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3 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/hazmat/backends/interfaces.rst b/docs/hazmat/backends/interfaces.rst
index 14f72cf6..b79bb239 100644
--- a/docs/hazmat/backends/interfaces.rst
+++ b/docs/hazmat/backends/interfaces.rst
@@ -652,3 +652,33 @@ A specific ``backend`` may provide one or more of these interfaces.
:returns: ``True`` if the given values of ``p`` and ``g`` are supported
by this backend, otherwise ``False``.
+.. class:: ScryptBackend
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ A backend with methods for using Scrypt.
+ The following backends implement this interface:
+ * :doc:`/hazmat/backends/openssl`
+ .. method:: derive_scrypt(self, key_material, salt, length, n, r, p)
+ :param bytes key_material: The key material to use as a basis for
+ the derived key. This is typically a password.
+ :param bytes salt: A salt.
+ :param int length: The desired length of the derived key.
+ :param int n: CPU/Memory cost parameter. It must be larger than 1 and be a
+ power of 2.
+ :param int r: Block size parameter.
+ :param int p: Parallelization parameter.
+ :return bytes: Derived key.
diff --git a/docs/hazmat/backends/openssl.rst b/docs/hazmat/backends/openssl.rst
index 8bc7dac5..791aab3d 100644
--- a/docs/hazmat/backends/openssl.rst
+++ b/docs/hazmat/backends/openssl.rst
@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ greater.
* :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces.PEMSerializationBackend`
* :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces.X509Backend`
+ It also implements the following interface for OpenSSL versions ``1.1.0``
+ and above.
+ * :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces.ScryptBackend`
It also exposes the following:
.. attribute:: name
diff --git a/docs/hazmat/primitives/key-derivation-functions.rst b/docs/hazmat/primitives/key-derivation-functions.rst
index 873e0ff8..03260c06 100644
--- a/docs/hazmat/primitives/key-derivation-functions.rst
+++ b/docs/hazmat/primitives/key-derivation-functions.rst
@@ -737,6 +737,111 @@ Different KDFs are suitable for different tasks such as:
The counter iteration variable will be concatenated after
the fixed input data.
+.. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt
+.. class:: Scrypt(salt, length, n, r, p, backend)
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ Scrypt is a KDF designed for password storage by Colin Percival to be
+ resistant against hardware-assisted attackers by having a tunable memory
+ cost. It is described in :rfc:`7914`.
+ This class conforms to the
+ :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.KeyDerivationFunction`
+ interface.
+ .. code-block:: python
+ >>> import os
+ >>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
+ >>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt import Scrypt
+ >>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+ >>> backend = default_backend()
+ >>> salt = os.urandom(16)
+ >>> # derive
+ >>> kdf = Scrypt(
+ ... salt=salt,
+ ... length=64,
+ ... n=1024,
+ ... r=8,
+ ... p=16,
+ ... backend=backend
+ ... )
+ >>> key = kdf.derive(b"my great password")
+ >>> # verify
+ >>> kdf = Scrypt(
+ ... salt=salt,
+ ... length=64,
+ ... n=1024,
+ ... r=8,
+ ... p=16,
+ ... backend=backend
+ ... )
+ >>> kdf.verify(b"my great password", key)
+ :param bytes salt: A salt.
+ :param int length: The desired length of the derived key.
+ :param int n: CPU/Memory cost parameter. It must be larger than 1 and be a
+ power of 2.
+ :param int r: Block size parameter.
+ :param int p: Parallelization parameter.
+ The computational and memory cost of Scrypt can be adjusted by manipulating
+ the 3 parameters: n, r and p. In general, the memory cost of Scrypt is
+ affected by the values of both n and r while n also determines the number
+ of iterations performed. p increases the computational cost without
+ affecting memory usage. A more in-depth explanation of the 3 parameters can
+ be found `here`_.
+ :rfc:`7914` `recommends`_ values of r=8 and p=1 while scaling n to the
+ number appropriate for your system.
+ :param backend: An instance of
+ :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces.ScryptBackend`.
+ :raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised if the
+ provided ``backend`` does not implement
+ :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces.ScryptBackend`
+ :raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``salt`` is not ``bytes``.
+ .. method:: derive(key_material)
+ :param bytes key_material: The input key material.
+ :return bytes: the derived key.
+ :raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is not
+ ``bytes``.
+ :raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
+ :meth:`derive` or
+ :meth:`verify` is
+ called more than
+ once.
+ This generates and returns a new key from the supplied password.
+ .. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
+ :param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
+ ``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
+ :param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
+ this is the same as the return value of
+ :meth:`derive`.
+ :raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
+ derived key does not match
+ the expected key.
+ :raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
+ :meth:`derive` or
+ :meth:`verify` is
+ called more than
+ once.
+ This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
+ ``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
+ raises an exception if they do not match. This can be used for
+ checking whether the password a user provides matches the stored derived
+ key.
@@ -795,3 +900,5 @@ Interface
.. _`key stretching`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_stretching
.. _`HKDF`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HKDF
.. _`HKDF paper`: https://eprint.iacr.org/2010/264
+.. _`here`: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30308723/1170681
+.. _`recommends`: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7914#section-2