# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ import asyncio import base64 import collections import datetime import functools import logging import secrets from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set import aiohttp import oauthlib from . import config, mailbox, messages, oauth, util from .util import asyncio_complete def _retry_protect(func): @functools.wraps(func) async def async_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): while True: while self.headers is None: await self.authenticate() try: return await func(self, *args, **kwargs) except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e: self.cfg.logger.debug( f"Got HTTP Error {e.code} in {func} for {e.request_info.url!r}" ) if (e.code == 401 or # Unauthorized e.code == 403): # Forbidden await self.authenticate() continue if (e.code == 503 or # Service Unavilable e.code == 400 or # Bad Request e.code == 509 or # Bandwidth Limit Exceeded e.code == 429 or # Too Many Requests e.code == 502 or # Bad Gateway e.code == 504 or # Gateway Timeout e.code == 200): # Success, but error JSON self.cfg.logger.error(f"Gmail returns {e}, delaying") await asyncio.sleep(10) continue if (e.code == 400 or # Bad Request e.code == 405 or # Method Not Allowed e.code == 406 or # Not Acceptable e.code == 411 or # Length Required e.code == 413 or # Request Entity Too Large e.code == 415 or # Unsupported Media Type e.code == 422 or # Unprocessable Entity e.code == 501): # Not implemented self.cfg.logger.exception(f"Gmail call failed {e.body!r}") raise RuntimeError(f"Gmail call failed {e!r}") # Other errors we retry after resetting the mailbox raise except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientError): self.cfg.logger.debug(f"Got non-HTTP Error in {func}") await asyncio.sleep(10) continue return async_wrapper class GmailAPI(oauth.Account): """An OAUTH2 authenticated session to the Google gmail API""" # From ziepe.ca client_id = "14979213351-bik90v3b8b9f22160ura3oah71u3l113.apps.googleusercontent.com" # Google doesn't follow RFC8252 8.5 and does require the client_secret, # but it is not secret. client_secret = "cLICGg-LVQuMAPTh3VxTC42p" authenticator = None headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None def __init__(self, cfg: config.Config, user: str): super().__init__(cfg, user) self.domain_id = f"gmail-{user}" self.mailboxes = [] async def go(self): cfg = self.cfg connector = aiohttp.connector.TCPConnector(limit=20, limit_per_host=5) self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector, raise_for_status=False) self.scopes = [] if "_CMS_" in self.protocols: self.scopes.append("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify") if "SMTP" in self.protocols or "IMAP" in self.protocols: self.scopes.append("https://mail.google.com/") if not self.scopes: self.scopes.append("openid") self.redirect_url = cfg.web_app.url + "oauth2/gmail" self.api_token = cfg.msgdb.get_authenticator(self.domain_id) self.oauth = oauth.OAuth2Session( client_id=self.client_id, client=oauth.NativePublicApplicationClient(self.client_id), redirect_uri=self.redirect_url, token=self.api_token) await self._do_authenticate() asyncio.create_task(self._poll_for_changes()) async def _poll_for_changes(self): while True: await asyncio.sleep(60) profile = await self.get_json("v1","/users/me/profile") history_id = int(profile["historyId"]) for mbox in self.mailboxes: if (mbox.history_delta is not None and int(mbox.history_delta[1]) < history_id): mbox.need_update = True mbox.changed_event.set() def _set_token(self, api_token): # Only store the refresh token, access tokens are more dangerous to # keep as they are valid across a password change for their lifetime self.cfg.msgdb.set_authenticator( self.domain_id, {"refresh_token": api_token["refresh_token"]}) # We expect to only use a Authorization header self.headers = { "Authorization": api_token["token_type"] + " " + api_token["access_token"] } self.api_token = api_token return True async def _refresh_authenticate(self): if self.api_token is None: return False try: api_token = await self.oauth.refresh_token( self.session, token_url='https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token', client_id=self.client_id, client_secret=self.client_secret, scopes=self.scopes, refresh_token=self.api_token["refresh_token"]) except (oauthlib.oauth2.OAuth2Error, Warning): self.cfg.logger.exception( f"OAUTH initial exchange failed for {self.domain_id}, sleeping for retry" ) self.api_token = None return False return self._set_token(api_token) @util.log_progress(lambda self: f"Google Authentication for {self.user}") async def _do_authenticate(self): while not await self._refresh_authenticate(): self.api_token = None # This flow follows the directions of # https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2InstalledApp state = hex(id(self)) + secrets.token_urlsafe(8) url = self.oauth.authorization_url( 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth', state=state, access_type="offline", scopes=self.scopes, login_hint=self.user) q = await self.cfg.web_app.auth_redir(url, state, self.redirect_url) try: api_token = await self.oauth.fetch_token( self.session, 'https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token', include_client_id=True, client_secret=self.client_secret, scopes=self.scopes, code=q["code"]) except (oauthlib.oauth2.OAuth2Error, Warning): self.cfg.logger.exception( f"OAUTH initial exchange failed for {self.domain_id}, sleeping for retry" ) await asyncio.sleep(1) continue if self._set_token(api_token): return async def authenticate(self): """Obtain OAUTH bearer tokens for MS services. For users this has to be done interactively via the browser. A cache is used for tokens that have not expired and they can be refreshed non-interactively into active tokens within some limited time period.""" # Ensure we only ever have one authentication open at once. Other # threads will all block here on the single authenticator. self.headers = None if self.authenticator is None: self.authenticator = asyncio.create_task(self._do_authenticate()) auth = self.authenticator await auth if self.authenticator is auth: self.authenticator = None async def _check_op(self, op: aiohttp.ClientResponse): if op.status >= 200 and op.status <= 299: return e = aiohttp.ClientResponseError(op.request_info, op.history, code=op.status, message=op.reason, headers=op.headers) try: e.body = await op.json() except: pass raise e async def _check_json(self, op: aiohttp.ClientResponse): await self._check_op(op) return await op.json() async def _check_empty(self, op: aiohttp.ClientResponse): await self._check_op(op) d = await op.text() if d: e = aiohttp.ClientResponseError( op.request_info, op.history, code=op.status, message="POST returned data, not empty", headers=op.headers) raise e @_retry_protect async def get_json(self, ver, path, params=None): """Return the JSON dictionary from the GET operation""" async with self.session.get( f"https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/{ver}{path}", headers=self.headers, params=params) as op: return await self._check_json(op) @_retry_protect async def post_json(self, ver, path, body, params=None): """Return the JSON dictionary from the POST operation""" async with self.session.post( f"https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/{ver}{path}", headers=self.headers, json=body, params=params) as op: return await self._check_empty(op) async def get_json_paged(self, ver, path, key, params=None, last_json=None): """Return an iterator that iterates over every JSON element in a paged result. last_json is a list that will contain only the last json dict returned""" params = dict(params) resp = await self.get_json(ver, path, params) while True: for I in resp.get(key, []): yield I token = resp.get("nextPageToken") if token is None: if last_json is not None: last_json[:] = [resp] return # FIXME: Is this right, or should we drop the other params? params["pageToken"] = token resp = await self.get_json(ver, path, params=params) async def close(self): await self.session.close() async def get_xoauth2_bytes(self, proto: str) -> Optional[bytes]: """Return the xoauth2 byte string for the given protocol to login to this account.""" while self.api_token is None: await self.authenticate() if proto == "SMTP" or proto == "IMAP": res = 'user=%s\1auth=%s %s\1\1' % (self.user, self.api_token["token_type"], self.api_token["access_token"]) return res.encode() return None class GMailMessage(messages.Message): gmail_labels: Optional[Set[str]] = None def __init__(self, mailbox, gmail_id, gmail_labels=None): super().__init__(mailbox=mailbox, storage_id=gmail_id) # GMail does not return the email_id, but it does have a stable REST # ID, so if we have the REST ID in the database then we can compute # the email_id self.content_hash = mailbox.msgdb.content_hashes_cloud.get( self.cid()) if self.content_hash: self.fill_email_id() self.gmail_labels = gmail_labels if self.gmail_labels: self._labels_to_flags() def _labels_to_flags(self): assert self.gmail_labels is not None flags = 0 if "UNREAD" not in self.gmail_labels: flags |= messages.Message.FLAG_READ if "STARRED" in self.gmail_labels: flags |= messages.Message.FLAG_FLAGGED # Unfortunately other IMAP flags do not seem to be available through # the REST interface self.flags = flags def update_from_json(self, jmsg): self.gmail_labels = set(jmsg["labelIds"]) internal_date = int(jmsg["internalDate"]) self.received_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(internal_date / 1000.0) self._labels_to_flags() if "payload" in jmsg: for hdr in jmsg["payload"]["headers"]: if hdr["name"].lower() == "message-id": if self.email_id is None: self.email_id = hdr["value"] else: assert self.email_id == hdr["value"] break class GMailMailbox(mailbox.Mailbox): """Cloud GMail mailbox using the GMail RESET API for data access""" storage_kind = "gmail_v1" supported_flags = (messages.Message.FLAG_READ | messages.Message.FLAG_FLAGGED | messages.Message.FLAG_DELETED) gmail: GmailAPI gmail_messages: Dict[str, GMailMessage] history_delta = None delete_action = "archive" # or delete def __init__(self, cfg: config.Config, label: str, gmail: GmailAPI): super().__init__(cfg) self.label_name = label self.gmail = gmail self.gmail_messages = {} self.max_fetches = asyncio.Semaphore(10) gmail.protocols.add("_CMS_") gmail.mailboxes.append(self) def __repr__(self): return f"" async def setup_mbox(self): """Setup access to the authenticated API domain for this endpoint""" self.name = f"{self.gmail.user}:{self.label_name}" # Verify the label exists jmsg = await self.gmail.get_json("v1", f"/users/me/labels") for I in jmsg["labels"]: if I["name"] == self.label_name: self.label = I["id"] break else: raise ValueError(f"GMail label {self.label_name!r} not found") async def _fetch_metadata(self, msg: GMailMessage): params = {"format": "metadata"} if msg.email_id is None: params["metadataHeaders"] = "message-id" jmsg = await self.gmail.get_json( "v1", f"/users/me/messages/{msg.storage_id}", params=params) msg.update_from_json(jmsg) return jmsg["historyId"] async def _fetch_message(self, msg: GMailMessage): msgdb = self.msgdb msg.size = 0 async with self.max_fetches: with util.log_progress_ctx( logging.DEBUG, f"Downloading {msg.storage_id}", lambda msg: f" {util.sizeof_fmt(msg.size)}", msg), msgdb.get_temp() as F: jmsg = await self.gmail.get_json( "v1", f"/users/me/messages/{msg.storage_id}", params={ "format": "raw", }) data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(jmsg["raw"]) data = data.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n") F.write(data) msg.size = F.tell() msg.update_from_json(jmsg) msg.content_hash = msgdb.store_hashed_msg(msg, F) return jmsg["historyId"] async def _fetch_all_messages(self): """Perform a full synchronization of the mailbox""" profile = await self.gmail.get_json("v1","/users/me/profile") start_history_id = profile["historyId"] todo = [] msgs = [] async for jmsg in self.gmail.get_json_paged( "v1", "/users/me/messages", key="messages", params={"labelIds": self.label}): msg = GMailMessage(mailbox=self, gmail_id=jmsg["id"]) if not self.msgdb.have_content(msg): todo.append( asyncio.create_task(self._fetch_message(msg))) else: todo.append(asyncio.create_task(self._fetch_metadata(msg))) msgs.append(msg) await asyncio_complete(*todo) return (msgs, start_history_id) async def _fetch_delta_messages(self, old_msgs: List[GMailMessage], start_history_id: Optional[str]): # Mailbox is empty if start_history_id is None: assert not old_msgs return old_msgs, None gmsgs = {msg.storage_id: set(msg.gmail_labels) for msg in old_msgs} def add_message(jmsg): jmsg = jmsg["message"] gmail_id = jmsg["id"] if "labelIds" in jmsg: gmsgs[gmail_id] = labels = set(jmsg["labelIds"]) else: if gmail_id not in gmsgs: gmsgs[gmail_id] = labels = set() else: labels = gmsgs[gmail_id] return gmail_id, labels last_history = [] async for jhistory in self.gmail.get_json_paged( "v1", "/users/me/history", key="history", params={ "labelId": self.label, "startHistoryId": start_history_id }, last_json=last_history): jf = jhistory.get("messagesAdded") if jf: for jmsg in jf: gmail_id, _ = add_message(jmsg) jf = jhistory.get("labelsAdded") if jf: for jmsg in jf: _, labels = add_message(jmsg) labels.update(jmsg["labelIds"]) jf = jhistory.get("labelsRemoved") if jf: for jmsg in jf: _, labels = add_message(jmsg) for I in jmsg["labelIds"]: labels.discard(I) # Deleted means permanently deleted jf = jhistory.get("messagesDeleted") if jf: for jmsg in jf: gmail_id, labels = add_message(jmsg) gmsgs.pop(gmail_id, None) next_history_id = last_history[0]["historyId"] old_msgs_map = {msg.storage_id: msg for msg in old_msgs} todo = [] msgs = [] for gmail_id, gmail_labels in gmsgs.items(): if self.label not in gmail_labels: continue omsg = old_msgs_map.get(gmail_id) if omsg is None: msg = GMailMessage(mailbox=self, gmail_id=gmail_id, gmail_labels=gmail_labels) if not self.msgdb.have_content(msg): todo.append( asyncio.create_task(self._fetch_message(msg))) else: todo.append(asyncio.create_task(self._fetch_metadata(msg))) else: msg = GMailMessage(mailbox=self, gmail_id=gmail_id, gmail_labels=gmail_labels) msg.received_time = omsg.received_time assert self.msgdb.have_content(msg) msgs.append(msg) await asyncio_complete(*todo) return (msgs, next_history_id) @util.log_progress(lambda self: f"Updating Message List for {self.name}", lambda self: f", {len(self.messages)} msgs") @mailbox.update_on_failure async def update_message_list(self): """Retrieve the list of all messages and store all the message content in the content_hash message database""" if self.history_delta is None: # For whatever reason, there is usually more history than is # suggested by the history_id from the messages.list, so always # drain it out. self.history_delta = await self._fetch_all_messages() try: self.history_delta = await self._fetch_delta_messages( start_history_id=self.history_delta[1], old_msgs=self.history_delta[0]) except: # If we fail to read a delta then the history is lost/garbage, # start again from full sync. self.history_delta = None; raise self.messages = { msg.content_hash: msg for msg in self.history_delta[0] if msg.content_hash is not None } self.need_update = False def force_content(self, msgs): raise RuntimeError("Cannot move messages into the Cloud") def _update_msg_flags(self, cmsg: messages.Message, old_cmsg_flags: int, lmsg: messages.Message, label_edits): lflags = lmsg.flags & (messages.Message.ALL_FLAGS ^ messages.Message.FLAG_DELETED) if lflags == old_cmsg_flags or lflags == cmsg.flags: return None cloud_flags = cmsg.flags ^ old_cmsg_flags flag_mask = messages.Message.ALL_FLAGS ^ cloud_flags nflags = (lflags & flag_mask) | (cmsg.flags & cloud_flags) modified_flags = nflags ^ cmsg.flags if modified_flags & messages.Message.FLAG_READ: label_edits[("-" if nflags & messages.Message.FLAG_READ else "+") + "UNREAD"].add(cmsg.storage_id) if modified_flags & messages.Message.FLAG_FLAGGED: label_edits[("+" if nflags & messages.Message.FLAG_FLAGGED else "-") + "STARRED"].add(cmsg.storage_id) # FLAG_REPLIED is not supported cmsg.flags = nflags @staticmethod def _next_edit(label_edits): """Break up the edit list into groups of IDs. The algorithm picks groupings of IDs that have matching label changes, and returns every ID exactly once.""" sets = list(label_edits.values()) while True: gmail_ids = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, sets) if gmail_ids: if len(gmail_ids) > 50: return set(sorted(gmail_ids)[:50]) return set(gmail_ids) # Pick an arbitary ID and advance its group of labels. The above # reduction must return at least todo_gmail_id. todo_gmail_id = next(iter(sets[0])) sets = [I for I in sets if todo_gmail_id in I] @util.log_progress(lambda self: f"Uploading local changes for {self.name}", lambda self: f", {self.last_merge_len} changes ") @mailbox.update_on_failure async def merge_content(self, msgs: messages.CHMsgMappingDict_Type): self.last_merge_len = 0 label_edits: Dict[str, Set[str]] = collections.defaultdict(set) for ch, mpair in msgs.items(): # lmsg is the message in the local mailbox # cmsg is the current cloud message in this class # old_cmsg is the original cloud message from the last sync lmsg, old_cmsg = mpair cmsg = self.messages.get(ch) assert old_cmsg is not None # Update flags if cmsg is not None and old_cmsg is not None and lmsg is not None: self._update_msg_flags(cmsg, old_cmsg.flags, lmsg, label_edits) if cmsg is not None and (lmsg is None or lmsg.flags & messages.Message.FLAG_DELETED): # To archive skip the +TRASH if self.delete_action == "delete": label_edits["+TRASH"].add(cmsg.storage_id) label_edits["-" + self.label].add(cmsg.storage_id) del self.messages[ch] empty: Set[str] = set() self.last_merge_len = len( functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, label_edits.values(), empty)) # Group all the label changes for a single ID together and then batch # them while label_edits: gmail_ids = self._next_edit(label_edits) labels = [] for k, v in list(label_edits.items()): if gmail_ids.issubset(v): labels.append(k) v.difference_update(gmail_ids) if not v: del label_edits[k] labels.sort() body = {"ids": sorted(gmail_ids)} add_labels = [I[1:] for I in labels if I[0] == "+"] if add_labels: body["addLabelIds"] = add_labels remove_labels = [I[1:] for I in labels if I[0] == "-"] if remove_labels: body["removeLabelIds"] = remove_labels await self.gmail.post_json("v1", f"/users/me/messages/batchModify", body=body)