on: repository_dispatch: types: [wheel-builder] jobs: windows: strategy: matrix: WINDOWS: - {ARCH: 'x86', WINDOWS: 'win32'} - {ARCH: 'x64', WINDOWS: 'win64'} PYTHON: - {VERSION: "2.7", TOXENV: "py27", MSVC_VERSION: "2010"} - {VERSION: "3.5", TOXENV: "py35", MSVC_VERSION: "2019"} - {VERSION: "3.6", TOXENV: "py36", MSVC_VERSION: "2019"} - {VERSION: "3.7", TOXENV: "py37", MSVC_VERSION: "2019"} - {VERSION: "3.8", TOXENV: "py38", MSVC_VERSION: "2019"} name: "Python ${{ matrix.PYTHON.VERSION }} on ${{ matrix.WINDOWS.WINDOWS }}" steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Setup python uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.PYTHON.VERSION }} architecture: ${{ matrix.WINDOWS.ARCH }} - name: Install MSVC for Python 2.7 run: | Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://download.microsoft.com/download/7/9/6/796EF2E4-801B-4FC4-AB28-B59FBF6D907B/VCForPython27.msi -OutFile VCForPython27.msi Start-Process msiexec -Wait -ArgumentList @('/i', 'VCForPython27.msi', '/qn', 'ALLUSERS=1') Remove-Item VCForPython27.msi -Force shell: powershell if: matrix.PYTHON.VERSION == '2.7' - run: pip install requests - name: Download OpenSSL run: | python .github/workflows/download_openssl.py openssl-${{ matrix.WINDOWS.WINDOWS }}-${{ matrix.PYTHON.MSVC_VERSION }} echo "::set-env name=INCLUDE::C:/openssl-${{ matrix.WINDOWS.WINDOWS }}-${{ matrix.PYTHON.MSVC_VERSION }}/include;%INCLUDE%" echo "::set-env name=LIB::C:/openssl-${{ matrix.WINDOWS.WINDOWS }}-${{ matrix.PYTHON.MSVC_VERSION }}/lib;%LIB%" env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - run: pip install cffi six ipaddress "enum34; python_version < '3'" - run: pip wheel cryptography==${{ github.event.client_payload.BUILD_VERSION }} --wheel-dir=wheelhouse --no-binary cryptography - run: pip install -f wheelhouse --no-index cryptography - name: Print the OpenSSL we built and linked against run: | python -c "from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend import backend;print('Loaded: ' + backend.openssl_version_text());print('Linked Against: ' + backend._ffi.string(backend._lib.OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT).decode('ascii'))" - run: mkdir cryptography-wheelhouse - run: move wheelhouse\cryptography*.whl cryptography-wheelhouse\ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: "cryptography-${{ github.event.client_payload.BUILD_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.WINDOWS.WINDOWS }}-${{ matrix.PYTHON.VERSION }}" path: cryptography-wheelhouse\