## The setup In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how simple it is to creatively interfere with Apple Game Center traffic using mitmproxy. To set things up, you must install the [mitmproxy root certificate](@!urlTo("certinstall/webapp.html")!@) elsewhere in this manual. I then started mitmproxy on my desktop, and configured the iPhone to use it as a proxy. ## Taking a look at the Game Center traffic Lets take a first look at the Game Center traffic. The game I'll use in this tutorial is [Super Mega Worm](http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/super-mega-worm/id388541990?mt=8) - a great little retro-apocalyptic sidescroller for the iPhone:
After finishing a game (take your time), watch the traffic flowing through mitmproxy:
We see a bunch of things we might expect - initialisation, the retrieval of leaderboards and so forth. Then, right at the end, there's a POST to this tantalising URL:
The contents of the submission are particularly interesting: scores category SMW_Adv_USA1 context 0 score-value 0 timestamp 1363515361321 This is a [property list](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_list), containing an identifier for the game, a score (55, in this case), and a timestamp. Looks pretty simple to mess with. ## Modifying and replaying the score submission Lets edit the score submission. First, select it in mitmproxy, then press __enter__ to view it. Make sure you're viewing the request, not the response - you can use __tab__ to flick between the two. Now press __e__ for edit. You'll be prompted for the part of the request you want to change - press __r__ for raw body. Your preferred editor (taken from the EDITOR environment variable) will now fire up. Lets bump the score up to something a bit more ambitious: scores category SMW_Adv_USA1 context 0 score-value 2200272667 timestamp 1363515361321 Save the file and exit your editor. The final step is to replay this modified request. Simply press __r__ for replay. ## The glorious result and some intrigue
And that's it - according to the records, I am the greatest Super Mega Worm player of all time. There's a curious addendum to this tale. When I first wrote this tutorial, all the top competitors' scores were the same: 2,147,483,647 (this is no longer the case, beacause there are now so many fellow cheaters using this tutorial). If you think that number seems familiar, you're right: it's 2^31-1, the maximum value you can fit into a signed 32-bit int. Now let me tell you another peculiar thing about Super Mega Worm - at the end of every game, it submits your highest previous score to the Game Center, not your current score. This means that it stores your highscore somewhere, and I'm guessing that it reads that stored score back into a signed integer. So, if you _were_ to cheat by the relatively pedestrian means of modifying the saved score on your jailbroken phone, then 2^31-1 might well be the maximum score you could get. Then again, if the game itself stores its score in a signed 32-bit int, you could get the same score through perfect play, effectively beating the game. So, which is it in this case? I'll leave that for you to decide.