__mitmproxy__'s interception functionality lets you pause an HTTP request or response, inspect and modify it, and then accept it to send it on to the server or client. Because this is an interactive function, it's only present in __mitmproxy__, not in __mitmdump__. ### 1: Set an interception pattern We press __i__ to set an interception pattern. In this case, the __~q__ filter pattern tells __mitmproxy__ to intercept all requests. For complete filter syntax, see the [Filter expressions](@!urlTo("filters.html")!@) section of this document, or the built-in help function in __mitmproxy__. ### 2: Intercepted connections are indicated with a red exclamation mark: ### 3: You can now view and modify the request: In this case, we viewed the request by selecting it, pressed __e__ for "edit" and __m__ for "method" to change the HTTP request method. ### 4: Accept the intercept to continue Finally, we press __a__ to accept the modified request, which is then sent on to the server. In this case, we changed the request from an HTTP GET to to OPTIONS, and Google's server has responded with a 405 "Method not allowed".