/* * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at: * * http://ugfx.org/license.html */ #include "../../gfx.h" #if GFX_USE_GDISP && GDISP_NEED_IMAGE && GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP #include "gdisp_image_support.h" /** * How big a pixel array to allocate for blitting (in pixels) * Bigger is faster but uses more RAM. * This must be greater than 40 bytes and 32 pixels as we read our headers into this space as well */ #define BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP 32 typedef struct gdispImagePrivate_BMP { uint8_t bmpflags; #define BMP_V2 0x01 // Version 2 (old) header format #define BMP_V4 0x02 // Version 4 (alpha support) header format #define BMP_PALETTE 0x04 // Uses a palette #define BMP_COMP_RLE 0x08 // Uses RLE compression #define BMP_COMP_MASK 0x10 // Uses mask & shift decoding #define BMP_RLE_ENC 0x20 // Currently in RLE encoded run #define BMP_RLE_ABS 0x40 // Currently in RLE absolute run #define BMP_TOP_TO_BOTTOM 0x80 // Decodes bottom to top line uint8_t bitsperpixel; #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE uint16_t palsize; pixel_t *palette; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE uint16_t rlerun; uint8_t rlecode; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_16 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_32 int8_t shiftred; int8_t shiftgreen; int8_t shiftblue; int8_t shiftalpha; uint32_t maskred; uint32_t maskgreen; uint32_t maskblue; uint32_t maskalpha; #endif size_t frame0pos; pixel_t *frame0cache; pixel_t buf[BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP]; } gdispImagePrivate_BMP; void gdispImageClose_BMP(gdispImage *img) { gdispImagePrivate_BMP *priv; priv = (gdispImagePrivate_BMP *)img->priv; if (priv) { #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE if (priv->palette) gdispImageFree(img, (void *)priv->palette, priv->palsize*sizeof(color_t)); #endif if (priv->frame0cache) gdispImageFree(img, (void *)priv->frame0cache, img->width*img->height*sizeof(pixel_t)); gdispImageFree(img, (void *)priv, sizeof(gdispImagePrivate_BMP)); img->priv = 0; } } gdispImageError gdispImageOpen_BMP(gdispImage *img) { gdispImagePrivate_BMP *priv; uint8_t hdr[2]; uint16_t aword; uint32_t adword; uint32_t offsetColorTable; /* Read the file identifier */ if (gfileRead(img->f, hdr, 2) != 2) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_BADFORMAT; // It can't be us /* Process the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure */ /** * We only accept Windows V2+ bitmaps. * - we don't support OS/2 bitmaps, icons, pointers, or Windows V1 bitmaps. */ if (hdr[0] != 'B' || hdr[1] != 'M') return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_BADFORMAT; // It can't be us /* We know we are a BMP format image */ img->flags = 0; /* Allocate our private area */ if (!(img->priv = gdispImageAlloc(img, sizeof(gdispImagePrivate_BMP)))) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_NOMEMORY; /* Initialise the essential bits in the private area */ priv = (gdispImagePrivate_BMP *)img->priv; priv->frame0cache = 0; priv->bmpflags = 0; #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE priv->palette = 0; #endif /* Skip the size field and the 2 reserved fields */ if (gfileRead(img->f, priv->buf, 8) != 8) goto baddatacleanup; /* Get the offset to the bitmap data */ if (gfileRead(img->f, &priv->frame0pos, 4) != 4) goto baddatacleanup; gdispImageMakeLE32(priv->frame0pos); /* Process the BITMAPCOREHEADER structure */ /* Get the offset to the colour data */ if (gfileRead(img->f, &offsetColorTable, 4) != 4) goto baddatacleanup; gdispImageMakeLE32(offsetColorTable); offsetColorTable += 14; // Add the size of the BITMAPFILEHEADER // Detect our bitmap version if (offsetColorTable == 12+14) { priv->bmpflags |= BMP_V2; // Read the header if (gfileRead(img->f, priv->buf, 12-4) != 12-4) goto baddatacleanup; // Get the width img->width = gdispImageGetAlignedLE16(priv->buf, 0); // Get the height img->height = gdispImageGetAlignedLE16(priv->buf, 2); if (img->height < 0) { priv->bmpflags |= BMP_TOP_TO_BOTTOM; img->height = -img->height; } // Get the planes aword = gdispImageGetAlignedLE16(priv->buf, 4); if (aword != 1) goto unsupportedcleanup; // Get the bits per pixel aword = gdispImageGetAlignedLE16(priv->buf, 6); switch(aword) { #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 case 1: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 case 4: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 case 8: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 priv->bmpflags |= BMP_PALETTE; priv->palsize = 1<<aword; break; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_24 case 24: break; #endif default: goto unsupportedcleanup; } priv->bitsperpixel = aword; } else if (offsetColorTable >= 40+14) { if (offsetColorTable > 40+14) priv->bmpflags |= BMP_V4; // Read the header if (gfileRead(img->f, priv->buf, 40-4) != 40-4) goto baddatacleanup; // Get the width adword = gdispImageGetAlignedLE32(priv->buf, 0); if (adword > 32768) // This also picks up negative values goto unsupportedcleanup; img->width = adword; // Get the height adword = gdispImageGetAlignedLE32(priv->buf, 4); if ((int32_t)adword < 0) { // Negative test priv->bmpflags |= BMP_TOP_TO_BOTTOM; adword = -adword; } if (adword > 32768) goto unsupportedcleanup; img->height = adword; // Get the planes aword = gdispImageGetAlignedLE16(priv->buf, 8); if (aword != 1) goto unsupportedcleanup; // Get the bits per pixel aword = gdispImageGetAlignedLE16(priv->buf, 10); switch(aword) { #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 case 1: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE case 4: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE case 8: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE priv->bmpflags |= BMP_PALETTE; priv->palsize = 1<<aword; break; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_16 case 16: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_24 case 24: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_32 case 32: #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_16 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_24 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_32 break; #endif default: goto unsupportedcleanup; } priv->bitsperpixel = aword; // Get the compression adword = gdispImageGetAlignedLE32(priv->buf, 12); switch(adword) { case 0: // BI_RGB - uncompressed break; #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE case 1: // BI_RLE8 compression if (priv->bitsperpixel != 8) goto unsupportedcleanup; priv->bmpflags |= BMP_COMP_RLE; break; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE case 2: // BI_RLE4 compression if (priv->bitsperpixel != 4) goto unsupportedcleanup; priv->bmpflags |= BMP_COMP_RLE; break; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_16 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_32 case 3: // BI_BITFIELDS decoding if (priv->bitsperpixel < 16 || priv->bitsperpixel == 24) goto unsupportedcleanup; priv->bmpflags |= BMP_COMP_MASK; if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_V4) // V4 stored the masks in the header offsetColorTable = 40+14; break; #endif default: goto unsupportedcleanup; } priv->bitsperpixel = aword; #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE // Get the actual colors used adword = gdispImageGetAlignedLE32(priv->buf, 28); if (adword && adword < priv->palsize) priv->palsize = adword; #endif } else goto baddatacleanup; #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE /* Load the palette tables */ if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_PALETTE) { gfileSetPos(img->f, offsetColorTable); if (!(priv->palette = (color_t *)gdispImageAlloc(img, priv->palsize*sizeof(color_t)))) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_NOMEMORY; if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_V2) { for(aword = 0; aword < priv->palsize; aword++) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &priv->buf, 3) != 3) goto baddatacleanup; priv->palette[aword] = RGB2COLOR(((uint8_t *)priv->buf)[2], ((uint8_t *)priv->buf)[1], ((uint8_t *)priv->buf)[0]); } } else { for(aword = 0; aword < priv->palsize; aword++) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &priv->buf, 4) != 4) goto baddatacleanup; priv->palette[aword] = RGB2COLOR(((uint8_t *)priv->buf)[2], ((uint8_t *)priv->buf)[1], ((uint8_t *)priv->buf)[0]); } } } #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_16 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_32 /* Load the bit masks */ if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_COMP_MASK) { gfileSetPos(img->f, offsetColorTable); if (gfileRead(img->f, &priv->maskred, 4) != 4) goto baddatacleanup; gdispImageMakeLE32(priv->maskred); if (gfileRead(img->f, &priv->maskgreen, 4) != 4) goto baddatacleanup; gdispImageMakeLE32(priv->maskgreen); if (gfileRead(img->f, &priv->maskblue, 4) != 4) goto baddatacleanup; gdispImageMakeLE32(priv->maskblue); if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_V4) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &priv->maskalpha, 4) != 4) goto baddatacleanup; gdispImageMakeLE32(priv->maskalpha); } else priv->maskalpha = 0; } else if (priv->bitsperpixel == 16) { priv->bmpflags |= BMP_COMP_MASK; priv->maskred = 0x7C00; priv->maskgreen = 0x03E0; priv->maskblue = 0x001F; priv->maskalpha = 0; } else if (priv->bitsperpixel == 32) { priv->bmpflags |= BMP_COMP_MASK; priv->maskred = 0x00FF0000; priv->maskgreen = 0x0000FF00; priv->maskblue = 0x000000FF; priv->maskalpha = 0; } /* We need to adjust the masks and calculate the shift values so the result scales 0 -> 255 */ if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_COMP_MASK) { priv->shiftred = 0; priv->shiftgreen = 0; priv->shiftblue = 0; if (priv->maskred) { if (priv->maskred < 256) for(adword = priv->maskred; adword < 128; priv->shiftred--, adword <<= 1); else for(adword = priv->maskred; adword > 255; priv->shiftred++, adword >>= 1); } if (priv->maskgreen) { if (priv->maskgreen < 256) for(adword = priv->maskgreen; adword < 128; priv->shiftgreen--, adword <<= 1); else for(adword = priv->maskgreen; adword > 255; priv->shiftgreen++, adword >>= 1); } if (priv->maskblue) { if (priv->maskblue < 256) for(adword = priv->maskblue; adword < 128; priv->shiftblue--, adword <<= 1); else for(adword = priv->maskblue; adword > 255; priv->shiftblue++, adword >>= 1); } if (priv->maskalpha) { if (priv->maskalpha < 256) for(adword = priv->maskalpha; adword < 128; priv->shiftalpha--, adword <<= 1); else for(adword = priv->maskalpha; adword > 255; priv->shiftalpha++, adword >>= 1); } } #endif img->type = GDISP_IMAGE_TYPE_BMP; return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK; baddatacleanup: gdispImageClose_BMP(img); // Clean up the private data area return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_BADDATA; // Oops - something wrong unsupportedcleanup: gdispImageClose_BMP(img); // Clean up the private data area return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; // Not supported } static coord_t getPixels(gdispImage *img, coord_t x) { gdispImagePrivate_BMP * priv; color_t * pc; coord_t len; priv = (gdispImagePrivate_BMP *)img->priv; pc = priv->buf; len = 0; switch(priv->bitsperpixel) { #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 case 1: { uint8_t b[4]; uint8_t m; priv = (gdispImagePrivate_BMP *)img->priv; pc = priv->buf; len = 0; while(x < img->width && len <= BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP-32) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 4) != 4) return 0; for(m=0x80; m; m >>= 1, pc++) pc[0] = priv->palette[(m&b[0]) ? 1 : 0]; for(m=0x80; m; m >>= 1, pc++) pc[0] = priv->palette[(m&b[1]) ? 1 : 0]; for(m=0x80; m; m >>= 1, pc++) pc[0] = priv->palette[(m&b[2]) ? 1 : 0]; for(m=0x80; m; m >>= 1, pc++) pc[0] = priv->palette[(m&b[3]) ? 1 : 0]; len += 32; x += 32; } } return len; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE case 4: #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_COMP_RLE) #endif { uint8_t b[4]; while(x < img->width) { if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_RLE_ENC) { while (priv->rlerun && len <= BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP-2 && x < img->width) { *pc++ = priv->palette[priv->rlecode >> 4]; priv->rlerun--; len++; x++; if (priv->rlerun) { *pc++ = priv->palette[priv->rlecode & 0x0F]; priv->rlerun--; len++; x++; } } if (priv->rlerun) // Return if we have more run to do return len; } else if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_RLE_ABS) { while (priv->rlerun && len <= BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP-2 && x < img->width) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 1) != 1) return 0; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[0] >> 4]; priv->rlerun--; len++; x++; if (priv->rlerun) { *pc++ = priv->palette[b[0] & 0x0F]; priv->rlerun--; len++; x++; } } if (priv->rlerun) // Return if we have more run to do return len; if ((gfileGetPos(img->f) - priv->frame0pos)&1) { // Make sure we are on a word boundary if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 1) != 1) return 0; } } // We have finished the current run - read a new run priv->bmpflags &= ~(BMP_RLE_ENC|BMP_RLE_ABS); // There are always at least 2 bytes in an RLE code if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 2) != 2) return 0; if (b[0]) { // Encoded mode priv->rlerun = b[0]; priv->rlecode = b[1]; priv->bmpflags |= BMP_RLE_ENC; } else if (b[1] == 0) { // End of line if (x < img->width) { priv->rlerun = img->width - x; priv->rlecode = 0; // Who knows what color this should really be priv->bmpflags |= BMP_RLE_ENC; } } else if (b[1] == 1) { // End of file return len; } else if (b[1] == 2) { // Delta x, y // There are always at least 2 bytes in an RLE code if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 2) != 2) return 0; priv->rlerun = b[0] + (uint16_t)b[1] * img->width; priv->rlecode = 0; // Who knows what color this should really be priv->bmpflags |= BMP_RLE_ENC; } else { // Absolute mode priv->rlerun = b[1]; priv->bmpflags |= BMP_RLE_ABS; } } return len; } #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 { uint8_t b[4]; while(x < img->width && len <= BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP-8) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 4) != 4) return 0; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[0] >> 4]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[0] & 0x0F]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[1] >> 4]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[1] & 0x0F]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[2] >> 4]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[2] & 0x0F]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[3] >> 4]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[3] & 0x0F]; len += 8; x += 8; } return len; } #endif #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE case 8: #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_COMP_RLE) #endif { uint8_t b[4]; while(x < img->width) { if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_RLE_ENC) { while (priv->rlerun && len < BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP && x < img->width) { *pc++ = priv->palette[priv->rlecode]; priv->rlerun--; len++; x++; } if (priv->rlerun) // Return if we have more run to do return len; } else if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_RLE_ABS) { while (priv->rlerun && len < BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP && x < img->width) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 1) != 1) return 0; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[0]]; priv->rlerun--; len++; x++; } if (priv->rlerun) // Return if we have more run to do return len; if ((gfileGetPos(img->f) - priv->frame0pos)&1) { // Make sure we are on a word boundary if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 1) != 1) return 0; } } // We have finished the current run - read a new run priv->bmpflags &= ~(BMP_RLE_ENC|BMP_RLE_ABS); // There are always at least 2 bytes in an RLE code if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 2) != 2) return 0; if (b[0]) { // Encoded mode priv->rlerun = b[0]; priv->rlecode = b[1]; priv->bmpflags |= BMP_RLE_ENC; } else if (b[1] == 0) { // End of line if (x < img->width) { priv->rlerun = img->width - x; priv->rlecode = 0; // Who knows what color this should really be priv->bmpflags |= BMP_RLE_ENC; } } else if (b[1] == 1) { // End of file return len; } else if (b[1] == 2) { // Delta x, y // There are always at least 2 bytes in an RLE code if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 2) != 2) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_BADDATA; priv->rlerun = b[0] + (uint16_t)b[1] * img->width; priv->rlecode = 0; // Who knows what color this should really be priv->bmpflags |= BMP_RLE_ENC; } else { // Absolute mode priv->rlerun = b[1]; priv->bmpflags |= BMP_RLE_ABS; } } return len; } #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 { uint8_t b[4]; while(x < img->width && len <= BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP-4) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 4) != 4) return 0; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[0]]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[1]]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[2]]; *pc++ = priv->palette[b[3]]; len += 4; x += 4; } return len; } #endif #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_16 case 16: { uint16_t w[2]; color_t r, g, b; while(x < img->width && len <= BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP-2) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &w, 4) != 4) return 0; gdispImageMakeLE16(w[0]); gdispImageMakeLE16(w[1]); if (priv->shiftred < 0) r = (color_t)((w[0] & priv->maskred) << -priv->shiftred); else r = (color_t)((w[0] & priv->maskred) >> priv->shiftred); if (priv->shiftgreen < 0) g = (color_t)((w[0] & priv->maskgreen) << -priv->shiftgreen); else g = (color_t)((w[0] & priv->maskgreen) >> priv->shiftgreen); if (priv->shiftblue < 0) b = (color_t)((w[0] & priv->maskblue) << -priv->shiftblue); else b = (color_t)((w[0] & priv->maskblue) >> priv->shiftblue); /* We don't support alpha yet */ *pc++ = RGB2COLOR(r, g, b); if (priv->shiftred < 0) r = (color_t)((w[1] & priv->maskred) << -priv->shiftred); else r = (color_t)((w[1] & priv->maskred) >> priv->shiftred); if (priv->shiftgreen < 0) g = (color_t)((w[1] & priv->maskgreen) << -priv->shiftgreen); else g = (color_t)((w[1] & priv->maskgreen) >> priv->shiftgreen); if (priv->shiftblue < 0) b = (color_t)((w[1] & priv->maskblue) << -priv->shiftblue); else b = (uint8_t)((w[1] & priv->maskblue) >> priv->shiftblue); /* We don't support alpha yet */ *pc++ = RGB2COLOR(r, g, b); x += 2; len += 2; } } return len; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_24 case 24: { uint8_t b[3]; while(x < img->width && len < BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &b, 3) != 3) return 0; *pc++ = RGB2COLOR(b[2], b[1], b[0]); x++; len++; } if (x >= img->width) { // Make sure we have read a multiple of 4 bytes for the line if ((x & 3) && gfileRead(img->f, &b, x & 3) != (x & 3)) return 0; } } return len; #endif #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_32 case 32: { uint32_t dw; color_t r, g, b; while(x < img->width && len < BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_BMP) { if (gfileRead(img->f, &dw, 4) != 4) return 0; gdispImageMakeLE32(dw); if (priv->shiftred < 0) r = (color_t)((dw & priv->maskred) << -priv->shiftred); else r = (color_t)((dw & priv->maskred) >> priv->shiftred); if (priv->shiftgreen < 0) g = (color_t)((dw & priv->maskgreen) << -priv->shiftgreen); else g = (color_t)((dw & priv->maskgreen) >> priv->shiftgreen); if (priv->shiftblue < 0) b = (color_t)((dw & priv->maskblue) << -priv->shiftblue); else b = (color_t)((dw & priv->maskblue) >> priv->shiftblue); /* We don't support alpha yet */ *pc++ = RGB2COLOR(r, g, b); x++; len++; } } return len; #endif default: return len; } } gdispImageError gdispImageCache_BMP(gdispImage *img) { gdispImagePrivate_BMP * priv; color_t * pcs; color_t * pcd; coord_t pos, x, y; size_t len; /* If we are already cached - just return OK */ priv = (gdispImagePrivate_BMP *)img->priv; if (priv->frame0cache) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK; /* We need to allocate the cache */ len = img->width * img->height * sizeof(pixel_t); priv->frame0cache = (pixel_t *)gdispImageAlloc(img, len); if (!priv->frame0cache) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_NOMEMORY; /* Read the entire bitmap into cache */ gfileSetPos(img->f, priv->frame0pos); #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE priv->rlerun = 0; priv->rlecode = 0; #endif pcs = priv->buf; // This line is just to prevent a compiler warning. if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { for(y = 0, pcd = priv->frame0cache; y < img->height; y++) { x = 0; pos = 0; while(x < img->width) { if (!pos) { if (!(pos = getPixels(img, x))) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_BADDATA; pcs = priv->buf; } *pcd++ = *pcs++; x++; pos--; } } } else { for(y = img->height-1, pcd = priv->frame0cache + img->width*(img->height-1); y >= 0; y--, pcd -= 2*img->width) { x = 0; pos = 0; while(x < img->width) { if (!pos) { if (!(pos = getPixels(img, x))) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_BADDATA; pcs = priv->buf; } *pcd++ = *pcs++; x++; pos--; } } } return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK; } gdispImageError gdispGImageDraw_BMP(GDisplay *g, gdispImage *img, coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, coord_t sx, coord_t sy) { gdispImagePrivate_BMP * priv; coord_t mx, my; coord_t pos, len, st; priv = (gdispImagePrivate_BMP *)img->priv; /* Check some reasonableness */ if (sx >= img->width || sy >= img->height) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK; if (sx + cx > img->width) cx = img->width - sx; if (sy + cy > img->height) cy = img->height - sy; /* Draw from the image cache - if it exists */ if (priv->frame0cache) { gdispGBlitArea(g, x, y, cx, cy, sx, sy, img->width, priv->frame0cache); return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK; } /* Start decoding from the beginning */ gfileSetPos(img->f, priv->frame0pos); #if GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE || GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE priv->rlerun = 0; priv->rlecode = 0; #endif if (priv->bmpflags & BMP_TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { for(my = 0; my < img->height; my++) { mx = 0; while(mx < img->width) { if (!(pos = getPixels(img, mx))) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_BADDATA; if (my >= sy && my < sy+cy && mx < sx+cx && mx+pos >= sx) { st = mx < sx ? sx - mx : 0; len = pos-st; if (mx+st+len > sx+cx) len = sx+cx-mx-st; if (len == 1) gdispGDrawPixel(g, x+mx+st-sx, y+my-sy, priv->buf[st]); else gdispGBlitArea(g, x+mx+st-sx, y+my-sy, len, 1, st, 0, pos, priv->buf); } mx += pos; } } } else { for(my = img->height-1; my >= 0; my--) { mx = 0; while(mx < img->width) { if (!(pos = getPixels(img, mx))) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_BADDATA; if (my >= sy && my < sy+cy && mx < sx+cx && mx+pos >= sx) { st = mx < sx ? sx - mx : 0; len = pos-st; if (mx+st+len > sx+cx) len = sx+cx-mx-st; if (len == 1) gdispGDrawPixel(g, x+mx+st-sx, y+my-sy, priv->buf[st]); else gdispGBlitArea(g, x+mx+st-sx, y+my-sy, len, 1, st, 0, pos, priv->buf); } mx += pos; } } } return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK; } delaytime_t gdispImageNext_BMP(gdispImage *img) { (void) img; /* No more frames/pages */ return TIME_INFINITE; } #endif /* GFX_USE_GDISP && GDISP_NEED_IMAGE && GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP */