/* * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at: * * http://chibios-gfx.com/license.html */ /** * @file src/gwin/gimage.c * @brief GWIN sub-system image code. */ #include "gfx.h" #if GFX_USE_GWIN && GWIN_NEED_IMAGE #include "gwin/class_gwin.h" #define widget(gh) ((GImageObject *)gh) static void _destroy(GWindowObject *gh) { if (gdispImageIsOpen(&widget(gh)->image)) gdispImageClose(&widget(gh)->image); } static void _redraw(GHandle gh) { coord_t x, y, w, h, dx, dy; color_t bg; // The default display area x = gh->x; y = gh->y; w = gh->width; h = gh->height; bg = gwinGetDefaultBgColor(); // If the image isn't open just clear the area if (!gdispImageIsOpen(&widget(gh)->image)) { gdispFillArea(x, y, w, h, bg); return; } // Center horizontally if the area is larger than the image if (widget(gh)->image.width < w) { w = widget(gh)->image.width; dx = (gh->width-w)/2; x += dx; if (dx) gdispFillArea(gh->x, y, dx, h, bg); gdispFillArea(x+w, y, gh->width-dx-w, h, bg); dx = 0; } // Center image horizontally if the area is smaller than the image else if (widget(gh)->image.width > w) { dx = (widget(gh)->image.width - w)/2; } // Center vertically if the area is larger than the image if (widget(gh)->image.height < h) { h = widget(gh)->image.height; dy = (gh->height-h)/2; y += dy; if (dy) gdispFillArea(x, gh->y, w, dy, bg); gdispFillArea(x, y+h, w, gh->height-dy-h, bg); dy = 0; } // Center image vertically if the area is smaller than the image else if (widget(gh)->image.height > h) { dy = (widget(gh)->image.height - h)/2; } // Reset the background color in case it has changed gdispImageSetBgColor(&widget(gh)->image, bg); // Display the image gdispImageDraw(&widget(gh)->image, x, y, w, h, dx, dy); } static const gwinVMT imageVMT = { "Image", // The class name sizeof(GImageObject), // The object size _destroy, // The destroy routine _redraw, // The redraw routine 0, // The after-clear routine }; // This is the callback for the automated redraw for animated images static void _animatedRedraw(void* gh) { // draw pending frame _redraw((GHandle)gh); // read the delay for the next frame and set the timer gtimerStart(&(widget((GHandle)gh)->timer), _animatedRedraw, (void*)gh, FALSE, gdispImageNext(&(widget((GHandle)gh)->image))); } // check for an animated image static bool_t _checkAnimated(GHandle gh) { if (widget(gh)->image.flags & GDISP_IMAGE_FLG_ANIMATED) { gtimerInit(&(widget(gh)->timer)); gtimerStart(&(widget(gh)->timer), _animatedRedraw, (void*)gh, FALSE, gdispImageNext(&(widget(gh)->image))); return true; } return false; } GHandle gwinImageCreate(GImageObject *gobj, GWindowInit *pInit) { if (!(gobj = (GImageObject *)_gwindowCreate(&gobj->g, pInit, &imageVMT, 0))) return 0; // Ensure the gdispImageIsOpen() gives valid results gobj->image.type = 0; gwinSetVisible((GHandle)gobj, pInit->show); return (GHandle)gobj; } bool_t gwinImageOpenMemory(GHandle gh, const void* memory) { if (gdispImageIsOpen(&widget(gh)->image)) gdispImageClose(&widget(gh)->image); if (!gdispImageSetMemoryReader(&widget(gh)->image, memory)) return FALSE; if (gdispImageOpen(&widget(gh)->image) != GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK) return FALSE; if ((gh->flags & GWIN_FLG_VISIBLE)) { // Setting the clip here shouldn't be necessary if the redraw doesn't overdraw // but we put it in for safety anyway #if GDISP_NEED_CLIP gdispSetClip(gh->x, gh->y, gh->width, gh->height); #endif } if(!_checkAnimated(gh)) _redraw(gh); return TRUE; } #if defined(WIN32) || GFX_USE_OS_WIN32 || GFX_USE_OS_POSIX || defined(__DOXYGEN__) bool_t gwinImageOpenFile(GHandle gh, const char* filename) { if (gdispImageIsOpen(&widget(gh)->image)) gdispImageClose(&widget(gh)->image); if (!gdispImageSetFileReader(&widget(gh)->image, filename)) return FALSE; if (gdispImageOpen(&widget(gh)->image) != GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK) return FALSE; if ((gh->flags & GWIN_FLG_VISIBLE)) { // Setting the clip here shouldn't be necessary if the redraw doesn't overdraw // but we put it in for safety anyway #if GDISP_NEED_CLIP gdispSetClip(gh->x, gh->y, gh->width, gh->height); #endif } if(!_checkAnimated(gh)) _redraw(gh); return TRUE; } #endif #if GFX_USE_OS_CHIBIOS || defined(__DOXYGEN__) bool_t gwinImageOpenStream(GHandle gh, void *streamPtr) { if (gdispImageIsOpen(&widget(gh)->image)) gdispImageClose(&widget(gh)->image); if (!gdispImageSetBaseFileStreamReader(&widget(gh)->image, streamPtr)) return FALSE; if (gdispImageOpen(&widget(gh)->image) != GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK) return FALSE; if ((gh->flags & GWIN_FLG_VISIBLE)) { // Setting the clip here shouldn't be necessary if the redraw doesn't overdraw // but we put it in for safety anyway #if GDISP_NEED_CLIP gdispSetClip(gh->x, gh->y, gh->width, gh->height); #endif } if(!_checkAnimated(gh)) _redraw(gh); return TRUE; } #endif gdispImageError gwinImageCache(GHandle gh) { return gdispImageCache(&widget(gh)->image); } #endif // GFX_USE_GWIN && GWIN_NEED_IMAGE /** @} */