path: root/release/rtool.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'release/rtool.py')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/release/rtool.py b/release/rtool.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..136b3066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/rtool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
+from os.path import join
+import contextlib
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import re
+import shlex
+import runpy
+import zipfile
+import tarfile
+import platform
+import click
+import pysftp
+import fnmatch
+from six.moves import shlex_quote
+# https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide.html#windows-notes
+# scripts and executables on Windows go in ENV\Scripts\ instead of ENV/bin/
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ VENV_BIN = "Scripts"
+ VENV_BIN = "bin"
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ def Archive(name):
+ a = zipfile.ZipFile(name, "w")
+ a.add = a.write
+ return a
+ def Archive(name):
+ return tarfile.open(name, "w:gz")
+RELEASE_DIR = join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+DIST_DIR = join(RELEASE_DIR, "dist")
+ROOT_DIR = join(RELEASE_DIR, "..")
+BUILD_DIR = join(RELEASE_DIR, "build")
+PYINSTALLER_TEMP = join(BUILD_DIR, "pyinstaller")
+PYINSTALLER_DIST = join(BUILD_DIR, "binaries")
+VENV_DIR = join(BUILD_DIR, "venv")
+VENV_PIP = join(VENV_DIR, VENV_BIN, "pip")
+VENV_PYINSTALLER = join(VENV_DIR, VENV_BIN, "pyinstaller")
+ "netlib": {
+ "tools": [],
+ "vfile": join(ROOT_DIR, "netlib/netlib/version.py"),
+ "dir": join(ROOT_DIR, "netlib"),
+ "python_version": "py2.py3" # this is the format in wheel filenames
+ },
+ "pathod": {
+ "tools": ["pathod", "pathoc"],
+ "vfile": join(ROOT_DIR, "pathod/libpathod/version.py"),
+ "dir": join(ROOT_DIR, "pathod"),
+ "python_version": "py2"
+ },
+ "mitmproxy": {
+ "tools": ["mitmproxy", "mitmdump", "mitmweb"],
+ "vfile": join(ROOT_DIR, "mitmproxy/libmproxy/version.py"),
+ "dir": join(ROOT_DIR, "mitmproxy"),
+ "python_version": "py2"
+ }
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ ALL_PROJECTS["mitmproxy"]["tools"].remove("mitmproxy")
+projects = {}
+def get_version(project):
+ return runpy.run_path(projects[project]["vfile"])["VERSION"]
+def get_snapshot_version(project):
+ last_tag, tag_dist, commit = subprocess.check_output(
+ ["git", "describe", "--tags", "--long"],
+ cwd=projects[project]["dir"]
+ ).strip().rsplit("-", 2)
+ tag_dist = int(tag_dist)
+ if tag_dist == 0:
+ return get_version(project)
+ else:
+ return "{version}dev{tag_dist:04}-{commit}".format(
+ version=get_version(project), # this should already be the next version
+ tag_dist=tag_dist,
+ commit=commit
+ )
+def archive_name(project):
+ platform_tag = {
+ "Darwin": "osx",
+ "Windows": "win32",
+ "Linux": "linux"
+ }.get(platform.system(), platform.system())
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ ext = "zip"
+ else:
+ ext = "tar.gz"
+ return "{project}-{version}-{platform}.{ext}".format(
+ project=project,
+ version=get_version(project),
+ platform=platform_tag,
+ ext=ext
+ )
+def sdist_name(project):
+ return "{project}-{version}.tar.gz".format(
+ project=project,
+ version=get_version(project)
+ )
+def wheel_name(project):
+ return "{project}-{version}-{py_version}-none-any.whl".format(
+ project=project,
+ version=get_version(project),
+ py_version=projects[project]["python_version"]
+ )
+def empty_pythonpath():
+ """
+ Make sure that the regular python installation is not on the python path,
+ which would give us access to modules installed outside of our virtualenv.
+ """
+ pythonpath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "")
+ os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = ""
+ yield
+ os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = pythonpath
+def chdir(path):
+ old_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(path)
+ yield
+ os.chdir(old_dir)
+ '--project', '-p',
+ multiple=True, type=click.Choice(ALL_PROJECTS.keys()), default=ALL_PROJECTS.keys()
+def cli(project):
+ """
+ mitmproxy build tool
+ """
+ for name in project:
+ projects[name] = ALL_PROJECTS[name]
+def contributors():
+ """
+ """
+ for project, conf in projects.items():
+ with chdir(conf["dir"]):
+ print("Updating %s/CONTRIBUTORS..." % project)
+ contributors_data = subprocess.check_output(
+ shlex.split("git shortlog -n -s")
+ )
+ with open("CONTRIBUTORS", "w") as f:
+ f.write(contributors_data)
+def set_version(version):
+ """
+ Update version information
+ """
+ print("Update versions...")
+ version = ", ".join(version.split("."))
+ for p, conf in projects.items():
+ print("Update %s..." % os.path.normpath(conf["vfile"]))
+ with open(conf["vfile"], "rb") as f:
+ content = f.read()
+ new_content = re.sub(
+ r"IVERSION\s*=\s*\([\d,\s]+\)", "IVERSION = (%s)" % version,
+ content
+ )
+ with open(conf["vfile"], "wb") as f:
+ f.write(new_content)
+def _git(project, args):
+ print("%s> %s..." % (project, " ".join(shlex_quote(a) for a in args)))
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ ["git"] + list(args),
+ cwd=projects[project]["dir"]
+ )
+@click.argument('args', nargs=-1, required=True)
+def git(args):
+ """
+ Run a git command on every project
+ """
+ for project, conf in projects.items():
+ _git(project, args)
+ print("")
+def sdist():
+ """
+ Build a source distribution
+ """
+ with empty_pythonpath():
+ print("Building release...")
+ if os.path.exists(DIST_DIR):
+ shutil.rmtree(DIST_DIR)
+ for project, conf in projects.items():
+ print("Creating %s source distribution..." % project)
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ "python", "./setup.py", "-q",
+ "sdist", "--dist-dir", DIST_DIR, "--formats=gztar",
+ "bdist_wheel", "--dist-dir", DIST_DIR,
+ ],
+ cwd=conf["dir"]
+ )
+ print("Creating virtualenv for test install...")
+ if os.path.exists(VENV_DIR):
+ shutil.rmtree(VENV_DIR)
+ subprocess.check_call(["virtualenv", "-q", VENV_DIR])
+ with chdir(DIST_DIR):
+ for project, conf in projects.items():
+ print("Installing %s..." % project)
+ subprocess.check_call([VENV_PIP, "install", "-q", sdist_name(project)])
+ print("Running binaries...")
+ for project, conf in projects.items():
+ for tool in conf["tools"]:
+ tool = join(VENV_DIR, VENV_BIN, tool)
+ print("> %s --version" % tool)
+ print(subprocess.check_output([tool, "--version"]))
+ print("Virtualenv available for further testing:")
+ print("source %s" % os.path.normpath(join(VENV_DIR, VENV_BIN, "activate")))
+@click.option("--use-existing-sdist/--no-use-existing-sdist", default=False)
+@click.argument("pyinstaller_version", envvar="PYINSTALLER_VERSION", default="PyInstaller~=3.1.1")
+def bdist(ctx, use_existing_sdist, pyinstaller_version):
+ """
+ Build a binary distribution
+ """
+ if os.path.exists(PYINSTALLER_TEMP):
+ shutil.rmtree(PYINSTALLER_TEMP)
+ if os.path.exists(PYINSTALLER_DIST):
+ shutil.rmtree(PYINSTALLER_DIST)
+ if not use_existing_sdist:
+ ctx.invoke(sdist)
+ print("Installing PyInstaller...")
+ subprocess.check_call([VENV_PIP, "install", "-q", pyinstaller_version])
+ for p, conf in projects.items():
+ if conf["tools"]:
+ with Archive(join(DIST_DIR, archive_name(p))) as archive:
+ for tool in conf["tools"]:
+ spec = join(conf["dir"], "release", "%s.spec" % tool)
+ print("Building %s binary..." % tool)
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ "--clean",
+ "--workpath", PYINSTALLER_TEMP,
+ "--distpath", PYINSTALLER_DIST,
+ # This is PyInstaller, so setting a
+ # different log level obviously breaks it :-)
+ # "--log-level", "WARN",
+ spec
+ ]
+ )
+ # Test if it works at all O:-)
+ executable = join(PYINSTALLER_DIST, tool)
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ executable += ".exe"
+ print("> %s --version" % executable)
+ subprocess.check_call([executable, "--version"])
+ archive.add(executable, os.path.basename(executable))
+ print("Packed {}.".format(archive_name(p)))
+@click.option('--username', prompt=True)
+@click.option('--repository', default="pypi")
+@click.option("--sdist/--no-sdist", default=True)
+@click.option("--wheel/--no-wheel", default=True)
+def upload_release(username, password, repository, sdist, wheel):
+ """
+ Upload source distributions to PyPI
+ """
+ for project in projects.keys():
+ files = []
+ if sdist:
+ files.append(sdist_name(project))
+ if wheel:
+ files.append(wheel_name(project))
+ for f in files:
+ print("Uploading {} to {}...".format(f, repository))
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ "twine",
+ "upload",
+ "-u", username,
+ "-p", password,
+ "-r", repository,
+ join(DIST_DIR, f)
+ ])
+@click.option("--host", envvar="SNAPSHOT_HOST", prompt=True)
+@click.option("--port", envvar="SNAPSHOT_PORT", type=int, default=22)
+@click.option("--user", envvar="SNAPSHOT_USER", prompt=True)
+@click.option("--private-key", default=join(RELEASE_DIR, "rtool.pem"))
+@click.option("--private-key-password", envvar="SNAPSHOT_PASS", prompt=True, hide_input=True)
+@click.option("--sdist/--no-sdist", default=False)
+@click.option("--wheel/--no-wheel", default=False)
+@click.option("--bdist/--no-bdist", default=False)
+def upload_snapshot(host, port, user, private_key, private_key_password, sdist, wheel, bdist):
+ """
+ Upload snapshot to snapshot server
+ """
+ with pysftp.Connection(host=host,
+ port=port,
+ username=user,
+ private_key=private_key,
+ private_key_pass=private_key_password) as sftp:
+ for project, conf in projects.items():
+ dir_name = "snapshots/v{}".format(get_version(project))
+ sftp.makedirs(dir_name)
+ with sftp.cd(dir_name):
+ files = []
+ if sdist:
+ files.append(sdist_name(project))
+ if wheel:
+ files.append(wheel_name(project))
+ if bdist and conf["tools"]:
+ files.append(archive_name(project))
+ for f in files:
+ local_path = join(DIST_DIR, f)
+ remote_filename = f.replace(get_version(project), get_snapshot_version(project))
+ symlink_path = "../{}".format(f.replace(get_version(project), "latest"))
+ old_version = f.replace(get_version(project), "*")
+ for f in sftp.listdir():
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, old_version):
+ print("Removing {}...".format(f))
+ sftp.remove(f)
+ print("Uploading {} as {}...".format(f, remote_filename))
+ with click.progressbar(length=os.stat(local_path).st_size) as bar:
+ sftp.put(
+ local_path,
+ "." + remote_filename,
+ callback=lambda done, total: bar.update(done - bar.pos)
+ )
+ # We hide the file during upload.
+ sftp.rename("." + remote_filename, remote_filename)
+ # add symlink
+ if sftp.lexists(symlink_path):
+ print("Removing {}...".format(symlink_path))
+ sftp.remove(symlink_path)
+ sftp.symlink("v{}/{}".format(get_version(project), remote_filename), symlink_path)
+@click.option('--next-version', prompt=True)
+@click.option('--username', prompt="PyPI Username")
+@click.password_option(confirmation_prompt=False, prompt="PyPI Password")
+@click.option('--repository', default="pypi")
+def wizard(ctx, next_version, username, password, repository):
+ """
+ Interactive Release Wizard
+ """
+ for project, conf in projects.items():
+ is_dirty = subprocess.check_output(["git", "status", "--porcelain"], cwd=conf["dir"])
+ if is_dirty:
+ raise RuntimeError("%s repository is not clean." % project)
+ # update contributors file
+ ctx.invoke(contributors)
+ # Build test release
+ ctx.invoke(bdist)
+ try:
+ click.confirm("Please test the release now. Is it ok?", abort=True)
+ except click.Abort:
+ # undo changes
+ ctx.invoke(git, args=["checkout", "CONTRIBUTORS"])
+ raise
+ # Everything ok - let's ship it!
+ for p in projects.keys():
+ _git(p, ["tag", "v" + get_version(p)])
+ ctx.invoke(git, args=["push", "--tags"])
+ ctx.invoke(
+ upload_release,
+ username=username, password=password, repository=repository
+ )
+ click.confirm("Now please wait until CI has built binaries. Finished?")
+ # version bump commit
+ ctx.invoke(set_version, version=next_version)
+ ctx.invoke(
+ git, args=["commit", "-a", "-m", "bump version"]
+ )
+ ctx.invoke(git, args=["push"])
+ click.echo("All done!")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cli()