# This scripts demonstrates how mitmproxy can switch to a second/different upstream proxy # in upstream proxy mode. # # Usage: mitmdump -U http://default-upstream-proxy.local:8080/ -s change_upstream_proxy.py # # If you want to change the target server, you should modify flow.request.host and flow.request.port # flow.live.set_server should only be used by inline scripts to change the upstream proxy. def proxy_address(flow): # Poor man's loadbalancing: route every second domain through the alternative proxy. if hash(flow.request.host) % 2 == 1: return ("localhost", 8082) else: return ("localhost", 8081) def request(context, flow): if flow.request.method == "CONNECT": # If the decision is done by domain, one could also modify the server address here. # We do it after CONNECT here to have the request data available as well. return address = proxy_address(flow) if flow.live: if flow.request.scheme == "http": # For a normal HTTP request, we just change the proxy server and we're done! if address != flow.live.server_conn.address: flow.live.set_server(address, depth=1) else: # If we have CONNECTed (and thereby established "destination state"), the story is # a bit more complex. Now we don't want to change the top level address (which is # the connect destination) but the address below that. (Notice the `.via` and depth=2). if address != flow.live.server_conn.via.address: flow.live.set_server(address, depth=2)