""" This inline script can be used to dump flows as HAR files. """ import json import sys import base64 import zlib import os from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone import mitmproxy from mitmproxy import version from mitmproxy.utils import strutils from mitmproxy.net.http import cookies HAR = {} # A list of server seen till now is maintained so we can avoid # using 'connect' time for entries that use an existing connection. SERVERS_SEEN = set() def start(opts): """ Called once on script startup before any other events. """ if len(sys.argv) != 2: raise ValueError( 'Usage: -s "har_dump.py filename" ' '(- will output to stdout, filenames ending with .zhar ' 'will result in compressed har)' ) HAR.update({ "log": { "version": "1.2", "creator": { "name": "mitmproxy har_dump", "version": "0.1", "comment": "mitmproxy version %s" % version.MITMPROXY }, "entries": [] } }) def response(flow): """ Called when a server response has been received. """ # -1 indicates that these values do not apply to current request ssl_time = -1 connect_time = -1 if flow.server_conn and flow.server_conn not in SERVERS_SEEN: connect_time = (flow.server_conn.timestamp_tcp_setup - flow.server_conn.timestamp_start) if flow.server_conn.timestamp_ssl_setup is not None: ssl_time = (flow.server_conn.timestamp_ssl_setup - flow.server_conn.timestamp_tcp_setup) SERVERS_SEEN.add(flow.server_conn) # Calculate raw timings from timestamps. DNS timings can not be calculated # for lack of a way to measure it. The same goes for HAR blocked. # mitmproxy will open a server connection as soon as it receives the host # and port from the client connection. So, the time spent waiting is actually # spent waiting between request.timestamp_end and response.timestamp_start # thus it correlates to HAR wait instead. timings_raw = { 'send': flow.request.timestamp_end - flow.request.timestamp_start, 'receive': flow.response.timestamp_end - flow.response.timestamp_start, 'wait': flow.response.timestamp_start - flow.request.timestamp_end, 'connect': connect_time, 'ssl': ssl_time, } # HAR timings are integers in ms, so we re-encode the raw timings to that format. timings = dict([(k, int(1000 * v)) for k, v in timings_raw.items()]) # full_time is the sum of all timings. # Timings set to -1 will be ignored as per spec. full_time = sum(v for v in timings.values() if v > -1) started_date_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(flow.request.timestamp_start, timezone.utc).isoformat() # Response body size and encoding response_body_size = len(flow.response.raw_content) response_body_decoded_size = len(flow.response.content) response_body_compression = response_body_decoded_size - response_body_size entry = { "startedDateTime": started_date_time, "time": full_time, "request": { "method": flow.request.method, "url": flow.request.url, "httpVersion": flow.request.http_version, "cookies": format_request_cookies(flow.request.cookies.fields), "headers": name_value(flow.request.headers), "queryString": name_value(flow.request.query or {}), "headersSize": len(str(flow.request.headers)), "bodySize": len(flow.request.content), }, "response": { "status": flow.response.status_code, "statusText": flow.response.reason, "httpVersion": flow.response.http_version, "cookies": format_response_cookies(flow.response.cookies.fields), "headers": name_value(flow.response.headers), "content": { "size": response_body_size, "compression": response_body_compression, "mimeType": flow.response.headers.get('Content-Type', '') }, "redirectURL": flow.response.headers.get('Location', ''), "headersSize": len(str(flow.response.headers)), "bodySize": response_body_size, }, "cache": {}, "timings": timings, } # Store binary data as base64 if strutils.is_mostly_bin(flow.response.content): entry["response"]["content"]["text"] = base64.b64encode(flow.response.content).decode() entry["response"]["content"]["encoding"] = "base64" else: entry["response"]["content"]["text"] = flow.response.get_text(strict=False) if flow.request.method in ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH"]: params = [ {"name": a, "value": b} for a, b in flow.request.urlencoded_form.items(multi=True) ] entry["request"]["postData"] = { "mimeType": flow.request.headers.get("Content-Type", ""), "text": flow.request.get_text(strict=False), "params": params } if flow.server_conn.connected(): entry["serverIPAddress"] = str(flow.server_conn.ip_address[0]) HAR["log"]["entries"].append(entry) def done(): """ Called once on script shutdown, after any other events. """ dump_file = sys.argv[1] json_dump = json.dumps(HAR, indent=2) # type: str if dump_file == '-': mitmproxy.ctx.log(json_dump) else: raw = json_dump.encode() # type: bytes if dump_file.endswith('.zhar'): raw = zlib.compress(raw, 9) with open(os.path.expanduser(dump_file), "wb") as f: f.write(raw) mitmproxy.ctx.log("HAR dump finished (wrote %s bytes to file)" % len(json_dump)) def format_cookies(cookie_list): rv = [] for name, value, attrs in cookie_list: cookie_har = { "name": name, "value": value, } # HAR only needs some attributes for key in ["path", "domain", "comment"]: if key in attrs: cookie_har[key] = attrs[key] # These keys need to be boolean! for key in ["httpOnly", "secure"]: cookie_har[key] = bool(key in attrs) # Expiration time needs to be formatted expire_ts = cookies.get_expiration_ts(attrs) if expire_ts is not None: cookie_har["expires"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(expire_ts, timezone.utc).isoformat() rv.append(cookie_har) return rv def format_request_cookies(fields): return format_cookies(cookies.group_cookies(fields)) def format_response_cookies(fields): return format_cookies((c[0], c[1].value, c[1].attrs) for c in fields) def name_value(obj): """ Convert (key, value) pairs to HAR format. """ return [{"name": k, "value": v} for k, v in obj.items()]