diff options
9 files changed, 11 insertions, 1440 deletions
diff --git a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/__init__.py b/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d0592bc5..00000000
--- a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from . import compat
-from . import connection
-from . import events
-from . import extensions
-from . import frame_protocol
-__all__ = [
- 'compat',
- 'connection',
- 'events',
- 'extensions',
- 'frame_protocol',
diff --git a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/compat.py b/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/compat.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1911f83c..00000000
--- a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/compat.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# flake8: noqa
-import sys
-PY2 = sys.version_info.major == 2
-PY3 = sys.version_info.major == 3
-if PY3:
- unicode = str
- def Utf8Validator():
- return None
- unicode = unicode
- try:
- from wsaccel.utf8validator import Utf8Validator
- except ImportError:
- from .utf8validator import Utf8Validator
diff --git a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/connection.py b/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/connection.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f994cd3a..00000000
--- a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/connection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-An implementation of a WebSocket connection.
-import os
-import base64
-import hashlib
-from collections import deque
-from enum import Enum
-import h11
-from .events import (
- ConnectionRequested, ConnectionEstablished, ConnectionClosed,
- ConnectionFailed, TextReceived, BytesReceived, PingReceived, PongReceived
-from .frame_protocol import FrameProtocol, ParseFailed, CloseReason, Opcode
-# RFC6455, Section 1.3 - Opening Handshake
-ACCEPT_GUID = b"258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
-class ConnectionState(Enum):
- """
- RFC 6455, Section 4 - Opening Handshake
- """
- OPEN = 1
- CLOSED = 3
-class ConnectionType(Enum):
- CLIENT = 1
- SERVER = 2
-CLIENT = ConnectionType.CLIENT
-SERVER = ConnectionType.SERVER
-# Some convenience utilities for working with HTTP headers
-def _normed_header_dict(h11_headers):
- # This mangles Set-Cookie headers. But it happens that we don't care about
- # any of those, so it's OK. For every other HTTP header, if there are
- # multiple instances then you're allowed to join them together with
- # commas.
- name_to_values = {}
- for name, value in h11_headers:
- name_to_values.setdefault(name, []).append(value)
- name_to_normed_value = {}
- for name, values in name_to_values.items():
- name_to_normed_value[name] = b", ".join(values)
- return name_to_normed_value
-# We use this for parsing the proposed protocol list, and for parsing the
-# proposed and accepted extension lists. For the proposed protocol list it's
-# fine, because the ABNF is just 1#token. But for the extension lists, it's
-# wrong, because those can contain quoted strings, which can in turn contain
-# commas. XX FIXME
-def _split_comma_header(value):
- return [piece.decode('ascii').strip() for piece in value.split(b',')]
-class WSConnection(object):
- """
- A low-level WebSocket connection object.
- This wraps two other protocol objects, an HTTP/1.1 protocol object used
- to do the initial HTTP upgrade handshake and a WebSocket frame protocol
- object used to exchange messages and other control frames.
- :param conn_type: Whether this object is on the client- or server-side of
- a connection. To initialise as a client pass ``CLIENT`` otherwise
- pass ``SERVER``.
- :type conn_type: ``ConnectionType``
- :param host: The hostname to pass to the server when acting as a client.
- :type host: ``str``
- :param resource: The resource (aka path) to pass to the server when acting
- as a client.
- :type resource: ``str``
- :param extensions: A list of extensions to use on this connection.
- Extensions should be instances of a subclass of
- :class:`Extension <wsproto.extensions.Extension>`.
- :param subprotocols: A list of subprotocols to request when acting as a
- client, ordered by preference. This has no impact on the connection
- itself.
- :type subprotocol: ``list`` of ``str``
- """
- def __init__(self, conn_type, host=None, resource=None, extensions=None,
- subprotocols=None):
- self.client = conn_type is ConnectionType.CLIENT
- self.host = host
- self.resource = resource
- self.subprotocols = subprotocols or []
- self.extensions = extensions or []
- self.version = b'13'
- self._state = ConnectionState.CONNECTING
- self._close_reason = None
- self._nonce = None
- self._outgoing = b''
- self._events = deque()
- self._proto = None
- if self.client:
- self._upgrade_connection = h11.Connection(h11.CLIENT)
- else:
- self._upgrade_connection = h11.Connection(h11.SERVER)
- if self.client:
- if self.host is None:
- raise ValueError(
- "Host must not be None for a client-side connection.")
- if self.resource is None:
- raise ValueError(
- "Resource must not be None for a client-side connection.")
- self.initiate_connection()
- def initiate_connection(self):
- self._generate_nonce()
- headers = {
- b"Host": self.host.encode('ascii'),
- b"Upgrade": b'WebSocket',
- b"Connection": b'Upgrade',
- b"Sec-WebSocket-Key": self._nonce,
- b"Sec-WebSocket-Version": self.version,
- }
- if self.subprotocols:
- headers[b"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = ", ".join(self.subprotocols)
- if self.extensions:
- offers = {e.name: e.offer(self) for e in self.extensions}
- extensions = []
- for name, params in offers.items():
- if params is True:
- extensions.append(name.encode('ascii'))
- elif params:
- # py34 annoyance: doesn't support bytestring formatting
- extensions.append(('%s; %s' % (name, params))
- .encode("ascii"))
- if extensions:
- headers[b'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions'] = b', '.join(extensions)
- upgrade = h11.Request(method=b'GET', target=self.resource,
- headers=headers.items())
- self._outgoing += self._upgrade_connection.send(upgrade)
- def send_data(self, payload, final=True):
- """
- Send a message or part of a message to the remote peer.
- If ``final`` is ``False`` it indicates that this is part of a longer
- message. If ``final`` is ``True`` it indicates that this is either a
- self-contained message or the last part of a longer message.
- If ``payload`` is of type ``bytes`` then the message is flagged as
- being binary If it is of type ``str`` encoded as UTF-8 and sent as
- text.
- :param payload: The message body to send.
- :type payload: ``bytes`` or ``str``
- :param final: Whether there are more parts to this message to be sent.
- :type final: ``bool``
- """
- self._outgoing += self._proto.send_data(payload, final)
- def close(self, code=CloseReason.NORMAL_CLOSURE, reason=None):
- self._outgoing += self._proto.close(code, reason)
- self._state = ConnectionState.CLOSING
- @property
- def closed(self):
- return self._state is ConnectionState.CLOSED
- def bytes_to_send(self, amount=None):
- """
- Return any data that is to be sent to the remote peer.
- :param amount: (optional) The maximum number of bytes to be provided.
- If ``None`` or not provided it will return all available bytes.
- :type amount: ``int``
- """
- if amount is None:
- data = self._outgoing
- self._outgoing = b''
- else:
- data = self._outgoing[:amount]
- self._outgoing = self._outgoing[amount:]
- return data
- def receive_bytes(self, data):
- """
- Pass some received bytes to the connection for processing.
- :param data: The data received from the remote peer.
- :type data: ``bytes``
- """
- if data is None and self._state is ConnectionState.OPEN:
- # "If _The WebSocket Connection is Closed_ and no Close control
- # frame was received by the endpoint (such as could occur if the
- # underlying transport connection is lost), _The WebSocket
- # Connection Close Code_ is considered to be 1006."
- self._events.append(ConnectionClosed(CloseReason.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE))
- self._state = ConnectionState.CLOSED
- return
- elif data is None:
- self._state = ConnectionState.CLOSED
- return
- if self._state is ConnectionState.CONNECTING:
- event, data = self._process_upgrade(data)
- if event is not None:
- self._events.append(event)
- if self._state is ConnectionState.OPEN:
- self._proto.receive_bytes(data)
- def _process_upgrade(self, data):
- self._upgrade_connection.receive_data(data)
- while True:
- try:
- event = self._upgrade_connection.next_event()
- except h11.RemoteProtocolError:
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Bad HTTP message"), b''
- if event is h11.NEED_DATA:
- break
- elif self.client and isinstance(event, (h11.InformationalResponse,
- h11.Response)):
- data = self._upgrade_connection.trailing_data[0]
- return self._establish_client_connection(event), data
- elif not self.client and isinstance(event, h11.Request):
- return self._process_connection_request(event), None
- else:
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Bad HTTP message"), b''
- self._incoming = b''
- return None, None
- def events(self):
- """
- Return a generator that provides any events that have been generated
- by protocol activity.
- :returns: generator
- """
- while self._events:
- yield self._events.popleft()
- if self._proto is None:
- return
- try:
- for frame in self._proto.received_frames():
- if frame.opcode is Opcode.PING:
- assert frame.frame_finished and frame.message_finished
- self._outgoing += self._proto.pong(frame.payload)
- yield PingReceived(frame.payload)
- elif frame.opcode is Opcode.PONG:
- assert frame.frame_finished and frame.message_finished
- yield PongReceived(frame.payload)
- elif frame.opcode is Opcode.CLOSE:
- code, reason = frame.payload
- self.close(code, reason)
- yield ConnectionClosed(code, reason)
- elif frame.opcode is Opcode.TEXT:
- yield TextReceived(frame.payload,
- frame.frame_finished,
- frame.message_finished)
- elif frame.opcode is Opcode.BINARY:
- yield BytesReceived(frame.payload,
- frame.frame_finished,
- frame.message_finished)
- except ParseFailed as exc:
- # XX FIXME: apparently autobahn intentionally deviates from the
- # spec in that on protocol errors it just closes the connection
- # rather than trying to send a CLOSE frame. Investigate whether we
- # should do the same.
- self.close(code=exc.code, reason=str(exc))
- yield ConnectionClosed(exc.code, reason=str(exc))
- def _generate_nonce(self):
- # os.urandom may be overkill for this use case, but I don't think this
- # is a bottleneck, and better safe than sorry...
- self._nonce = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16))
- def _generate_accept_token(self, token):
- accept_token = token + ACCEPT_GUID
- accept_token = hashlib.sha1(accept_token).digest()
- return base64.b64encode(accept_token)
- def _establish_client_connection(self, event):
- if event.status_code != 101:
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Bad status code from server")
- headers = _normed_header_dict(event.headers)
- if headers[b'connection'].lower() != b'upgrade':
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Missing Connection: Upgrade header")
- if headers[b'upgrade'].lower() != b'websocket':
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Missing Upgrade: WebSocket header")
- accept_token = self._generate_accept_token(self._nonce)
- if headers[b'sec-websocket-accept'] != accept_token:
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Bad accept token")
- subprotocol = headers.get(b'sec-websocket-protocol', None)
- if subprotocol is not None:
- subprotocol = subprotocol.decode('ascii')
- if subprotocol not in self.subprotocols:
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "unrecognized subprotocol {!r}"
- .format(subprotocol))
- extensions = headers.get(b'sec-websocket-extensions', None)
- if extensions:
- accepts = _split_comma_header(extensions)
- for accept in accepts:
- name = accept.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
- for extension in self.extensions:
- if extension.name == name:
- extension.finalize(self, accept)
- break
- else:
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "unrecognized extension {!r}"
- .format(name))
- self._proto = FrameProtocol(self.client, self.extensions)
- self._state = ConnectionState.OPEN
- return ConnectionEstablished(subprotocol, extensions)
- def _process_connection_request(self, event):
- if event.method != b'GET':
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Request method must be GET")
- headers = _normed_header_dict(event.headers)
- if headers[b'connection'].lower() != b'upgrade':
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Missing Connection: Upgrade header")
- if headers[b'upgrade'].lower() != b'websocket':
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Missing Upgrade: WebSocket header")
- if b'sec-websocket-version' not in headers:
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Missing Sec-WebSocket-Version header")
- # XX FIXME: need to check Sec-Websocket-Version, and respond with a
- # 400 if it's not what we expect
- if b'sec-websocket-protocol' in headers:
- proposed_subprotocols = _split_comma_header(
- headers[b'sec-websocket-protocol'])
- else:
- proposed_subprotocols = []
- if b'sec-websocket-key' not in headers:
- return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
- "Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key header")
- return ConnectionRequested(proposed_subprotocols, event)
- def _extension_accept(self, extensions_header):
- accepts = {}
- offers = _split_comma_header(extensions_header)
- for offer in offers:
- name = offer.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
- for extension in self.extensions:
- if extension.name == name:
- accept = extension.accept(self, offer)
- if accept is True:
- accepts[extension.name] = True
- elif accept is not False and accept is not None:
- accepts[extension.name] = accept.encode('ascii')
- if accepts:
- extensions = []
- for name, params in accepts.items():
- if params is True:
- extensions.append(name.encode('ascii'))
- else:
- # py34 annoyance: doesn't support bytestring formatting
- params = params.decode("ascii")
- extensions.append(('%s; %s' % (name, params))
- .encode("ascii"))
- return b', '.join(extensions)
- return None
- def accept(self, event, subprotocol=None):
- request = event.h11request
- request_headers = _normed_header_dict(request.headers)
- nonce = request_headers[b'sec-websocket-key']
- accept_token = self._generate_accept_token(nonce)
- headers = {
- b"Upgrade": b'WebSocket',
- b"Connection": b'Upgrade',
- b"Sec-WebSocket-Accept": accept_token,
- }
- if subprotocol is not None:
- if subprotocol not in event.proposed_subprotocols:
- raise ValueError(
- "unexpected subprotocol {!r}".format(subprotocol))
- headers[b'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol'] = subprotocol
- extensions = request_headers.get(b'sec-websocket-extensions', None)
- if extensions:
- accepts = self._extension_accept(extensions)
- if accepts:
- headers[b"Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = accepts
- response = h11.InformationalResponse(status_code=101,
- headers=headers.items())
- self._outgoing += self._upgrade_connection.send(response)
- self._proto = FrameProtocol(self.client, self.extensions)
- self._state = ConnectionState.OPEN
- def ping(self, payload=None):
- """
- Send a PING message to the peer.
- :param payload: an optional payload to send with the message
- """
- payload = bytes(payload or b'')
- self._outgoing += self._proto.ping(payload)
- def pong(self, payload=None):
- """
- Send a PONG message to the peer.
- This method can be used to send an unsolicted PONG to the peer.
- It is not needed otherwise since every received PING causes a
- corresponding PONG to be sent automatically.
- :param payload: an optional payload to send with the message
- """
- payload = bytes(payload or b'')
- self._outgoing += self._proto.pong(payload)
diff --git a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/events.py b/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/events.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ce27aa..00000000
--- a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/events.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Events that result from processing data on a WebSocket connection.
-class ConnectionRequested(object):
- def __init__(self, proposed_subprotocols, h11request):
- self.proposed_subprotocols = proposed_subprotocols
- self.h11request = h11request
- def __repr__(self):
- path = self.h11request.target
- headers = dict(self.h11request.headers)
- host = headers[b'host']
- version = headers[b'sec-websocket-version']
- subprotocol = headers.get(b'sec-websocket-protocol', None)
- extensions = []
- fmt = '<%s host=%s path=%s version=%s subprotocol=%r extensions=%r>'
- return fmt % (self.__class__.__name__, host, path, version,
- subprotocol, extensions)
-class ConnectionEstablished(object):
- def __init__(self, subprotocol=None, extensions=None):
- self.subprotocol = subprotocol
- self.extensions = extensions
- if self.extensions is None:
- self.extensions = []
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<ConnectionEstablished subprotocol=%r extensions=%r>' % \
- (self.subprotocol, self.extensions)
-class ConnectionClosed(object):
- def __init__(self, code, reason=None):
- self.code = code
- self.reason = reason
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s code=%r reason="%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- self.code, self.reason)
-class ConnectionFailed(ConnectionClosed):
- pass
-class DataReceived(object):
- def __init__(self, data, frame_finished, message_finished):
- self.data = data
- # This has no semantic content, but is provided just in case some
- # weird edge case user wants to be able to reconstruct the
- # fragmentation pattern of the original stream. You don't want it:
- self.frame_finished = frame_finished
- # This is the field that you almost certainly want:
- self.message_finished = message_finished
-class TextReceived(DataReceived):
- pass
-class BytesReceived(DataReceived):
- pass
-class PingReceived(object):
- def __init__(self, payload):
- self.payload = payload
-class PongReceived(object):
- def __init__(self, payload):
- self.payload = payload
diff --git a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/extensions.py b/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/extensions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0d2018..00000000
--- a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/extensions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-# type: ignore
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-WebSocket extensions.
-import zlib
-from .frame_protocol import CloseReason, Opcode, RsvBits
-class Extension(object):
- name = None
- def enabled(self):
- return False
- def offer(self, connection):
- pass
- def accept(self, connection, offer):
- pass
- def finalize(self, connection, offer):
- pass
- def frame_inbound_header(self, proto, opcode, rsv, payload_length):
- return RsvBits(False, False, False)
- def frame_inbound_payload_data(self, proto, data):
- return data
- def frame_inbound_complete(self, proto, fin):
- pass
- def frame_outbound(self, proto, opcode, rsv, data, fin):
- return (rsv, data)
-class PerMessageDeflate(Extension):
- name = 'permessage-deflate'
- def __init__(self, client_no_context_takeover=False,
- client_max_window_bits=None, server_no_context_takeover=False,
- server_max_window_bits=None):
- self.client_no_context_takeover = client_no_context_takeover
- if client_max_window_bits is None:
- client_max_window_bits = self.DEFAULT_CLIENT_MAX_WINDOW_BITS
- self.client_max_window_bits = client_max_window_bits
- self.server_no_context_takeover = server_no_context_takeover
- if server_max_window_bits is None:
- server_max_window_bits = self.DEFAULT_SERVER_MAX_WINDOW_BITS
- self.server_max_window_bits = server_max_window_bits
- self._compressor = None
- self._decompressor = None
- # This refers to the current frame
- self._inbound_is_compressible = None
- # This refers to the ongoing message (which might span multiple
- # frames). Only the first frame in a fragmented message is flagged for
- # compression, so this carries that bit forward.
- self._inbound_compressed = None
- self._enabled = False
- def _compressible_opcode(self, opcode):
- return opcode in (Opcode.TEXT, Opcode.BINARY, Opcode.CONTINUATION)
- def enabled(self):
- return self._enabled
- def offer(self, connection):
- parameters = [
- 'client_max_window_bits=%d' % self.client_max_window_bits,
- 'server_max_window_bits=%d' % self.server_max_window_bits,
- ]
- if self.client_no_context_takeover:
- parameters.append('client_no_context_takeover')
- if self.server_no_context_takeover:
- parameters.append('server_no_context_takeover')
- return '; '.join(parameters)
- def finalize(self, connection, offer):
- bits = [b.strip() for b in offer.split(';')]
- for bit in bits[1:]:
- if bit.startswith('client_no_context_takeover'):
- self.client_no_context_takeover = True
- elif bit.startswith('server_no_context_takeover'):
- self.server_no_context_takeover = True
- elif bit.startswith('client_max_window_bits'):
- self.client_max_window_bits = int(bit.split('=', 1)[1].strip())
- elif bit.startswith('server_max_window_bits'):
- self.server_max_window_bits = int(bit.split('=', 1)[1].strip())
- self._enabled = True
- def _parse_params(self, params):
- client_max_window_bits = None
- server_max_window_bits = None
- bits = [b.strip() for b in params.split(';')]
- for bit in bits[1:]:
- if bit.startswith('client_no_context_takeover'):
- self.client_no_context_takeover = True
- elif bit.startswith('server_no_context_takeover'):
- self.server_no_context_takeover = True
- elif bit.startswith('client_max_window_bits'):
- if '=' in bit:
- client_max_window_bits = int(bit.split('=', 1)[1].strip())
- else:
- client_max_window_bits = self.client_max_window_bits
- elif bit.startswith('server_max_window_bits'):
- if '=' in bit:
- server_max_window_bits = int(bit.split('=', 1)[1].strip())
- else:
- server_max_window_bits = self.server_max_window_bits
- return client_max_window_bits, server_max_window_bits
- def accept(self, connection, offer):
- client_max_window_bits, server_max_window_bits = \
- self._parse_params(offer)
- self._enabled = True
- parameters = []
- if self.client_no_context_takeover:
- parameters.append('client_no_context_takeover')
- if client_max_window_bits is not None:
- parameters.append('client_max_window_bits=%d' %
- client_max_window_bits)
- self.client_max_window_bits = client_max_window_bits
- if self.server_no_context_takeover:
- parameters.append('server_no_context_takeover')
- if server_max_window_bits is not None:
- parameters.append('server_max_window_bits=%d' %
- server_max_window_bits)
- self.server_max_window_bits = server_max_window_bits
- return '; '.join(parameters)
- def frame_inbound_header(self, proto, opcode, rsv, payload_length):
- if rsv.rsv1 and opcode.iscontrol():
- return CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR
- elif rsv.rsv1 and opcode is Opcode.CONTINUATION:
- return CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR
- self._inbound_is_compressible = self._compressible_opcode(opcode)
- if self._inbound_compressed is None:
- self._inbound_compressed = rsv.rsv1
- if self._inbound_compressed:
- assert self._inbound_is_compressible
- if proto.client:
- bits = self.server_max_window_bits
- else:
- bits = self.client_max_window_bits
- if self._decompressor is None:
- self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-int(bits))
- return RsvBits(True, False, False)
- def frame_inbound_payload_data(self, proto, data):
- if not self._inbound_compressed or not self._inbound_is_compressible:
- return data
- try:
- return self._decompressor.decompress(bytes(data))
- except zlib.error:
- def frame_inbound_complete(self, proto, fin):
- if not fin:
- return
- elif not self._inbound_is_compressible:
- return
- elif not self._inbound_compressed:
- return
- try:
- data = self._decompressor.decompress(b'\x00\x00\xff\xff')
- data += self._decompressor.flush()
- except zlib.error:
- if proto.client:
- no_context_takeover = self.server_no_context_takeover
- else:
- no_context_takeover = self.client_no_context_takeover
- if no_context_takeover:
- self._decompressor = None
- self._inbound_compressed = None
- return data
- def frame_outbound(self, proto, opcode, rsv, data, fin):
- if not self._compressible_opcode(opcode):
- return (rsv, data)
- if opcode is not Opcode.CONTINUATION:
- rsv = RsvBits(True, *rsv[1:])
- if self._compressor is None:
- assert opcode is not Opcode.CONTINUATION
- if proto.client:
- bits = self.client_max_window_bits
- else:
- bits = self.server_max_window_bits
- self._compressor = zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,
- zlib.DEFLATED, -int(bits))
- data = self._compressor.compress(bytes(data))
- if fin:
- data += self._compressor.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
- data = data[:-4]
- if proto.client:
- no_context_takeover = self.client_no_context_takeover
- else:
- no_context_takeover = self.server_no_context_takeover
- if no_context_takeover:
- self._compressor = None
- return (rsv, data)
- def __repr__(self):
- descr = ['client_max_window_bits=%d' % self.client_max_window_bits]
- if self.client_no_context_takeover:
- descr.append('client_no_context_takeover')
- descr.append('server_max_window_bits=%d' % self.server_max_window_bits)
- if self.server_no_context_takeover:
- descr.append('server_no_context_takeover')
- descr = '; '.join(descr)
- return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, descr)
-#: SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS maps all supported extension names to their class.
-#: This can be used to iterate all supported extensions of wsproto, instantiate
-#: new extensions based on their name, or check if a given extension is
-#: supported or not.
- PerMessageDeflate.name: PerMessageDeflate
diff --git a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/frame_protocol.py b/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/frame_protocol.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 30f146c6..00000000
--- a/mitmproxy/contrib/wsproto/frame_protocol.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-# type: ignore
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-WebSocket frame protocol implementation.
-import os
-import itertools
-import struct
-from codecs import getincrementaldecoder
-from collections import namedtuple
-from enum import Enum, IntEnum
-from .compat import unicode, Utf8Validator
- from wsaccel.xormask import XorMaskerSimple
-except ImportError:
- class XorMaskerSimple:
- def __init__(self, masking_key):
- self._maskbytes = itertools.cycle(bytearray(masking_key))
- def process(self, data):
- maskbytes = self._maskbytes
- return bytearray(b ^ next(maskbytes) for b in bytearray(data))
-class XorMaskerNull:
- def process(self, data):
- return data
-# RFC6455, Section 5.2 - Base Framing Protocol
-# Payload length constants
-MAX_PAYLOAD_TWO_BYTE = 2 ** 16 - 1
-# MASK and PAYLOAD LEN are packed into a byte
-MASK_MASK = 0x80
-# FIN, RSV[123] and OPCODE are packed into a single byte
-FIN_MASK = 0x80
-RSV1_MASK = 0x40
-RSV2_MASK = 0x20
-RSV3_MASK = 0x10
-class Opcode(IntEnum):
- """
- RFC 6455, Section 5.2 - Base Framing Protocol
- """
- TEXT = 0x1
- BINARY = 0x2
- CLOSE = 0x8
- PING = 0x9
- PONG = 0xA
- def iscontrol(self):
- return bool(self & 0x08)
-class CloseReason(IntEnum):
- """
- RFC 6455, Section 7.4.1 - Defined Status Codes
- """
- GOING_AWAY = 1001
-# RFC 6455, Section 7.4.1 - Defined Status Codes
- CloseReason.NO_STATUS_RCVD,
-# RFC 6455, Section 7.4.2 - Status Code Ranges
-NULL_MASK = struct.pack("!I", 0)
-class ParseFailed(Exception):
- def __init__(self, msg, code=CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR):
- super(ParseFailed, self).__init__(msg)
- self.code = code
-Header = namedtuple("Header", "fin rsv opcode payload_len masking_key".split())
-Frame = namedtuple("Frame",
- "opcode payload frame_finished message_finished".split())
-RsvBits = namedtuple("RsvBits", "rsv1 rsv2 rsv3".split())
-def _truncate_utf8(data, nbytes):
- if len(data) <= nbytes:
- return data
- # Truncate
- data = data[:nbytes]
- # But we might have cut a codepoint in half, in which case we want to
- # discard the partial character so the data is at least
- # well-formed. This is a little inefficient since it processes the
- # whole message twice when in theory we could just peek at the last
- # few characters, but since this is only used for close messages (max
- # length = 125 bytes) it really doesn't matter.
- data = data.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore").encode("utf-8")
- return data
-class Buffer(object):
- def __init__(self, initial_bytes=None):
- self.buffer = bytearray()
- self.bytes_used = 0
- if initial_bytes:
- self.feed(initial_bytes)
- def feed(self, new_bytes):
- self.buffer += new_bytes
- def consume_at_most(self, nbytes):
- if not nbytes:
- return bytearray()
- data = self.buffer[self.bytes_used:self.bytes_used + nbytes]
- self.bytes_used += len(data)
- return data
- def consume_exactly(self, nbytes):
- if len(self.buffer) - self.bytes_used < nbytes:
- return None
- return self.consume_at_most(nbytes)
- def commit(self):
- # In CPython 3.4+, del[:n] is amortized O(n), *not* quadratic
- del self.buffer[:self.bytes_used]
- self.bytes_used = 0
- def rollback(self):
- self.bytes_used = 0
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.buffer)
-class MessageDecoder(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.opcode = None
- self.validator = None
- self.decoder = None
- def process_frame(self, frame):
- assert not frame.opcode.iscontrol()
- if self.opcode is None:
- if frame.opcode is Opcode.CONTINUATION:
- raise ParseFailed("unexpected CONTINUATION")
- self.opcode = frame.opcode
- elif frame.opcode is not Opcode.CONTINUATION:
- raise ParseFailed("expected CONTINUATION, got %r" % frame.opcode)
- if frame.opcode is Opcode.TEXT:
- self.validator = Utf8Validator()
- self.decoder = getincrementaldecoder("utf-8")()
- finished = frame.frame_finished and frame.message_finished
- if self.decoder is not None:
- data = self.decode_payload(frame.payload, finished)
- else:
- data = frame.payload
- frame = Frame(self.opcode, data, frame.frame_finished, finished)
- if finished:
- self.opcode = None
- self.decoder = None
- return frame
- def decode_payload(self, data, finished):
- if self.validator is not None:
- results = self.validator.validate(bytes(data))
- if not results[0] or (finished and not results[1]):
- raise ParseFailed(u'encountered invalid UTF-8 while processing'
- ' text message at payload octet index %d' %
- results[3],
- try:
- return self.decoder.decode(data, finished)
- except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
- raise ParseFailed(str(exc), CloseReason.INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA)
-class FrameDecoder(object):
- def __init__(self, client, extensions=None):
- self.client = client
- self.extensions = extensions or []
- self.buffer = Buffer()
- self.header = None
- self.effective_opcode = None
- self.masker = None
- self.payload_required = 0
- self.payload_consumed = 0
- def receive_bytes(self, data):
- self.buffer.feed(data)
- def process_buffer(self):
- if not self.header:
- if not self.parse_header():
- return None
- if len(self.buffer) < self.payload_required:
- return None
- payload_remaining = self.header.payload_len - self.payload_consumed
- payload = self.buffer.consume_at_most(payload_remaining)
- if not payload and self.header.payload_len > 0:
- return None
- self.buffer.commit()
- self.payload_consumed += len(payload)
- finished = self.payload_consumed == self.header.payload_len
- payload = self.masker.process(payload)
- for extension in self.extensions:
- payload = extension.frame_inbound_payload_data(self, payload)
- if isinstance(payload, CloseReason):
- raise ParseFailed("error in extension", payload)
- if finished:
- final = bytearray()
- for extension in self.extensions:
- result = extension.frame_inbound_complete(self,
- self.header.fin)
- if isinstance(result, CloseReason):
- raise ParseFailed("error in extension", result)
- if result is not None:
- final += result
- payload += final
- frame = Frame(self.effective_opcode, payload, finished,
- self.header.fin)
- if finished:
- self.header = None
- self.effective_opcode = None
- self.masker = None
- else:
- self.effective_opcode = Opcode.CONTINUATION
- return frame
- def parse_header(self):
- data = self.buffer.consume_exactly(2)
- if data is None:
- self.buffer.rollback()
- return False
- fin = bool(data[0] & FIN_MASK)
- rsv = RsvBits(bool(data[0] & RSV1_MASK),
- bool(data[0] & RSV2_MASK),
- bool(data[0] & RSV3_MASK))
- opcode = data[0] & OPCODE_MASK
- try:
- opcode = Opcode(opcode)
- except ValueError:
- raise ParseFailed("Invalid opcode {:#x}".format(opcode))
- if opcode.iscontrol() and not fin:
- raise ParseFailed("Invalid attempt to fragment control frame")
- has_mask = bool(data[1] & MASK_MASK)
- payload_len = data[1] & PAYLOAD_LEN_MASK
- payload_len = self.parse_extended_payload_length(opcode, payload_len)
- if payload_len is None:
- self.buffer.rollback()
- return False
- self.extension_processing(opcode, rsv, payload_len)
- if has_mask and self.client:
- raise ParseFailed("client received unexpected masked frame")
- if not has_mask and not self.client:
- raise ParseFailed("server received unexpected unmasked frame")
- if has_mask:
- masking_key = self.buffer.consume_exactly(4)
- if masking_key is None:
- self.buffer.rollback()
- return False
- self.masker = XorMaskerSimple(masking_key)
- else:
- self.masker = XorMaskerNull()
- self.buffer.commit()
- self.header = Header(fin, rsv, opcode, payload_len, None)
- self.effective_opcode = self.header.opcode
- if self.header.opcode.iscontrol():
- self.payload_required = payload_len
- else:
- self.payload_required = 0
- self.payload_consumed = 0
- return True
- def parse_extended_payload_length(self, opcode, payload_len):
- if opcode.iscontrol() and payload_len > MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL:
- raise ParseFailed("Control frame with payload len > 125")
- if payload_len == PAYLOAD_LENGTH_TWO_BYTE:
- data = self.buffer.consume_exactly(2)
- if data is None:
- return None
- (payload_len,) = struct.unpack("!H", data)
- if payload_len <= MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL:
- raise ParseFailed(
- "Payload length used 2 bytes when 1 would have sufficed")
- elif payload_len == PAYLOAD_LENGTH_EIGHT_BYTE:
- data = self.buffer.consume_exactly(8)
- if data is None:
- return None
- (payload_len,) = struct.unpack("!Q", data)
- if payload_len <= MAX_PAYLOAD_TWO_BYTE:
- raise ParseFailed(
- "Payload length used 8 bytes when 2 would have sufficed")
- if payload_len >> 63:
- # I'm not sure why this is illegal, but that's what the RFC
- # says, so...
- raise ParseFailed("8-byte payload length with non-zero MSB")
- return payload_len
- def extension_processing(self, opcode, rsv, payload_len):
- rsv_used = [False, False, False]
- for extension in self.extensions:
- result = extension.frame_inbound_header(self, opcode, rsv,
- payload_len)
- if isinstance(result, CloseReason):
- raise ParseFailed("error in extension", result)
- for bit, used in enumerate(result):
- if used:
- rsv_used[bit] = True
- for expected, found in zip(rsv_used, rsv):
- if found and not expected:
- raise ParseFailed("Reserved bit set unexpectedly")
-class FrameProtocol(object):
- class State(Enum):
- HEADER = 1
- FAILED = 4
- def __init__(self, client, extensions):
- self.client = client
- self.extensions = [ext for ext in extensions if ext.enabled()]
- # Global state
- self._frame_decoder = FrameDecoder(self.client, self.extensions)
- self._message_decoder = MessageDecoder()
- self._parse_more = self.parse_more_gen()
- self._outbound_opcode = None
- def _process_close(self, frame):
- data = frame.payload
- if not data:
- # "If this Close control frame contains no status code, _The
- # WebSocket Connection Close Code_ is considered to be 1005"
- data = (CloseReason.NO_STATUS_RCVD, "")
- elif len(data) == 1:
- raise ParseFailed("CLOSE with 1 byte payload")
- else:
- (code,) = struct.unpack("!H", data[:2])
- if code < MIN_CLOSE_REASON or code > MAX_CLOSE_REASON:
- raise ParseFailed("CLOSE with invalid code")
- try:
- code = CloseReason(code)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- raise ParseFailed(
- "remote CLOSE with local-only reason")
- if not isinstance(code, CloseReason) and \
- raise ParseFailed(
- "CLOSE with unknown reserved code")
- validator = Utf8Validator()
- if validator is not None:
- results = validator.validate(bytes(data[2:]))
- if not (results[0] and results[1]):
- raise ParseFailed(u'encountered invalid UTF-8 while'
- ' processing close message at payload'
- ' octet index %d' %
- results[3],
- try:
- reason = data[2:].decode("utf-8")
- except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
- raise ParseFailed(
- "Error decoding CLOSE reason: " + str(exc),
- data = (code, reason)
- return Frame(frame.opcode, data, frame.frame_finished,
- frame.message_finished)
- def parse_more_gen(self):
- # Consume as much as we can from self._buffer, yielding events, and
- # then yield None when we need more data. Or raise ParseFailed.
- # XX FIXME this should probably be refactored so that we never see
- # disabled extensions in the first place...
- self.extensions = [ext for ext in self.extensions if ext.enabled()]
- closed = False
- while not closed:
- frame = self._frame_decoder.process_buffer()
- if frame is not None:
- if not frame.opcode.iscontrol():
- frame = self._message_decoder.process_frame(frame)
- elif frame.opcode == Opcode.CLOSE:
- frame = self._process_close(frame)
- closed = True
- yield frame
- def receive_bytes(self, data):
- self._frame_decoder.receive_bytes(data)
- def received_frames(self):
- for event in self._parse_more:
- if event is None:
- break
- else:
- yield event
- def close(self, code=None, reason=None):
- payload = bytearray()
- if code is None and reason is not None:
- raise TypeError("cannot specify a reason without a code")
- code = CloseReason.NORMAL_CLOSURE
- if code is not None:
- payload += bytearray(struct.pack('!H', code))
- if reason is not None:
- payload += _truncate_utf8(reason.encode('utf-8'),
- return self._serialize_frame(Opcode.CLOSE, payload)
- def ping(self, payload=b''):
- return self._serialize_frame(Opcode.PING, payload)
- def pong(self, payload=b''):
- return self._serialize_frame(Opcode.PONG, payload)
- def send_data(self, payload=b'', fin=True):
- if isinstance(payload, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
- opcode = Opcode.BINARY
- elif isinstance(payload, unicode):
- opcode = Opcode.TEXT
- payload = payload.encode('utf-8')
- else:
- raise ValueError('Must provide bytes or text')
- if self._outbound_opcode is None:
- self._outbound_opcode = opcode
- elif self._outbound_opcode is not opcode:
- raise TypeError('Data type mismatch inside message')
- else:
- opcode = Opcode.CONTINUATION
- if fin:
- self._outbound_opcode = None
- return self._serialize_frame(opcode, payload, fin)
- def _make_fin_rsv_opcode(self, fin, rsv, opcode):
- fin = int(fin) << 7
- rsv = (int(rsv.rsv1) << 6) + (int(rsv.rsv2) << 5) + \
- (int(rsv.rsv3) << 4)
- opcode = int(opcode)
- return fin | rsv | opcode
- def _serialize_frame(self, opcode, payload=b'', fin=True):
- rsv = RsvBits(False, False, False)
- for extension in reversed(self.extensions):
- rsv, payload = extension.frame_outbound(self, opcode, rsv, payload,
- fin)
- fin_rsv_opcode = self._make_fin_rsv_opcode(fin, rsv, opcode)
- payload_length = len(payload)
- quad_payload = False
- if payload_length <= MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL:
- first_payload = payload_length
- second_payload = None
- elif payload_length <= MAX_PAYLOAD_TWO_BYTE:
- first_payload = PAYLOAD_LENGTH_TWO_BYTE
- second_payload = payload_length
- else:
- second_payload = payload_length
- quad_payload = True
- if self.client:
- first_payload |= 1 << 7
- header = bytearray([fin_rsv_opcode, first_payload])
- if second_payload is not None:
- if opcode.iscontrol():
- raise ValueError("payload too long for control frame")
- if quad_payload:
- header += bytearray(struct.pack('!Q', second_payload))
- else:
- header += bytearray(struct.pack('!H', second_payload))
- if self.client:
- # "The masking key is a 32-bit value chosen at random by the
- # client. When preparing a masked frame, the client MUST pick a
- # fresh masking key from the set of allowed 32-bit values. The
- # masking key needs to be unpredictable; thus, the masking key
- # MUST be derived from a strong source of entropy, and the masking
- # key for a given frame MUST NOT make it simple for a server/proxy
- # to predict the masking key for a subsequent frame. The
- # unpredictability of the masking key is essential to prevent
- # authors of malicious applications from selecting the bytes that
- # appear on the wire."
- # -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.3
- masking_key = os.urandom(4)
- masker = XorMaskerSimple(masking_key)
- return header + masking_key + masker.process(payload)
- return header + payload
diff --git a/mitmproxy/proxy/protocol/websocket.py b/mitmproxy/proxy/protocol/websocket.py
index 92f99518..2d8458a5 100644
--- a/mitmproxy/proxy/protocol/websocket.py
+++ b/mitmproxy/proxy/protocol/websocket.py
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import socket
from OpenSSL import SSL
-from mitmproxy.contrib import wsproto
-from mitmproxy.contrib.wsproto import events
-from mitmproxy.contrib.wsproto.connection import ConnectionType, WSConnection
-from mitmproxy.contrib.wsproto.extensions import PerMessageDeflate
+import wsproto
+from wsproto import events
+from wsproto.connection import ConnectionType, WSConnection
+from wsproto.extensions import PerMessageDeflate
from mitmproxy import exceptions
from mitmproxy import flow
diff --git a/mitmproxy/websocket.py b/mitmproxy/websocket.py
index a37edb54..66257852 100644
--- a/mitmproxy/websocket.py
+++ b/mitmproxy/websocket.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import time
from typing import List, Optional
-from mitmproxy.contrib import wsproto
+from wsproto.frame_protocol import CloseReason
+from wsproto.frame_protocol import Opcode
from mitmproxy import flow
from mitmproxy.net import websockets
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ class WebSocketMessage(serializable.Serializable):
def __init__(
self, type: int, from_client: bool, content: bytes, timestamp: Optional[int]=None, killed: bool=False
) -> None:
- self.type = wsproto.frame_protocol.Opcode(type) # type: ignore
+ self.type = Opcode(type) # type: ignore
"""indicates either TEXT or BINARY (from wsproto.frame_protocol.Opcode)."""
self.from_client = from_client
"""True if this messages was sent by the client."""
@@ -37,10 +38,10 @@ class WebSocketMessage(serializable.Serializable):
def set_state(self, state):
self.type, self.from_client, self.content, self.timestamp, self.killed = state
- self.type = wsproto.frame_protocol.Opcode(self.type) # replace enum with bare int
+ self.type = Opcode(self.type) # replace enum with bare int
def __repr__(self):
- if self.type == wsproto.frame_protocol.Opcode.TEXT:
+ if self.type == Opcode.TEXT:
return "text message: {}".format(repr(self.content))
return "binary message: {}".format(strutils.bytes_to_escaped_str(self.content))
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ class WebSocketFlow(flow.Flow):
"""A list containing all WebSocketMessage's."""
self.close_sender = 'client'
"""'client' if the client initiated connection closing."""
- self.close_code = wsproto.frame_protocol.CloseReason.NORMAL_CLOSURE
+ self.close_code = CloseReason.NORMAL_CLOSURE
"""WebSocket close code."""
self.close_message = '(message missing)'
"""WebSocket close message."""
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 4ae1974b..c66d1382 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ setup(
"sortedcontainers>=1.5.4, <1.6",
"tornado>=4.3, <4.6",
"urwid>=1.3.1, <1.4",
+ "wsproto>=0.11.0,<0.12.0",
':sys_platform == "win32"': [