 * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
 * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
 *              http://ugfx.org/license.html

 * @file    src/gdisp/gdisp_image.h
 * @brief   GDISP image header file.
 * @defgroup Image Image
 * @ingroup GDISP
 * @{

#ifndef _GDISP_IMAGE_H
#define _GDISP_IMAGE_H

 * @brief	The type of image
typedef uint16_t	gdispImageType;

 * @brief	An image error code
typedef uint16_t	gdispImageError;
	#define GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK					0

 * @brief	Image flags
typedef uint16_t	gdispImageFlags;
	#define GDISP_IMAGE_FLG_TRANSPARENT			0x0001	/* The image has transparency */
	#define GDISP_IMAGE_FLG_ANIMATED			0x0002	/* The image has animation */
	#define GDISP_IMAGE_FLG_MULTIPAGE			0x0004	/* The image has multiple pages */

struct gdispImageIO;

 * @brief	An image IO close function
 * @param[in] pio	Pointer to the io structure
 * @param[in] desc	The descriptor. A filename or an image structure pointer.
typedef void (*gdispImageIOCloseFn)(struct gdispImageIO *pio);

 * @brief	An image IO read function
 * @returns	The number of bytes actually read or 0 on error
 * @param[in] pio	Pointer to the io structure
 * @param[in] buf	Where the results should be placed
 * @param[in] len	The number of bytes to read
typedef size_t (*gdispImageIOReadFn)(struct gdispImageIO *pio, void *buf, size_t len);

 * @brief	An image IO seek function
 * @param[in] pio	Pointer to the io structure
 * @param[in] pos	Which byte to seek to relative to the start of the "file".
typedef void (*gdispImageIOSeekFn)(struct gdispImageIO *pio, size_t pos);

typedef struct gdispImageIOFunctions {
	gdispImageIOReadFn			read;				/* @< The function to read input */
	gdispImageIOSeekFn			seek;				/* @< The function to seek input */
	gdispImageIOCloseFn			close;				/* @< The function to close input */
	} gdispImageIOFunctions;

 * @brief	The structure defining the IO routines for image handling
typedef struct gdispImageIO {
	const void *				fd;					/* @< The "file" descriptor */
	size_t						pos;				/* @< The current "file" position */
	const gdispImageIOFunctions	*fns;				/* @< The current "file" functions */
} gdispImageIO;

 * @brief	The structure for an image
typedef struct gdispImage {
	gdispImageType						type;				/* @< The image type */
	gdispImageFlags						flags;				/* @< The image flags */
	color_t								bgcolor;			/* @< The default background color */
	coord_t								width, height;		/* @< The image dimensions */
	GFILE *								f;					/* @< The underlying GFILE */
		uint32_t						memused;			/* @< How much RAM is currently allocated */
		uint32_t						maxmemused;			/* @< How much RAM has been allocated (maximum) */
	const struct gdispImageHandlers *	fns;				/* @< Don't mess with this! */
	struct gdispImagePrivate *			priv;				/* @< Don't mess with this! */
} gdispImage;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

	 * Deprecated Functions.
	gdispImageError DEPRECATED("Use gdispImageOpenGFile() instead") gdispImageOpen(gdispImage *img);
	bool_t DEPRECATED("Use gdispImageOpenMemory() instead") gdispImageSetMemoryReader(gdispImage *img, const void *memimage);
		bool_t DEPRECATED("Use gdispImageOpenBaseFileStream() instead") gdispImageSetBaseFileStreamReader(gdispImage *img, void *BaseFileStreamPtr);
	#if defined(WIN32) || GFX_USE_OS_WIN32 || GFX_USE_OS_LINUX || GFX_USE_OS_OSX
		bool_t DEPRECATED("Please use gdispImageOpenFile() instead") gdispImageSetFileReader(gdispImage *img, const char *filename);
		#define gdispImageSetSimulFileReader(img, fname)	gdispImageSetFileReader(img, fname)

	 * @brief	Initialise a gdispImage object
	 * @param[in] img  		The image structure to initialise
	void gdispImageInit(gdispImage *img);

	 * @brief	Open an image using an open GFILE and get it ready for drawing
	 * @details	Determine the image format and get ready to decode the first image frame
	 * @return	GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK (0) on success or an error code.
	 * @param[in] img  		The image structure
	 * @param[in] f			The open GFILE stream.
	 * @pre		The GFILE must be open for reading.
	 * @note	This determines which decoder to use and then initialises all other fields
	 * 			in the gdispImage structure.
	 * @note	The image background color is set to White.
	 * @note	There are three types of return - everything OK, partial success and unrecoverable
	 * 			failures. For everything OK it returns GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK. A partial success can
	 * 			be distinguished from a unrecoverable failure by testing the GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_UNRECOVERABLE
	 * 			bit in the error code.
	 * 			A partial success return code means an image can still be drawn but perhaps with
	 * 			reduced functionality eg only the first page of a multi-page image.
	 * @note	@p gdispImageClose() should be called when finished with the image. This will close
	 * 			the image and its underlying GFILE file. Note that images opened with partial success
	 * 			still need to be closed when you are finished with them.
	gdispImageError gdispImageOpenGFile(gdispImage *img, GFILE *f);

	 * @brief	Open an image in a file and get it ready for drawing
	 * @details	Determine the image format and get ready to decode the first image frame
	 * @return	GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK (0) on success or an error code.
	 * @pre		You must have included the file-system support into GFILE that you want to use.
	 * @param[in] img  		The image structure
	 * @param[in] filename	The filename to open
	 * @note	This function just opens the GFILE using the filename and passes it to @p gdispImageOpenGFile().
	#define gdispImageOpenFile(img, filename)			gdispImageOpenGFile((img), gfileOpen((filename), "rb"))

	 * @brief	Open an image in a ChibiOS basefilestream and get it ready for drawing
	 * @details	Determine the image format and get ready to decode the first image frame
	 * @return	GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK (0) on success or an error code.
	 * @pre		GFILE_NEED_CHIBIOSFS and GFX_USE_OS_CHIBIOS must be TRUE. This only makes sense on the ChibiOS
	 * 			operating system.
	 * @param[in] img  				The image structure
	 * @param[in] BaseFileStreamPtr	A pointer to an open BaseFileStream
	 * @note	This function just opens the GFILE using the basefilestream and passes it to @p gdispImageOpenGFile().
	#define gdispImageOpenBaseFileStream(img, BaseFileStreamPtr)			gdispImageOpenGFile((img), gfileOpenBaseFileStream((BaseFileStreamPtr), "rb"))

	 * @brief	Open an image in memory and get it ready for drawing
	 * @details	Determine the image format and get ready to decode the first image frame
	 * @return	GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK (0) on success or an error code.
	 * @pre		GFILE_NEED_MEMFS must be TRUE
	 * @param[in] img  		The image structure
	 * @param[in] ptr		A pointer to the image bytes in memory
	 * @note	This function just opens the GFILE using the basefilestream and passes it to @p gdispImageOpenGFile().
	#define gdispImageOpenMemory(img, ptr)			gdispImageOpenGFile((img), gfileOpenMemory((void *)(ptr), "rb"))

	 * @brief	Close an image and release any dynamically allocated working storage.
	 * @param[in] img   The image structure
	 * @pre		gdispImageOpenFile() must have returned successfully.
	 * @note	Also calls the IO close function (if it hasn't already been called).
	void gdispImageClose(gdispImage *img);

	 * @brief	Is an image open.
	 * @return	TRUE if the image is currently open.
	 * @param[in] img   The image structure
	 * @note	Be careful with calling this on an uninitialized image structure as the image
	 * 			will contain random data which may be interpreted as meaning the image
	 * 			is open. Clearing the Image structure to 0's will guarantee the image
	 * 			is seen as being closed.
	bool_t gdispImageIsOpen(gdispImage *img);

	 * @brief	Set the background color of the image.
	 * @param[in] img   	The image structure
	 * @param[in] bgcolor	The background color to use
	 * @pre		gdispImageOpen() must have returned successfully.
	 * @note	This color is only used when an image has to restore part of the background before
	 * 			continuing with drawing that includes transparency eg some GIF animations.
	void gdispImageSetBgColor(gdispImage *img, color_t bgcolor);
	 * @brief	Cache the image
	 * @details	Decodes and caches the current frame into RAM.
	 * @return	GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK (0) on success or an error code.
	 * @param[in] img   The image structure
	 * @pre		gdispImageOpen() must have returned successfully.
	 * @note	This can use a LOT of RAM!
	 * @note	The decoder may choose to ignore the request for caching. If it does so it will
	 * @note	A fatal error here does not necessarily mean that drawing the image will fail. For
	 * 			example, a GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_NOMEMORY error simply means there isn't enough RAM to
	 * 			cache the image.
	gdispImageError gdispImageCache(gdispImage *img);

	 * @brief	Draw the image
	 * @return	GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK (0) on success or an error code.
	 * @param[in] g   	The display to draw on
	 * @param[in] img   The image structure
	 * @param[in] x,y	The screen location to draw the image
	 * @param[in] cx,cy	The area on the screen to draw
	 * @param[in] sx,sy	The image position to start drawing at
	 * @pre		gdispImageOpen() must have returned successfully.
	 * @note	If sx,sy + cx,cy is outside the image boundaries the area outside the image
	 * 			is simply not drawn.
	 * @note	If @p gdispImageCache() has been called first for this frame, this routine will draw using a
	 * 			fast blit from the cached frame. If not, it reads the input and decodes it as it
	 * 			is drawing. This may be significantly slower than if the image has been cached (but
	 * 			uses a lot less RAM)
	gdispImageError gdispGImageDraw(GDisplay *g, gdispImage *img, coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, coord_t sx, coord_t sy);
	#define gdispImageDraw(img,x,y,cx,cy,sx,sy)		gdispGImageDraw(GDISP,img,x,y,cx,cy,sx,sy)

	 * @brief	Prepare for the next frame/page in the image file.
	 * @return	A time in milliseconds to keep displaying the current frame before trying to draw
	 * 			the next frame. Watch out for the special values TIME_IMMEDIATE and TIME_INFINITE.
	 * @param[in] img   The image structure
	 * @pre		gdispImageOpen() must have returned successfully.
	 * @note	It will return TIME_IMMEDIATE if the first frame/page hasn't been drawn or if the next frame
	 * 			should be drawn immediately.
	 * @note	It will return TIME_INFINITE if another image frame doesn't exist or an error has occurred.
	 * @note	Images that support multiple pages (eg TIFF files) will return TIME_IMMEDIATE between pages
	 * 			and then TIME_INFINITE when there are no more pages.
	 * @note	An image that displays a looped animation will never return TIME_INFINITE unless it
	 * 			gets an error.
	 * @note	Calling gdispImageDraw() after getting a TIME_INFINITE will go back to drawing the first
	 * 			frame/page.
	delaytime_t gdispImageNext(gdispImage *img);
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _GDISP_IMAGE_H */
/** @} */