def test_referer_injection(original_body: str, request_URL: str, cookies: Cookies) -> VulnData: """ Test the given URL for XSS via injection into the referer and log the XSS if found """ body = requests.get(request_URL, headers={'referer': FULL_PAYLOAD}, cookies=cookies).text.lower() xss_info = get_XSS_data(body, request_URL, "Referer") sqli_info = get_SQLi_data(body, original_body, request_URL, "Referer") return xss_info, sqli_info def test_user_agent_injection(original_body: str, request_URL: str, cookies: Cookies) -> VulnData: """ Test the given URL for XSS via injection into the user agent and log the XSS if found """ body = requests.get(request_URL, headers={'User-Agent': FULL_PAYLOAD}, cookies=cookies).text.lower() xss_info = get_XSS_data(body, request_URL, "User Agent") sqli_info = get_SQLi_data(body, original_body, request_URL, "User Agent") return xss_info, sqli_info def test_query_injection(original_body: str, request_URL: str, cookies: Cookies): """ Test the given URL for XSS via injection into URL queries and log the XSS if found """ parsed_URL = urlparse(request_URL) query_string = parsed_URL.query # queries is a list of parameters where each parameter is set to the payload queries = [query.split("=")[0] + "=" + FULL_PAYLOAD.decode('utf-8') for query in query_string.split("&")] new_query_string = "&".join(queries) new_URL = parsed_URL._replace(query=new_query_string).geturl() body = requests.get(new_URL, cookies=cookies).text.lower() xss_info = get_XSS_data(body, new_URL, "Query") sqli_info = get_SQLi_data(body, original_body, new_URL, "Query") return xss_info, sqli_info def log_XSS_data(xss_info: Optional[XSSData]) -> None: """ Log information about the given XSS to mitmproxy """ # If it is None, then there is no info to log if not xss_info: return ctx.log.error("===== XSS Found ====") ctx.log.error("XSS URL: %s" % xss_info.url) ctx.log.error("Injection Point: %s" % xss_info.injection_point) ctx.log.error("Suggested Exploit: %s" % xss_info.exploit) ctx.log.error("Line: %s" % xss_info.line) def log_SQLi_data(sqli_info: Optional[SQLiData]) -> None: """ Log information about the given SQLi to mitmproxy """ if not sqli_info: return ctx.log.error("===== SQLi Found =====") ctx.log.error("SQLi URL: %s" % sqli_info.url) ctx.log.error("Injection Point: %s" % sqli_info.injection_point) ctx.log.error("Regex used: %s" % sqli_info.regex) ctx.log.error("Suspected DBMS: %s" % sqli_info.dbms) return def get_SQLi_data(new_body: str, original_body: str, request_URL: str, injection_point: str) -> Optional[SQLiData]: """ Return a SQLiDict if there is a SQLi otherwise return None String String URL String -> (SQLiDict or None) """ # Regexes taken from Damn Small SQLi Scanner: https://github.com/stamparm/DSSS/blob/master/dsss.py#L17 DBMS_ERRORS = { "MySQL": (r"SQL syntax.*MySQL", r"Warning.*mysql_.*", r"valid MySQL result", r"MySqlClient\."), "PostgreSQL": (r"PostgreSQL.*ERROR", r"Warning.*\Wpg_.*", r"valid PostgreSQL result", r"Npgsql\."), "Microsoft SQL Server": (r"Driver.* SQL[\-\_\ ]*Server", r"OLE DB.* SQL Server", r"(\W|\A)SQL Server.*Driver", r"Warning.*mssql_.*", r"(\W|\A)SQL Server.*[0-9a-fA-F]{8}", r"(?s)Exception.*\WSystem\.Data\.SqlClient\.", r"(?s)Exception.*\WRoadhouse\.Cms\."), "Microsoft Access": (r"Microsoft Access Driver", r"JET Database Engine", r"Access Database Engine"), "Oracle": (r"\bORA-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]", r"Oracle error", r"Oracle.*Driver", r"Warning.*\Woci_.*", r"Warning.*\Wora_.*"), "IBM DB2": (r"CLI Driver.*DB2", r"DB2 SQL error", r"\bdb2_\w+\("), "SQLite": (r"SQLite/JDBCDriver", r"SQLite.Exception", r"System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException", r"Warning.*sqlite_.*", r"Warning.*SQLite3::", r"\[SQLITE_ERROR\]"), "Sybase": (r"(?i)Warning.*sybase.*", r"Sybase message", r"Sybase.*Server message.*"), } for dbms, regexes in DBMS_ERRORS.items(): for regex in regexes: # type: ignore if re.search(regex, new_body, re.IGNORECASE) and not re.search(regex, original_body, re.IGNORECASE): return SQLiData(request_URL, injection_point, regex, dbms) return None # A qc is either ' or " def inside_quote(qc: str, substring_bytes: bytes, text_index: int, body_bytes: bytes) -> bool: """ Whether the Numberth occurence of the first string in the second string is inside quotes as defined by the supplied QuoteChar """ substring = substring_bytes.decode('utf-8') body = body_bytes.decode('utf-8') num_substrings_found = 0 in_quote = False for index, char in enumerate(body): # Whether the next chunk of len(substring) chars is the substring next_part_is_substring = ( (not (index + len(substring) > len(body))) and (body[index:index + len(substring)] == substring) ) # Whether this char is escaped with a \ is_not_escaped = ( (index - 1 < 0 or index - 1 > len(body)) or (body[index - 1] != "\\") ) if char == qc and is_not_escaped: in_quote = not in_quote if next_part_is_substring: if num_substrings_found == text_index: return in_quote num_substrings_found += 1 return False def paths_to_text(html: str, string: str) -> List[str]: """ Return list of Paths to a given str in the given HTML tree - Note that it does a BFS """ def remove_last_occurence_of_sub_string(string: str, substr: str) -> str: """ Delete the last occurence of substr from str String String -> String """ index = string.rfind(substr) return string[:index] + string[index + len(substr):] class PathHTMLParser(HTMLParser): currentPath = "" paths = [] # type: List[str] def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.currentPath += ("/" + tag) def handle_endtag(self, tag): self.currentPath = remove_last_occurence_of_sub_string(self.currentPath, "/" + tag) def handle_data(self, data): if string in data: self.paths.append(self.currentPath) parser = PathHTMLParser() parser.feed(html) return parser.paths def get_XSS_data(body: Union[str, bytes], request_URL: str, injection_point: str) -> Optional[XSSData]: """ Return a XSSDict if there is a XSS otherwise return None """ def in_script(text, index, body) -> bool: """ Whether the Numberth occurence of the first string in the second string is inside a script tag """ paths = paths_to_text(body.decode('utf-8'), text.decode("utf-8")) try: path = paths[index] return "script" in path except IndexError: return False def in_HTML(text: bytes, index: int, body: bytes) -> bool: """ Whether the Numberth occurence of the first string in the second string is inside the HTML but not inside a script tag or part of a HTML attribute""" # if there is a < then lxml will interpret that as a tag, so only search for the stuff before it text = text.split(b"<")[0] paths = paths_to_text(body.decode('utf-8'), text.decode("utf-8")) try: path = paths[index] return "script" not in path except IndexError: return False def inject_javascript_handler(html: str) -> bool: """ Whether you can inject a Javascript:alert(0) as a link """ class injectJSHandlerHTMLParser(HTMLParser): injectJSHandler = False def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): for name, value in attrs: if name == "href" and value.startswith(FRONT_WALL.decode('utf-8')): self.injectJSHandler = True parser = injectJSHandlerHTMLParser() parser.feed(html) return parser.injectJSHandler # Only convert the body to bytes if needed if isinstance(body, str): body = bytes(body, 'utf-8') # Regex for between 24 and 72 (aka 24*3) characters encapsulated by the walls regex = re.compile(b"""%s.{24,72}?%s""" % (FRONT_WALL, BACK_WALL)) matches = regex.findall(body) for index, match in enumerate(matches): # Where the string is injected into the HTML in_script_val = in_script(match, index, body) in_HTML_val = in_HTML(match, index, body) in_tag = not in_script_val and not in_HTML_val in_single_quotes = inside_quote("'", match, index, body) in_double_quotes = inside_quote('"', match, index, body) # Whether you can inject: inject_open_angle = b"aoso" in match # close angle brackets inject_single_quotes = b"s'd" in match # single quotes inject_double_quotes = b'd"ao' in match # double quotes inject_slash = b"sl/bsl" in match # forward slashes inject_semi = b"se;sl" in match # semicolons inject_equals = b"eq=" in match # equals sign if in_script_val and inject_slash and inject_open_angle and inject_close_angle: # e.g. return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, ' return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, "';alert(0);g='", match.decode('utf-8')) elif in_script_val and in_double_quotes and inject_double_quotes and inject_semi: # e.g. return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, '";alert(0);g="', match.decode('utf-8')) elif in_tag and in_single_quotes and inject_single_quotes and inject_open_angle and inject_close_angle and inject_slash: # e.g. Test return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, "'>", match.decode('utf-8')) elif in_tag and in_double_quotes and inject_double_quotes and inject_open_angle and inject_close_angle and inject_slash: # e.g. Test return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, '">', match.decode('utf-8')) elif in_tag and not in_double_quotes and not in_single_quotes and inject_open_angle and inject_close_angle and inject_slash: # e.g. Test return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, '>', match.decode('utf-8')) elif inject_javascript_handler(body.decode('utf-8')): # e.g. Test return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, 'Javascript:alert(0)', match.decode('utf-8')) elif in_tag and in_double_quotes and inject_double_quotes and inject_equals: # e.g. Test return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, '" onmouseover="alert(0)" t="', match.decode('utf-8')) elif in_tag and in_single_quotes and inject_single_quotes and inject_equals: # e.g. Test return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, "' onmouseover='alert(0)' t='", match.decode('utf-8')) elif in_tag and not in_single_quotes and not in_double_quotes and inject_equals: # e.g. Test return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, " onmouseover=alert(0) t=", match.decode('utf-8')) elif in_HTML_val and not in_script_val and inject_open_angle and inject_close_angle and inject_slash: # e.g. PAYLOAD return XSSData(request_URL, injection_point, '', match.decode('utf-8')) else: return None return None # response is mitmproxy's entry point def response(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: cookies_dict = get_cookies(flow) resp = flow.response.get_text(strict=False) # Example: http://xss.guru/unclaimedScriptTag.html find_unclaimed_URLs(resp, flow.request.url) results = test_end_of_URL_injection(resp, flow.request.url, cookies_dict) log_XSS_data(results[0]) log_SQLi_data(results[1]) # Example: https://daviddworken.com/vulnerableReferer.php results = test_referer_injection(resp, flow.request.url, cookies_dict) log_XSS_data(results[0]) log_SQLi_data(results[1]) # Example: https://daviddworken.com/vulnerableUA.php results = test_user_agent_injection(resp, flow.request.url, cookies_dict) log_XSS_data(results[0]) log_SQLi_data(results[1]) if "?" in flow.request.url: # Example: https://daviddworken.com/vulnerable.php?name= results = test_query_injection(resp, flow.request.url, cookies_dict) log_XSS_data(results[0]) log_SQLi_data(results[1])