def configs = [ [ label: "windows2012-openssl", arch: "x86", "vsversion": 2010 ], [ label: "windows2012-openssl", arch: "x86_64", "vsversion": 2010 ], [ label: "windows2012-openssl", arch: "x86", "vsversion": 2015 ], [ label: "windows2012-openssl", arch: "x86_64", "vsversion": 2015 ], ] script = """ wmic qfe powershell "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'tls12'; wget '' -OutFile 'openssl-latest.tar.gz'" REM Next decompress the tarball using winrar. INUL disables error msgs, which are GUI prompts and therefore undesirable "C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\WinRAR.exe" -INUL x openssl-latest.tar.gz cd openssl-1* REM The next line determines the name of the current directory. Batch is great. FOR %%I IN (.) DO @SET CURRENTDIR=%%~nI%%~xI if "%BUILDARCH%" == "x86" ( @SET BUILDARCHFLAG=x86 @SET OPENSSLARCHFLAG="VC-WIN32" ) else ( @SET BUILDARCHFLAG=amd64 @SET OPENSSLARCHFLAG="VC-WIN64A" ) if "%BUILDVSVERSION%" == "2010" ( call "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat" %BUILDARCHFLAG% echo "Building with VS 2010" ) else ( call "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat" %BUILDARCHFLAG% echo "Building with VS 2015" ) SET perl Configure no-comp no-shared %OPENSSLARCHFLAG% nmake nmake test if "%BUILDARCH%" == "x86" ( @SET FINALDIR="openssl-win32-%BUILDVSVERSION%" ) else ( @SET FINALDIR="openssl-win64-%BUILDVSVERSION%" ) mkdir %FINALDIR% mkdir %FINALDIR%\\lib move include %FINALDIR%\\include move libcrypto.lib %FINALDIR%\\lib\\ move libssl.lib %FINALDIR%\\lib\\ "C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\WinRAR.exe" -INUL a %FINALDIR%\\include %FINALDIR%\\lib\\libcrypto.lib %FINALDIR%\\lib\\libssl.lib """ def build(label, vsversion, arch) { node(label) { try { timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { stage("Compile") { withEnv(["BUILDARCH=$arch", "BUILDVSVERSION=$vsversion"]) { bat script } } stage("Archive") { archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/openssl-*.zip" } } } finally { deleteDir() } } } def builders = [:] for (config in configs) { def vsversion = config["vsversion"] def arch = config["arch"] def label = config["label"] builders["${vsversion}-${arch}"] = { build(label, vsversion, arch) } } parallel builders