Mitmproxy is configured through a set of files in the users ~/.mitmproxy directory.
mitmproxy.conf Settings for the mitmproxy. This file can contain any options supported by mitmproxy.
mitmdump.conf Settings for the mitmdump. This file can contain any options supported by mitmdump.
common.conf Settings shared between all command-line tools. Settings in this file are over-ridden by those in the tool-specific files. Only options shared by mitmproxy and mitmdump should be used in this file.
# Syntax ## Comments
# this is a comment
; this is also a comment (.ini style)
--- and this is a comment too (yaml style)
## Key/Value pairs - Keys and values are case-sensitive - Whitespace is ignored - Lists are comma-delimited, and enclosed in square brackets
name = value   # (.ini style) 
name: value    # (yaml style)
--name value   # (command-line option style)

fruit = [apple, orange, lemon]
indexes = [1, 12, 35 , 40]
## Flags These are boolean options that take no value but true/false.
name = true    # (.ini style)
--name 	 	   # (command-line option style)
# Options The options available in the config files are precisely those available as command-line flags, with the key being the option's long name. To get a complete list of these, use the __--help__ option on each of the tools. Be careful to only specify common options in the __common.conf__ file - unsupported options in this file will be detected as an error on startup. # Examples ## common.conf Note that __port__ is an option supported by all tools.
port = 8080
## mitmproxy.conf
palette = light