 * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
 * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
 *              http://ugfx.org/license.html

 * @file    src/ginput/ginput_toggle.h
 * @brief   GINPUT GFX User Input subsystem header file.
 * @defgroup Toggle Toggle
 * @ingroup GINPUT
 * @details	GINPUT allows it to interface toggle buttons easily to your
 *			application.
 * @pre		GFX_USE_GINPUT must be set to TRUE in your gfxconf.h
 * @pre		GINPUT_NEED_TOGGLE must be set to TRUE in your gfxconf.h
 * @{


#if GINPUT_NEED_TOGGLE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Low Level Driver details and error checks.                                */

// Get the hardware definitions - Number of instances etc.
#include "ginput_lld_toggle_config.h"


/* Type definitions                                                          */

// Event types for various ginput sources

typedef struct GEventToggle_t {
	GEventType		type;				// The type of this event (GEVENT_TOGGLE)
	uint16_t		instance;			// The toggle instance
	bool_t			on;					// True if the toggle/button is on
	} GEventToggle;

// Toggle Listen Flags - passed to geventAddSourceToListener()
#define GLISTEN_TOGGLE_ON		0x0001			// Return an event when the toggle turns on
#define GLISTEN_TOGGLE_OFF		0x0002			// Return an event when the toggle turns off

/* External declarations.                                                    */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

	 * @brief	Create a toggle input instance
	 * @param[in] instance	The ID of the toggle input instance (from 0 to 9999)
	 * @return	The source handle of the created instance
	GSourceHandle ginputGetToggle(uint16_t instance);	

	 * @brief	Can be used to invert the sense of a toggle
	 * @param[in] instance	The ID of the toggle input instance
	 * @param[in] invert	If TRUE, will be inverted
	void ginputInvertToggle(uint16_t instance, bool_t invert);

	 * @brief	Get the current toggle status
	 * @param[in] instance	The ID of the toggle input instance
	 * @param[in] ptoggle	The toggle event struct
	 * @return Returns FALSE on an error (eg invalid instance)
	bool_t ginputGetToggleStatus(uint16_t instance, GEventToggle *ptoggle);

#ifdef __cplusplus


#endif /* _GINPUT_TOGGLE_H */
/** @} */