[tox] envlist = py26,py27,pypy,py32,py33,py34,docs,pep8,py3pep8 [testenv] deps = coverage iso8601 pretend pytest ./vectors commands = coverage run --source=cryptography/,tests/ -m pytest --capture=no --strict {posargs} coverage report -m [testenv:docs] deps = pyenchant sphinx sphinxcontrib-spelling sphinx_rtd_theme basepython = python2.7 commands = sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html sphinx-build -W -b latex -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/latex sphinx-build -W -b doctest -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html sphinx-build -W -b spelling docs docs/_build/html [testenv:docs-linkcheck] deps = sphinx basepython = python2.7 commands = sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck docs docs/_build/html # Temporarily disable coverage on pypy because of performance problems with # coverage.py on pypy. [testenv:pypy] commands = py.test --capture=no --strict {posargs} [testenv:pep8] deps = flake8 pep8-naming commands = flake8 . [testenv:py3pep8] basepython = python3.3 deps = flake8 pep8-naming commands = flake8 . [flake8] exclude = .tox,*.egg select = E,W,F,N