- [ ] Windows - [ ] Send a pull request to `pyca/infra` updating the [version and hash](https://github.com/pyca/infra/blob/master/.github/workflows/build-openssl.yml#L36-L37) - [ ] Wait for it to be merged - [ ] Wait for the Github Actions job to complete - [ ] macOS - [ ] Send a pull request to `homebrew` upgrading the `openssl@1.1` formula - [ ] Wait for it to be merged - [ ] manylinux - [ ] Send a pull request to `pyca/infra` updating the [version and hash](https://github.com/pyca/infra/blob/master/cryptography-manylinux/install_openssl.sh#L5-L6) for `manylinux` - [ ] Wait for it to be merged - [ ] Wait for the Github Actions job to complete