import typing import mitmproxy.addonmanager import mitmproxy.connections import mitmproxy.http import mitmproxy.log import mitmproxy.tcp import mitmproxy.websocket import mitmproxy.proxy.protocol class Events: # Network lifecycle def clientconnect(self, layer: mitmproxy.proxy.protocol.Layer): """ A client has connected to mitmproxy. Note that a connection can correspond to multiple HTTP requests. """ def clientdisconnect(self, layer: mitmproxy.proxy.protocol.Layer): """ A client has disconnected from mitmproxy. """ def serverconnect(self, conn: mitmproxy.connections.ServerConnection): """ Mitmproxy has connected to a server. Note that a connection can correspond to multiple requests. """ def serverdisconnect(self, conn: mitmproxy.connections.ServerConnection): """ Mitmproxy has disconnected from a server. """ def next_layer(self, layer: mitmproxy.proxy.protocol.Layer): """ Network layers are being switched. You may change which layer will be used by returning a new layer object from this event. """ # General lifecycle def configure(self, updated: typing.Set[str]): """ Called when configuration changes. The updated argument is a set-like object containing the keys of all changed options. This event is called during startup with all options in the updated set. """ def done(self): """ Called when the addon shuts down, either by being removed from the mitmproxy instance, or when mitmproxy itself shuts down. On shutdown, this event is called after the event loop is terminated, guaranteeing that it will be the final event an addon sees. Note that log handlers are shut down at this point, so calls to log functions will produce no output. """ def load(self, entry: mitmproxy.addonmanager.Loader): """ Called when an addon is first loaded. This event receives a Loader object, which contains methods for adding options and commands. This method is where the addon configures itself. """ def log(self, entry: mitmproxy.log.LogEntry): """ Called whenever a new log entry is created through the mitmproxy context. Be careful not to log from this event, which will cause an infinite loop! """ def running(self): """ Called when the proxy is completely up and running. At this point, you can expect the proxy to be bound to a port, and all addons to be loaded. """ def update(self, flows: typing.Sequence[mitmproxy.flow.Flow]): """ Update is called when one or more flow objects have been modified, usually from a different addon. """