path: root/libmproxy/proxy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libmproxy/proxy')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 664 deletions
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/__init__.py b/libmproxy/proxy/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index be7f5207..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-from .server import ProxyServer, DummyServer
-from .config import ProxyConfig
-from .root_context import RootContext, Log
-__all__ = [
- "ProxyServer", "DummyServer",
- "ProxyConfig",
- "RootContext", "Log",
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/config.py b/libmproxy/proxy/config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a635ab19..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-import collections
-import os
-import re
-from OpenSSL import SSL
-from netlib import certutils, tcp
-from netlib.http import authentication
-from netlib.tcp import Address, sslversion_choices
-from .. import utils, platform
-CONF_BASENAME = "mitmproxy"
-CA_DIR = "~/.mitmproxy"
-# We manually need to specify this, otherwise OpenSSL may select a non-HTTP2 cipher by default.
-# https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/?server=apache-2.2.15&openssl=1.0.2&hsts=yes&profile=old
-class HostMatcher(object):
- def __init__(self, patterns=tuple()):
- self.patterns = list(patterns)
- self.regexes = [re.compile(p, re.IGNORECASE) for p in self.patterns]
- def __call__(self, address):
- if not address:
- return False
- address = tcp.Address.wrap(address)
- host = "%s:%s" % (address.host, address.port)
- if any(rex.search(host) for rex in self.regexes):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return bool(self.patterns)
-ServerSpec = collections.namedtuple("ServerSpec", "scheme address")
-class ProxyConfig:
- def __init__(
- self,
- host='',
- port=8080,
- cadir=CA_DIR,
- clientcerts=None,
- no_upstream_cert=False,
- body_size_limit=None,
- mode="regular",
- upstream_server=None,
- authenticator=None,
- ignore_hosts=tuple(),
- tcp_hosts=tuple(),
- http2=False,
- rawtcp=False,
- ciphers_client=DEFAULT_CLIENT_CIPHERS,
- ciphers_server=None,
- certs=tuple(),
- ssl_version_client="secure",
- ssl_version_server="secure",
- ssl_verify_upstream_cert=False,
- ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir=None,
- ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca=None,
- ):
- self.host = host
- self.port = port
- self.ciphers_client = ciphers_client
- self.ciphers_server = ciphers_server
- self.clientcerts = clientcerts
- self.no_upstream_cert = no_upstream_cert
- self.body_size_limit = body_size_limit
- self.mode = mode
- if upstream_server:
- self.upstream_server = ServerSpec(upstream_server[0], Address.wrap(upstream_server[1]))
- else:
- self.upstream_server = None
- self.check_ignore = HostMatcher(ignore_hosts)
- self.check_tcp = HostMatcher(tcp_hosts)
- self.http2 = http2
- self.rawtcp = rawtcp
- self.authenticator = authenticator
- self.cadir = os.path.expanduser(cadir)
- self.certstore = certutils.CertStore.from_store(
- self.cadir,
- )
- for spec, cert in certs:
- self.certstore.add_cert_file(spec, cert)
- self.openssl_method_client, self.openssl_options_client = \
- sslversion_choices[ssl_version_client]
- self.openssl_method_server, self.openssl_options_server = \
- sslversion_choices[ssl_version_server]
- if ssl_verify_upstream_cert:
- self.openssl_verification_mode_server = SSL.VERIFY_PEER
- else:
- self.openssl_verification_mode_server = SSL.VERIFY_NONE
- self.openssl_trusted_cadir_server = ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir
- self.openssl_trusted_ca_server = ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca
-def process_proxy_options(parser, options):
- body_size_limit = utils.parse_size(options.body_size_limit)
- c = 0
- mode, upstream_server = "regular", None
- if options.transparent_proxy:
- c += 1
- if not platform.resolver:
- return parser.error("Transparent mode not supported on this platform.")
- mode = "transparent"
- if options.socks_proxy:
- c += 1
- mode = "socks5"
- if options.reverse_proxy:
- c += 1
- mode = "reverse"
- upstream_server = options.reverse_proxy
- if options.upstream_proxy:
- c += 1
- mode = "upstream"
- upstream_server = options.upstream_proxy
- if c > 1:
- return parser.error(
- "Transparent, SOCKS5, reverse and upstream proxy mode "
- "are mutually exclusive. Read the docs on proxy modes to understand why."
- )
- if options.clientcerts:
- options.clientcerts = os.path.expanduser(options.clientcerts)
- if not os.path.exists(options.clientcerts):
- return parser.error(
- "Client certificate path does not exist: %s" % options.clientcerts
- )
- if options.auth_nonanonymous or options.auth_singleuser or options.auth_htpasswd:
- if options.transparent_proxy:
- return parser.error("Proxy Authentication not supported in transparent mode.")
- if options.socks_proxy:
- return parser.error(
- "Proxy Authentication not supported in SOCKS mode. "
- "https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/738"
- )
- if options.auth_singleuser:
- if len(options.auth_singleuser.split(':')) != 2:
- return parser.error(
- "Invalid single-user specification. Please use the format username:password"
- )
- username, password = options.auth_singleuser.split(':')
- password_manager = authentication.PassManSingleUser(username, password)
- elif options.auth_nonanonymous:
- password_manager = authentication.PassManNonAnon()
- elif options.auth_htpasswd:
- try:
- password_manager = authentication.PassManHtpasswd(
- options.auth_htpasswd)
- except ValueError as v:
- return parser.error(v.message)
- authenticator = authentication.BasicProxyAuth(password_manager, "mitmproxy")
- else:
- authenticator = authentication.NullProxyAuth(None)
- certs = []
- for i in options.certs:
- parts = i.split("=", 1)
- if len(parts) == 1:
- parts = ["*", parts[0]]
- parts[1] = os.path.expanduser(parts[1])
- if not os.path.exists(parts[1]):
- parser.error("Certificate file does not exist: %s" % parts[1])
- certs.append(parts)
- if options.http2 and not tcp.HAS_ALPN:
- raise RuntimeError("HTTP2 support requires OpenSSL 1.0.2 or above.")
- return ProxyConfig(
- host=options.addr,
- port=options.port,
- cadir=options.cadir,
- clientcerts=options.clientcerts,
- no_upstream_cert=options.no_upstream_cert,
- body_size_limit=body_size_limit,
- mode=mode,
- upstream_server=upstream_server,
- ignore_hosts=options.ignore_hosts,
- tcp_hosts=options.tcp_hosts,
- http2=options.http2,
- rawtcp=options.rawtcp,
- authenticator=authenticator,
- ciphers_client=options.ciphers_client,
- ciphers_server=options.ciphers_server,
- certs=tuple(certs),
- ssl_version_client=options.ssl_version_client,
- ssl_version_server=options.ssl_version_server,
- ssl_verify_upstream_cert=options.ssl_verify_upstream_cert,
- ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir=options.ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir,
- ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca=options.ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca
- )
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/__init__.py b/libmproxy/proxy/modes/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f014ed98..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-from .http_proxy import HttpProxy, HttpUpstreamProxy
-from .reverse_proxy import ReverseProxy
-from .socks_proxy import Socks5Proxy
-from .transparent_proxy import TransparentProxy
-__all__ = [
- "HttpProxy", "HttpUpstreamProxy",
- "ReverseProxy",
- "Socks5Proxy",
- "TransparentProxy"
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/http_proxy.py b/libmproxy/proxy/modes/http_proxy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e19062b9..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/http_proxy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-from ...protocol import Layer, ServerConnectionMixin
-class HttpProxy(Layer, ServerConnectionMixin):
- def __call__(self):
- layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self)
- try:
- layer()
- finally:
- if self.server_conn:
- self.disconnect()
-class HttpUpstreamProxy(Layer, ServerConnectionMixin):
- def __init__(self, ctx, server_address):
- super(HttpUpstreamProxy, self).__init__(ctx, server_address=server_address)
- def __call__(self):
- layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self)
- try:
- layer()
- finally:
- if self.server_conn:
- self.disconnect()
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/reverse_proxy.py b/libmproxy/proxy/modes/reverse_proxy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c8e80a10..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/reverse_proxy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-from ...protocol import Layer, ServerConnectionMixin
-class ReverseProxy(Layer, ServerConnectionMixin):
- def __init__(self, ctx, server_address, server_tls):
- super(ReverseProxy, self).__init__(ctx, server_address=server_address)
- self.server_tls = server_tls
- def __call__(self):
- layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self)
- try:
- layer()
- finally:
- if self.server_conn:
- self.disconnect()
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/socks_proxy.py b/libmproxy/proxy/modes/socks_proxy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ce44ae..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/socks_proxy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-from netlib import socks, tcp
-from netlib.exceptions import TcpException
-from ...exceptions import Socks5ProtocolException
-from ...protocol import Layer, ServerConnectionMixin
-class Socks5Proxy(Layer, ServerConnectionMixin):
- def __init__(self, ctx):
- super(Socks5Proxy, self).__init__(ctx)
- def __call__(self):
- try:
- # Parse Client Greeting
- client_greet = socks.ClientGreeting.from_file(self.client_conn.rfile, fail_early=True)
- client_greet.assert_socks5()
- if socks.METHOD.NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED not in client_greet.methods:
- raise socks.SocksError(
- "mitmproxy only supports SOCKS without authentication"
- )
- # Send Server Greeting
- server_greet = socks.ServerGreeting(
- )
- server_greet.to_file(self.client_conn.wfile)
- self.client_conn.wfile.flush()
- # Parse Connect Request
- connect_request = socks.Message.from_file(self.client_conn.rfile)
- connect_request.assert_socks5()
- if connect_request.msg != socks.CMD.CONNECT:
- raise socks.SocksError(
- "mitmproxy only supports SOCKS5 CONNECT."
- )
- # We always connect lazily, but we need to pretend to the client that we connected.
- connect_reply = socks.Message(
- connect_request.atyp,
- # dummy value, we don't have an upstream connection yet.
- connect_request.addr
- )
- connect_reply.to_file(self.client_conn.wfile)
- self.client_conn.wfile.flush()
- except (socks.SocksError, TcpException) as e:
- raise Socks5ProtocolException("SOCKS5 mode failure: %s" % repr(e))
- # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/839
- address_bytes = (connect_request.addr.host.encode("idna"), connect_request.addr.port)
- self.server_conn.address = tcp.Address(address_bytes, connect_request.addr.use_ipv6)
- layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self)
- try:
- layer()
- finally:
- if self.server_conn:
- self.disconnect()
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/transparent_proxy.py b/libmproxy/proxy/modes/transparent_proxy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fdda656..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/modes/transparent_proxy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-from ... import platform
-from ...exceptions import ProtocolException
-from ...protocol import Layer, ServerConnectionMixin
-class TransparentProxy(Layer, ServerConnectionMixin):
- def __init__(self, ctx):
- super(TransparentProxy, self).__init__(ctx)
- self.resolver = platform.resolver()
- def __call__(self):
- try:
- self.server_conn.address = self.resolver.original_addr(self.client_conn.connection)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ProtocolException("Transparent mode failure: %s" % repr(e))
- layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self)
- try:
- layer()
- finally:
- if self.server_conn:
- self.disconnect()
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/root_context.py b/libmproxy/proxy/root_context.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f56aee6d..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/root_context.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-import string
-import sys
-import six
-from libmproxy.exceptions import ProtocolException, TlsProtocolException
-from netlib.exceptions import TcpException
-from ..protocol import (
- RawTCPLayer, TlsLayer, Http1Layer, Http2Layer, is_tls_record_magic, ServerConnectionMixin,
- UpstreamConnectLayer, TlsClientHello
-from .modes import HttpProxy, HttpUpstreamProxy, ReverseProxy
-class RootContext(object):
- """
- The outermost context provided to the root layer.
- As a consequence, every layer has access to methods and attributes defined here.
- Attributes:
- client_conn:
- The :py:class:`client connection <libmproxy.models.ClientConnection>`.
- channel:
- A :py:class:`~libmproxy.controller.Channel` to communicate with the FlowMaster.
- Provides :py:meth:`.ask() <libmproxy.controller.Channel.ask>` and
- :py:meth:`.tell() <libmproxy.controller.Channel.tell>` methods.
- config:
- The :py:class:`proxy server's configuration <libmproxy.proxy.ProxyConfig>`
- """
- def __init__(self, client_conn, config, channel):
- self.client_conn = client_conn
- self.channel = channel
- self.config = config
- def next_layer(self, top_layer):
- """
- This function determines the next layer in the protocol stack.
- Arguments:
- top_layer: the current innermost layer.
- Returns:
- The next layer
- """
- layer = self._next_layer(top_layer)
- return self.channel.ask("next_layer", layer)
- def _next_layer(self, top_layer):
- try:
- d = top_layer.client_conn.rfile.peek(3)
- except TcpException as e:
- six.reraise(ProtocolException, ProtocolException(str(e)), sys.exc_info()[2])
- client_tls = is_tls_record_magic(d)
- # 1. check for --ignore
- if self.config.check_ignore:
- ignore = self.config.check_ignore(top_layer.server_conn.address)
- if not ignore and client_tls:
- try:
- client_hello = TlsClientHello.from_client_conn(self.client_conn)
- except TlsProtocolException as e:
- self.log("Cannot parse Client Hello: %s" % repr(e), "error")
- else:
- ignore = self.config.check_ignore((client_hello.client_sni, 443))
- if ignore:
- return RawTCPLayer(top_layer, logging=False)
- # 2. Always insert a TLS layer, even if there's neither client nor server tls.
- # An inline script may upgrade from http to https,
- # in which case we need some form of TLS layer.
- if isinstance(top_layer, ReverseProxy):
- return TlsLayer(top_layer, client_tls, top_layer.server_tls)
- if isinstance(top_layer, ServerConnectionMixin) or isinstance(top_layer, UpstreamConnectLayer):
- return TlsLayer(top_layer, client_tls, client_tls)
- # 3. In Http Proxy mode and Upstream Proxy mode, the next layer is fixed.
- if isinstance(top_layer, TlsLayer):
- if isinstance(top_layer.ctx, HttpProxy):
- return Http1Layer(top_layer, "regular")
- if isinstance(top_layer.ctx, HttpUpstreamProxy):
- return Http1Layer(top_layer, "upstream")
- # 4. Check for other TLS cases (e.g. after CONNECT).
- if client_tls:
- return TlsLayer(top_layer, True, True)
- # 4. Check for --tcp
- if self.config.check_tcp(top_layer.server_conn.address):
- return RawTCPLayer(top_layer)
- # 5. Check for TLS ALPN (HTTP1/HTTP2)
- if isinstance(top_layer, TlsLayer):
- alpn = top_layer.client_conn.get_alpn_proto_negotiated()
- if alpn == b'h2':
- return Http2Layer(top_layer, 'transparent')
- if alpn == b'http/1.1':
- return Http1Layer(top_layer, 'transparent')
- # 6. Check for raw tcp mode
- is_ascii = (
- len(d) == 3 and
- # better be safe here and don't expect uppercase...
- all(x in string.ascii_letters for x in d)
- )
- if self.config.rawtcp and not is_ascii:
- return RawTCPLayer(top_layer)
- # 7. Assume HTTP1 by default
- return Http1Layer(top_layer, 'transparent')
- def log(self, msg, level, subs=()):
- """
- Send a log message to the master.
- """
- full_msg = [
- "{}: {}".format(repr(self.client_conn.address), msg)
- ]
- for i in subs:
- full_msg.append(" -> " + i)
- full_msg = "\n".join(full_msg)
- self.channel.tell("log", Log(full_msg, level))
- @property
- def layers(self):
- return []
- def __repr__(self):
- return "RootContext"
-class Log(object):
- def __init__(self, msg, level="info"):
- self.msg = msg
- self.level = level
diff --git a/libmproxy/proxy/server.py b/libmproxy/proxy/server.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d208cff5..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/proxy/server.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
-import traceback
-import sys
-import socket
-import six
-from netlib import tcp
-from netlib.exceptions import TcpException
-from netlib.http.http1 import assemble_response
-from ..exceptions import ProtocolException, ServerException, ClientHandshakeException
-from ..protocol import Kill
-from ..models import ClientConnection, make_error_response
-from .modes import HttpUpstreamProxy, HttpProxy, ReverseProxy, TransparentProxy, Socks5Proxy
-from .root_context import RootContext, Log
-class DummyServer:
- bound = False
- def __init__(self, config):
- self.config = config
- def start_slave(self, *args):
- pass
- def shutdown(self):
- pass
-class ProxyServer(tcp.TCPServer):
- allow_reuse_address = True
- bound = True
- def __init__(self, config):
- """
- Raises ProxyServerError if there's a startup problem.
- """
- self.config = config
- try:
- super(ProxyServer, self).__init__((config.host, config.port))
- except socket.error as e:
- six.reraise(
- ServerException,
- ServerException('Error starting proxy server: ' + repr(e)),
- sys.exc_info()[2]
- )
- self.channel = None
- def start_slave(self, klass, channel):
- slave = klass(channel, self)
- slave.start()
- def set_channel(self, channel):
- self.channel = channel
- def handle_client_connection(self, conn, client_address):
- h = ConnectionHandler(
- conn,
- client_address,
- self.config,
- self.channel
- )
- h.handle()
-class ConnectionHandler(object):
- def __init__(self, client_conn, client_address, config, channel):
- self.config = config
- """@type: libmproxy.proxy.config.ProxyConfig"""
- self.client_conn = ClientConnection(
- client_conn,
- client_address,
- None)
- """@type: libmproxy.proxy.connection.ClientConnection"""
- self.channel = channel
- """@type: libmproxy.controller.Channel"""
- def _create_root_layer(self):
- root_context = RootContext(
- self.client_conn,
- self.config,
- self.channel
- )
- mode = self.config.mode
- if mode == "upstream":
- return HttpUpstreamProxy(
- root_context,
- self.config.upstream_server.address
- )
- elif mode == "transparent":
- return TransparentProxy(root_context)
- elif mode == "reverse":
- server_tls = self.config.upstream_server.scheme == "https"
- return ReverseProxy(
- root_context,
- self.config.upstream_server.address,
- server_tls
- )
- elif mode == "socks5":
- return Socks5Proxy(root_context)
- elif mode == "regular":
- return HttpProxy(root_context)
- elif callable(mode): # pragma: no cover
- return mode(root_context)
- else: # pragma: no cover
- raise ValueError("Unknown proxy mode: %s" % mode)
- def handle(self):
- self.log("clientconnect", "info")
- root_layer = self._create_root_layer()
- root_layer = self.channel.ask("clientconnect", root_layer)
- if root_layer == Kill:
- def root_layer():
- raise Kill()
- try:
- root_layer()
- except Kill:
- self.log("Connection killed", "info")
- except ProtocolException as e:
- if isinstance(e, ClientHandshakeException):
- self.log(
- "Client Handshake failed. "
- "The client may not trust the proxy's certificate for {}.".format(e.server),
- "error"
- )
- self.log(repr(e), "debug")
- else:
- self.log(repr(e), "info")
- self.log(traceback.format_exc(), "debug")
- # If an error propagates to the topmost level,
- # we send an HTTP error response, which is both
- # understandable by HTTP clients and humans.
- try:
- error_response = make_error_response(502, repr(e))
- self.client_conn.send(assemble_response(error_response))
- except TcpException:
- pass
- except Exception:
- self.log(traceback.format_exc(), "error")
- print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr)
- print("mitmproxy has crashed!", file=sys.stderr)
- print("Please lodge a bug report at: https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy", file=sys.stderr)
- self.log("clientdisconnect", "info")
- self.channel.tell("clientdisconnect", root_layer)
- self.client_conn.finish()
- def log(self, msg, level):
- msg = "{}: {}".format(repr(self.client_conn.address), msg)
- self.channel.tell("log", Log(msg, level))