Contributing ============ Process ------- As an open source project, ``cryptography`` welcomes contributions of all forms. These can include: * Bug reports and feature requests * Pull requests for both code and documentation * Patch reviews You can file bugs and submit pull requests on `GitHub`_. To discuss larger changes you can start a conversation on `our mailing list`_. Because cryptography is so complex, and the implications of getting it wrong so devastating, ``cryptography`` has a strict code review policy: * Patches must *never* be pushed directly to ``master``, all changes (even the most trivial typo fixes!) must be submitted as a pull request. * A committer may *never* merge their own pull request, a second party must merge their changes. If multiple people work on a pull request, the merger may not be any of them. * A patch which breaks tests, or introduces regressions by changing or removing existing tests should not be merged. Tests must always be passing on ``master``. * If somehow the tests get into a failing state on ``master`` (such as by a backwards incompatible release of a dependency) no pull requests may be merged until this is rectified. The purpose of these policies is to minimize the chances we merge a change which jeopardizes our users' security. We do not yet have a formal security contact. To report security issues in ``cryptography`` you should email ````, messages may be encrypted with PGP to key fingerprint ``E27D 4AA0 1651 72CB C5D2 AF2B 125F 5C67 DFE9 4084`` (this public key is available from most commonly-used keyservers). Code ---- When in doubt, refer to `PEP 8`_ for Python code. Every code file must start with the boilerplate notice of the Apache License. Additionally, every Python code file must contain .. code-block:: python from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function Documentation ------------- All features should be documented with prose. Docstrings should be written like this: .. code-block:: python def some_function(some_arg): """ Does some things. :param some_arg: Some argument. """ So, specifically: - Always use three double quotes. - Put the three double quotes on their own line. - No blank line at the end. - Use Sphinx parameter/attribute documentation `syntax`_. .. _`GitHub`: .. _`our mailing list`: .. _`PEP 8`: .. _`syntax`: