import os, sys, datetime import countershape from countershape import Page, Directory, PythonModule, markup, model import countershape.template sys.path.insert(0, "..") from libmproxy import filt, version MITMPROXY_SRC = os.environ.get("MITMPROXY_SRC", os.path.abspath("..")) ns.VERSION = version.VERSION if ns.idxpath = "doc/index.html" this.layout = countershape.Layout("_websitelayout.html") else: ns.idxpath = "index.html" this.layout = countershape.Layout("_layout.html") ns.title = countershape.template.Template(None, "


") this.titlePrefix = "%s - " % version.NAMEVERSION this.markup = markup.Markdown(extras=["footnotes"]) ns.docMaintainer = "Aldo Cortesi" ns.docMaintainerEmail = "" ns.copyright = u"\u00a9 mitmproxy project, %s" % def mpath(p): p = os.path.join(MITMPROXY_SRC, p) return os.path.expanduser(p) with open(mpath("README.mkd")) as f: readme = ns.index_contents = readme.split("\n", 1)[1] #remove first line (contains build status) def example(s): d = file(mpath(s)).read().rstrip() extemp = """
""" return extemp%(countershape.template.Syntax("py")(d), s) ns.example = example filt_help = [] for i in filt.filt_unary: filt_help.append( ("~%s"%i.code, ) for i in filt.filt_rex: filt_help.append( ("~%s regex"%i.code, ) for i in filt.filt_int: filt_help.append( ("~%s int"%i.code, ) filt_help.sort() filt_help.extend( [ ("!", "unary not"), ("&", "and"), ("|", "or"), ("(...)", "grouping"), ] ) ns.filt_help = filt_help def nav(page, current, state): if current.match(page, False): pre = '
  • ' else: pre = "
  • " p = state.application.getPage(page) return pre + '%s
  • '%(model.UrlTo(page), p.title) ns.nav = nav ns.navbar = countershape.template.File(None, "_nav.html") pages = [ Page("index.html", "Introduction"), Page("install.html", "Installation"), Page("mitmproxy.html", "mitmproxy"), Page("mitmdump.html", "mitmdump"), Page("howmitmproxy.html", "How mitmproxy works"), Page("modes.html", "Modes of Operation"), Page("ssl.html", "Overview"), Directory("certinstall"), Directory("scripting"), Directory("tutorials"), Page("transparent.html", "Overview"), Directory("transparent"), ]