27 June 2011: mitmproxy 0.5: * An -n option to start the tools without binding to a proxy port. * Allow scripts, hooks, sticky cookies etc. to run on flows loaded from save files. * Regularize command-line options for mitmproxy and mitmdump. * Add an "SSL exception" to mitmproxy's license to remove possible distribution issues. * Add a --cert-wait-time option to make mitmproxy pause after a new SSL certificate is generated. This can pave over small discrepancies in system time between the client and server. * Handle viewing big request and response bodies more elegantly. Only render the first 100k of large documents, and try to avoid running the XML indenter on non-XML data. * BUGFIX: Make the "revert" keyboard shortcut in mitmproxy work after a flow has been replayed. * BUGFIX: Repair a problem that sometimes caused SSL connections to consume 100% of CPU. 30 March 2011: mitmproxy 0.4 * Full serialization of HTTP conversations * Client and server replay * On-the-fly generation of dummy SSL certificates * mitmdump has "grown up" into a powerful tcpdump-like tool for HTTP/S * Dozens of improvements to the mitmproxy console interface * Python scripting hooks for programmatic modification of traffic 1 March 2010: mitmproxy 0.2 * Big speed and responsiveness improvements, thanks to Thomas Roth * Support urwid 0.9.9 * Terminal beeping based on filter expressions * Filter expressions for terminal beeps, limits, interceptions and sticky cookies can now be passed on the command line. * Save requests and responses to file * Split off non-interactive dump functionality into a new tool called mitmdump * "A" will now accept all intercepted connections * Lots of bugfixes