.. _models: Datastructures ============== .. automodule:: mitmproxy.models :members: HTTPFlow, HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse .. automodule:: netlib.http .. autoclass:: Request .. rubric:: Data .. autoattribute:: first_line_format .. autoattribute:: method .. autoattribute:: scheme .. autoattribute:: host .. autoattribute:: port .. autoattribute:: path .. autoattribute:: http_version .. autoattribute:: headers .. autoattribute:: content .. autoattribute:: timestamp_start .. autoattribute:: timestamp_end .. rubric:: Computed Properties and Convenience Methods .. autoattribute:: text .. autoattribute:: url .. autoattribute:: pretty_host .. autoattribute:: pretty_url .. autoattribute:: query .. autoattribute:: cookies .. autoattribute:: path_components .. automethod:: anticache .. automethod:: anticomp .. automethod:: constrain_encoding .. autoattribute:: urlencoded_form .. autoattribute:: multipart_form .. autoclass:: Response .. rubric:: Data .. autoattribute:: http_version .. autoattribute:: status_code .. autoattribute:: reason .. autoattribute:: headers .. autoattribute:: content .. autoattribute:: timestamp_start .. autoattribute:: timestamp_end .. rubric:: Computed Properties and Convenience Methods .. autoattribute:: text .. autoattribute:: cookies .. autoclass:: Headers :members: :special-members: :no-undoc-members: .. automodule:: netlib.multidict .. autoclass:: MultiDictView .. automethod:: get_all .. automethod:: set_all .. automethod:: add .. automethod:: insert .. automethod:: keys .. automethod:: values .. automethod:: items .. automethod:: to_dict .. autoclass:: mitmproxy.models.Error :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: mitmproxy.models.ServerConnection :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: mitmproxy.models.ClientConnection :show-inheritance: