#include "touchpad.h" #include "glcd.h" volatile static struct cal cal = { 1, 1, 0, 0 }; static const SPIConfig spicfg = { NULL, GPIOC, TP_CS, SPI_CR1_SPE | SPI_CR1_BR_2 | SPI_CR1_BR_1 | SPI_CR1_BR_0, }; void tpInit(SPIDriver *spip) { spiStart(spip, &spicfg); } static __inline uint16_t readX(void) { return lld_readX(); } static __inline uint16_t readY(void) { return lld_readY(); } uint8_t tpIRQ(void) { return (!palReadPad(TP_PORT, TP_IRQ)); } static uint16_t tpReadRealX(void) { uint32_t results = 0; uint16_t i, x; for(i=0; i<CONVERSIONS; i++) { readX(); results += readX(); } x = (((SCREEN_WIDTH-1) * (results/CONVERSIONS)) / 2048); return x; } static uint16_t tpReadRealY(void) { uint32_t results = 0; uint16_t i, y; for(i=0; i<CONVERSIONS; i++) { readY(); results += readY(); } y = (((SCREEN_HEIGHT-1) * (results/CONVERSIONS)) / 2048); return y; } uint16_t tpReadX(void) { uint16_t x, y; x = cal.xm * tpReadRealX() + cal.xn; y = cal.ym * tpReadRealY() + cal.yn; switch(lcdGetOrientation()) { case portrait: return x; case landscape: return SCREEN_HEIGHT - y; case portraitInv: return SCREEN_WIDTH - x; case landscapeInv: return y; } return x; } uint16_t tpReadY(void) { uint16_t x, y; x = cal.xm * tpReadRealX() + cal.xn; y = cal.ym * tpReadRealY() + cal.yn; switch(lcdGetOrientation()) { case portrait: return y; case landscape: return x; case portraitInv: return SCREEN_HEIGHT - y; case landscapeInv: return SCREEN_WIDTH - x; } return y; } uint16_t tpReadZ(void) { return lld_readZ(); } static void tpDrawCross(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { lcdDrawLine(x-15, y, x-2, y, 0xffff); lcdDrawLine(x+2, y, x+15, y, 0xffff); lcdDrawLine(x, y-15, x, y-2, 0xffff); lcdDrawLine(x, y+2, x, y+15, 0xffff); lcdDrawLine(x-15, y+15, x-7, y+15, RGB565CONVERT(184,158,131)); lcdDrawLine(x-15, y+7, x-15, y+15, RGB565CONVERT(184,158,131)); lcdDrawLine(x-15, y-15, x-7, y-15, RGB565CONVERT(184,158,131)); lcdDrawLine(x-15, y-7, x-15, y-15, RGB565CONVERT(184,158,131)); lcdDrawLine(x+7, y+15, x+15, y+15, RGB565CONVERT(184,158,131)); lcdDrawLine(x+15, y+7, x+15, y+15, RGB565CONVERT(184,158,131)); lcdDrawLine(x+7, y-15, x+15, y-15, RGB565CONVERT(184,158,131)); lcdDrawLine(x+15, y-15, x+15, y-7, RGB565CONVERT(184,158,131)); } void tpCalibrate(void) { uint16_t cross[2][2] = {{40,40}, {200, 280}}; uint16_t points[2][2]; uint8_t i; lcdSetOrientation(portrait); lcdClear(Red); /* Abhishek: need to specify a font to use here, should probably make sure it exists somehow */ lcdDrawString(40, 10, "Touchpad Calibration", font_Larger, White, Red, solid); for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { tpDrawCross(cross[i][0], cross[i][1]); while(!tpIRQ()); points[i][0] = tpReadRealX(); points[i][1] = tpReadRealY(); while(tpIRQ()); lcdFillArea(cross[i][0]-15, cross[i][1]-15, cross[i][0]+16, cross[i][1]+16, Red); } cal.xm = ((float)cross[1][0] - (float)cross[0][0]) / ((float)points[1][0] - (float)points[0][0]); cal.ym = ((float)cross[1][1] - (float)cross[0][1]) / ((float)points[1][1] - (float)points[0][1]); cal.xn = (float)cross[0][0] - cal.xm * (float)points[0][0]; cal.yn = (float)cross[0][1] - cal.ym * (float)points[0][1]; }